Welcome to the ninth day in the week (and more) of the GREAT BIG giveaway!!!
Today's giveaway consists of 1 package of the brand new 100% cotton Warm 100 in Queen Size from Warm Company!
Did you know Warm Company has a Creative Corner feature???? Click on the link to visit Creative Corner and get some wonderful FREE projects here!!! Including my Sweet Watermelon Table Decor pattern here.
How do you enter the giveaway contest?
Follow the instructions on the RaffleCopter.com widget below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This Giveaway is open internationally.
Winner will be randomly chosen on July 7th and notified by email.
Winner will be randomly chosen on July 7th and notified by email.
Be sure to leave your email address on the Rafflecopter widget.
This GREAT BIG giveaway is a week (and more!!!) long fun and fabric filled event!!!
PS.... If you have not entered already.... Be sure to see the previous giveaway posts:
- Monday's IKAPRINT Labels,
- Tuesday's GOODY BOX #1,
- Wednesday's GOODY BOX #2,
- Thursday's GOODY BOX #3,
- Saturday's FABRIC SPOT,
- Sunday's GOTHAM QUILTS, and
- Monday's FAT QUARTER SHOP post
This GREAT BIG giveaway is a week (and more!!!) long fun and fabric filled event!!!
Best of luck in the Giveaway!
And remember to....
Keep on Quilting On!
Keep on Quilting On!

1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»When I started quilting I used polyester, but now it is almost always bamboo batting, soft, natural, and so easy to use.
I use Warm and Natural, I like the feel and the weight.
I use polyester, because it doesn't shrink, it's warm, light and less expensive than other fibres. Also, the kind I have at the moment is made from recycled plastic bottles.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I am a faithful buyer of Warm and Natural. I buy it on Amazon prime for a third of the cost of my local Fabricland store that charges an arm and two legs for it. I absolutely love, love love it and have been able to do so much more Quilting now that I found it at such a great price. Also it is shipped right to my door in two days. Yay. I love my Warm and Natural. I have also used Warm and Plush, and Warm and White on a few occasions. They are both great as well. This is the best giveaway ever!!!
I like cotton batting especially for baby blankets.
I use Warm & White cotton batting for most of my projects.
I use Warm and Natural batting. I've thought about trying others but end up staying with what I know.
My two go to batting are Warm and Natural or Warm and Natural. I buy it by the roll and choose the one that feels right for the quilt. I do all of my quilts from start to finish on a domestic machine and find the Warm and Natural works better if I'm doing a king size quilt!
I use Warm and White or Warm and Natural. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com
I prefer cotton/poly for blankets and polyester for wall quilts.
I use warm and white! thanks!
My LQS sells two sorts: cotton and polyester. My first purchase was polyester which was a big mistake. Now I only use cotton, but don't know anything about other available types. As there's no other option I've never taken the effort to investigate further. It's probably time I did!
I go between Warm and Natural and Hobbs. I confess, I shop the sales!
I usually use a 80/20 blend or 100% cotton batting for my quilts. Most of the time it is Warm & Natural brand.
I think we use cotton. It is my PT time so I will have to visit the sites later
I usually use a cotton blend I find at my LQS but sometimes polyester for my daughters who love the thicker puffier look
I have used whatever I could lay my hands on and that included polyester fleece blankets and natural cotton batting.
My favorite battings are Hobbs 80/20 or one of several all cotton battings I've tried.
I have tried many, but mostly I use warm and natural.
Warm and Natural is my go to brand; it is my absolute favourite. These giveaways have been awesome! Thanks so much!!
I use Warm & Natural :)
I haven't made many quilts (just started quilting) and so I'm still trying different kinds.
I make mostly bed size quilts and absolutely love a 100% cotton batting. They are always comfortable to sleep under.
I usually quilt with Warm and natural. I enjoy some of the patterns on their projects page.
