Welcome to the third day in the week of the GREAT BIG giveaway!!!
Today's giveaway consists of a big bundle of beautiful batik fabrics from Island Batik, 3 1/2 spools of Aurifil, the new book The Quilter's Paper-Piecing Workbook by Elizabeth Dackson of Don't Call Me Betsy and the new book Lines By Design Quilts by Debbie Grifka of Esch House Quilts. And a few little extras thrown in.
How do you enter the giveaway contest?
Follow the instructions on the RaffleCopter.com widget below!
This Giveaway is open internationally.
However, shipping is not included. The winner will be expected to pay for the shipping.
However, shipping is not included. The winner will be expected to pay for the shipping.
Winner will be randomly chosen on July 7th and notified by email.
Be sure to leave your email address on the Rafflecopter widget.
Today I also want to let you know about the upcoming annual Pets On Quilts contest that will be hosted in August by Jacque (a.k.a. Snoodles) of Lily Pad Quilting. This is the PURRRRRR-fect opportunity to get some feature photos of your cat/dog/rabbit/fish?/calf/puppy/monkey/baby on your quilts. The linky party is a fun time and wonderful opportunity to meet some other quilters who love their pets!
NOW it's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?
What have you been working on?

- Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
- In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
- Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun! Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
- Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!
Best of luck in the Giveaway!
And remember to....
Keep on Quilting On!
Keep on Quilting On!

1 – 200 of 381 Newer› Newest»My favorite quilt color is blue but my real favorite color is yellow.
Navy Blue!
Any shade of blue - if I had to pick one it would be Patriotic Blue
My favourite color is bluegreen.
I love purple and aqua!
Love purples and love greens
Favorite color. ..pink! Bethastrand@gmail.com
Definitely blue, of any depth or paleness.
I love deep red
Orange for me.
My favorite color is yellow.
My favorite colour is bege and brown, I sew quilts usually in blue, dark blue and turquoise shades of red
Turquoise blue
Still purple and green :-)
I love clear jewel tone colors. Aqua is a favorite of mine.
This year I seem to be smitten with raspberry.
It's pink!
I know I said teal yesterday but.....I love aqua and lime green and purple too!
I love blue!
The paper piecing book would be such a treat. I have just started quilting last year and haven't ventured into the paper piecing world yet.
I love red
Blues!!! Thanks for the chance. akronne17@gmail.com
Blue is my favorite color.
Thanks for the info on pets on quilts. It will be lots of fun seeing the pets.
I need to lean paper piecing.
Love yellow - pale to golden. My first finished quilt when I started to 'quilt' was all in different shades of yellow :)!
I love green! and purple comes in a close second :) Thanks for a great giveaway.
My favorite color is orange!
I love turquoise.
For quilts, I tend to leave any soft colors but green is my favorite color in general.