I usually use Warm and Natural, which is the most readily available, but I also like Quilter's Dream. I usually use 100% cotton batting, but I love wool batting. I've only used that for a wall hanging.
I use either Warm and Natural or a blend.
Favourite batting is warm and natural but i also used warm and white and have some wool batting to try one day too.
I prefer a cotton/ poly blend.
I use Hobbs 80/20 blend.
I use the polyester kind, that you use for hand quilting. I need to start using Warm & Natural or Hobbs.
I use Warm and Natural 80/20 most of the time.
I use cotton Batting, but buy whatever is on sale.
I use Warm and Natural, I've tried others but keep coming back to them.
I use warm and natural. Once I a while, I use warm and white.
Over the years, moving frequently with my (now retired) military husband, craft supplies were not always easily obtained. So...I concess I have used a LOT of different types and minds of batting. Presently...Warm & Natural.
Warm and natural and sometimes Hobbs wool
Over the years, moving frequently with my (now retired) military husband, craft supplies were not always easily obtained. So...I concess I have used a LOT of different types and minds of batting. Presently...Warm & Natural.
I use cotton batting for most quilts. Baby quilts are made with a light puffy polyester batting. prycek@mymts.net
Cotton or cotton blend. I tried polyester once & was much happier with cotton!
I use Warm and White a lot! robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet
Warm and natural or Quilter's Dream. Both are great!
Warm and natural or Quilter's Dream. Both are great!
Cotton! Thanks for the chance to win!
cottonpaperflowers at gmail dot com
I choose my batting by the project. Warm and natural and warm and white are common choices. I also have used bamboo, polyester and 100% cotton. I'm going to try wool soon.
I usually use Warm and White.
I usually use warm and natural. thanks for the great giveaway!
warm and natural!
I use warm and natural. I am interested in trying bamboo batting though.
Lorna, this is one incredible giveaway. How much longer? I use Warm & White most of the time, sometimes Warm & Natural, but if the quilt is black I use Hobbs 80/20 black. Thanks!
I use batting made from recycled bottles :)
Warm and white!
I usually use Warm & Natural 80/20 but, recently, I had a quilt quilted for me and they used Legacy which I really liked. It have a heavier weight to it which I prefer. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
I use Warm & Natural most of the time. I like Cotton Batting.
Warm and white is my choice.
I use Warm and Natural or Warm and White. Awesome giveaway!
Warm and Natural most of the time.
I am currently using Warm & Plush. I love how soft and plushy it is.
I use Warm & White cotton batting in queen or king size. 24Tangent@gmail.com
Sometimes poly, sometimes Hobbs 80/20, sometimes fleece, sometimes wool--it all depends on the project
I generally use Warm and Natural!
Ohioholman at aol dot com
I usually use 100% cotton batting "Warm and Natural" (?)
I always use Warm and Natural for my quilts.
I like 100% cotton. Warm &Natural is my favorite
I love Warm and Company Batting in the natural, or the white. Very soft
I can use a coupon at Joann and get some off of the large bolt.
I use Warm and Natural all the time. Thanks! akronne17@gmail.com
I use Hobbs Heirloom 100% cotton or 80/20 and Quilters Dream.
I like cotton batting and usually use Warm and Natural.
I use Hobbs heirloom. Bethastrand@gmail.com
When I use batting, it's almost always Warm & Natural. I make a lot of kids quilts, and I back them with fleece and don't use batting. It's a really nice weight, it makes them even softer & cuddlier, it's very economical, and I find quilts easier to layer this way.
My go to's are warm & natural and Hobbs 80/20.
I use Hobbs 80/20. I hand quilt, and this is so easy to sew through.
I'm a big fan of warm and natural, though I'm really considering trying wool soon.
Warm and Natural is my batting of choice for machine quilting.
Quilters Dream is my preference for hand quilting,
but I am trying a blend now and am not sure if I like it more or not!
I like the cotton/poly blends best.
I "think" I use this type...it's so long between times that I actually get to the batting part of the quilt, I forget!
Most generally, I use 100% cotton batting. I have used poly for trapunto.
I like Warm and White for my quilts as this seems to machine quilt the best for me. Have a great sunshine filled day.
I use both Warm & Natural and Hobbs 80/20.
I love wool for my own projects!
I often use Warm and Natural.
I use Warm and Natural, Hobbs, Dream or Fairfield. It depends on what I have on hand, and of course, cost.
100% cotton Warm & Natural or Warm & White. Great price, great stuff period. Love it! Thank you Lorna and The Warm Co. Scoped out more projects on your website...cool:)
Warm and Natural and Warm and White are my usual battings.
My favourite batting is Warm & White, for the clarity it brings to white and light pieced fabrics.
I use Warm & Natural most of the time. I make lots of wall quilts & table runners & I like how the weight lets them lie flat.
Like so many others, Warm & Natural is my go-to batting choice!
You've had some amazing giveaways here...thank you! I use Warm and Natural most of the time.
I have been buying Warm Company packaged batting in the smaller sizes and find it much better to use than the by the yard
I usually use cotton (warm and natural or warm and white)
I really like warm and plush -- it is almost as good as 2 layers of batting but, a little harder to find locally
I recently use a silk batting -- it feels sooo wonderful but is twice the cost and not something I would use for kids quilts. I used it on a quilt made of vintage kimono pieces. on that it was worth the upgrade.
I typically use cotton batting... and I love Warm & Natural. :)
I usually use cotton batting, but am thinking of switching to polyester batting.
I like to use the 80/20 blend. I like the way the quilts drape.
most of the time I use Hobbs 80/20 and when I'm not using that I use Hobbs 100% cotton with an occasional Quilters Dream thrown in!
Most often I use Warm and Natural.
I only use Warm and Natural batting. Tried another brand once, but wasn't satisfied - so only all cotton Warm and Natural from now on.
I use warm and white batting x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I normally use Warm & Natural.
I use either 100% cotton or 80/20 blend for my batting.
I normally use Warm & Natural.
I love Warm and Natural cotton batting but really really want to try the Wool in the future after reading how nice it is to quilt. For my placemats, mug rugs, etc I don't want thick batting and I buy some thin stuff my local shop sells for inside quilted jackets that was so popular but it's polyester I believe. I would prefer a low loft cotton instead but I haven't found one that's thin yet.
when i first started quilting, i had no idea what batting to use, so i would pick what ever was on sale. I have really come to like Warm and Natural. So that is the only thing I use now. :)
I use Warm and Natural most of the time. I have used some wool and totally love it.
I use Warm company batting! either Warm & White or warm & natural. love how easy it is for quilting and for cuddling!
I use Warm and Natural, but like Warm and White for quilts with white backgrounds.
Warm and natural is actually my go-to batting.
I use Warm & Natural! I love the weight, the ease of quilting with it and it washes up very nicely!!
I have tried cotton, polyester, cotton/poly blend, wool, silk/wool blend, but I most often use 100% cotton.
I use warm and natural I love how easy it is to use and quilt with. Plus I love that it comes in white cause I make mostly white quilts lol
I use cotton mainly. Warm and White and Warm and Natural. I've even used Fairfield batting.
Warm and Natural of course! I've used more expensive batts, but am always disappointed! 26 years of quilting and it's never let me down.
I use Warm and Natural most of the time. I like wool batting too.
Warm and Natural it is!!! Love that stuff!
My go to is always warm and natural. I buy it by the large rolls.
I use Warm and Natural but have used other brands when they have been given to me, lol.
I use warm and natural cotton batting.
Whatever have in store. Love sleeping under wool wadding.
i prefer warm and white and also use have used warm and natural.
I use Hobbs 80/20 and sometimes add wool to it if I want to poof it up in areas:)
I love the cotton batting, I love the feel of it and like to quilt on it also. But, I use polyester also.
warm and natural cotton batting - the only batting I ever use
Years ago my husband bought a whole bolt of Warm and Natural (because he had some crazy non-quilt project in mind). He never did his project, so I've been using up the batting little by little.
Warm and natural cotton or an 80/20 mix
I like Warn and Natural cotton batting.
I use warm batting. I love quilting with it. I also love the drape it adds to projects. Thank you for the giveaway.
I use Warm & Natural for most of my quilts! If I want something warm & cuddly, I will splurge and buy wool batting. Love the feel of natural wool and cotton in my quilts.
Number one is Warm and Natural; first one recommended to me and it's the one I keep going back to. Occasionally I use Hobbs 80/20. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity.
I use warm and natural the most, but have fallen in love with warm and plush.
I have been using Hobbs 80/20 because it was easily available & a bargain with a coupon (got it at Michaels). There's never any there lately, though, so may need to go back to Warm & Natural. annesimonot@sasktel.net
I use a fair amount of 100% cotton batting, but I also love using an 80/20 blend. I recently started using a new 60/40 blend. I love quilting with cotton, by I've always heard polyester is warmer and it gets pretty child where I live.
I use a fair amount of 100% cotton batting, but I also love using an 80/20 blend. I recently started using a new 60/40 blend. I love quilting with cotton, by I've always heard polyester is warmer and it gets pretty child where I live.
My favorite is the Warm & White, but the Warm & Natural is easier to find without shipping.
If I am doing something that I want to have "structure" I use warm and white or warm and natural. If I want something with drape, I use hobbs 80/20. I recently had a quilt done by a longarmer and she used an 80% cotton/20% wool bat which I also really loved the drape on. Still experimenting on the batt front. Do not like poly as it's too slippery!
Hi! I usually use a cotton batting - but I like the look of overlaying silk on top of cotton so i am moving towards that option!
I've always used Warm & Natural or Warm & White, so I haven't really tried any others.
Warm and natural is my go to batting.
I use the Warm and Natural, I love the way it drapes.
I like using Warm and White 100% cotton batting.
Warm and Natural and Warm and White all 100% cotton
I use warm and natural, polyester or flannel. What ever I have on hand. Thank you for a chance to win this giveaway.
I use Warm and Natural!
I've used Warm and Natural the most, but have been branching out and trying 50% cotton/50% soy and also.some silk
I like cotton or 80/20 but would like to try wool and more. Cotton works so well when you freemotion on domestic because it helps stay in place and feels soft and pliable when done.
The batting I use depends on the quilt. I mostly use 80/20, or Warm and Natural, and sometimes wool. I just finished quilting a queen size Fractured quilt using a W&N batting--love the drape!
I purchased a bolt of Hobbs 80/20, it was an unbelievable price so couldn't turn it down.
I use cotton and usually shop the sales
I am so new to quilting I don't have a favorite yet!
I'm a fairly new quilter and am always confused as to what batting is best. Would love to win!
I use Warm and White or Hobbs 80/20.
I have used several brands, but tend to buy and use more Warm & Natural. I like the feel and weight of it, plus it's easy to sew!
Love to use all Cotton Batting! Warm+Natural is my first choice! Thank You for a neat giveaway! msstitcher1214@gmail.com
Warm and Natural almost exclusively - have used the warm & plush once and it was SOOOO thick!
I usually use Warm and Natural unless it is for a small child and will require washing every other day! Then I tend to use poly. thanks for the chance to win!
I haven't had the opportunity to try very many types. This one sounds interesting to try!
I use cotton exclusively in quilts. Table runners and wall hangings I sometimes use poly because it is cheaper. I really do not like working with polyester, I much prefer warm and natural.
I usually use 80/20, but I would love to try Warm and Natural. Thanks for the chance to win, and thanks for yur great blog!
I've only made three quilts so far and have been recommended to use 100% cotton so that is what I've been using. Warm and Natural. Maybe after I've made more, I might try something different just to see what the difference is?
I've been using Warm and Natural! Thanks for the giveaway posts!
I tend to use warm and natural but depending on the project, I jump around a bit
I prefer 100% cotton batting, but sometimes use 80/20 for durability. I often use the Warm and Natural brand.
warn and natrual, thanks
I have only made two quilts so far and I used a low loft cotton batting. I am working on another small wall hanging for which I am going to try a low-loft polyester batting.
I like an 80/20 mix, usually Hobbs, but lately my local stores have gone with a Canadian product from a company who's name I can never remember.
I use Warm and Natural as well. It seems to do best on the quilts that I make. It doesn't shrink or stretch out like the cotton I used to use.
I use warm and natural a lot.
I normally use the warm and natural 100% cotton. I love the way it feels...
I use warm and natural almost all the time
love their batting, use it all the time
thanks for the give away
Thanks for the awesome giveaways Lorna. i use FairField polyester
Warm and Natural! Love the look after washing, and it always quilts up great.
I usually use Warm and Natural cotton batting.
I use warm and natural.But i also always look at yard sales and salvation army stores for polyester batting or any batting for that matter... happyness04431@yahoo.com
Warm and Natural.
Normally 100% cotton but I recently used an 80/20 so I'm looking forward to seeing the difference after the quilt is laundered.
When I bought my first embroidery machine in late 2003, I took a class to learn my machine and then we did a fun class which was a calendar wall hanging. We used Warm & Natural batting for that and it's the only kind I have bought since. I did take a Beginner Quilt Class and I wasn't told ahead of time to bring batting on one of the classes so I had to buy it from the shop I was taking the classes at. She sold some type of wool batting and I did not like that at all, mostly because it had large chunks of material in the batting and those left obvious lumpy spots in the project. I will stick to the Warm & Natural because I know the product and have loved everything I made using that so far.
i use mainly warm and natural as this is what my LQS carries. Thanks for sharing
Warm & Natural!
I use Warm and Natural.
I use Warm & White or Warm & Plush for a thicker quilt.
I most always use warm and natural!
I've always used warm & natural.
Would love to win!
I ALWAYS use Warm and Natural. Never anything else.
Warm & Natural! ♡
Warm & Natural! ♡
I knew it!! Mystery solved...I finally figured out how you get so much accomplished--you are on day 9 of a weeklong giveaway meaning that your weeks have more days in them than mine!
I've only ever used Warm and Natural (except a couple of early on quilts that I used packaged poly when there wasn't much else available). The Warm Company has great consumer service. I had a problem with my last package of batting and they were so kind and courteous and offered to replace it. I just sent it off in the mail yesterday and looking forward to getting the replacement. Karen
I usually use an 80 20 batting.
i like silk batting , so nice, so pretty
I use 100% cotton or 80/20 for bed quilts. If I want a puffy quilt that really shows the quilting then wool is great.
I use warm and white batting for my quilts.
I normally use 80/20 batting for my quilts.
Warm & White or Pellon's Nature's Touch. Thanks!
I haven't bought any for awhile, still have half a big roll. I think it's an 80/20.
Mostly 80/20 for my quilts, and 100% cotton. I want my quilts warm and cuddly and sturdy, and this batting shows off quilting nicely.
I use 100% cotton for quilts and polyester for runners,pincushions.
I use Warm & Natural! Thanks for all of these giveaways!!
I usually use Warm and Natural. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
I use 80/20 usually but I have also used bamboo. Lovely giveaways Lorna, thank you
I like the low loft. I use many types. cotton and poly depends on my project
I use nothing but natural cotton or bamboo now LOVE IT. Makes so much difference.
I usually use Dream Cotton.
I usually use whatever I have on hand. :) It really depends on the project what I use. I do like the feel and look of cotton, though.
Sandy A
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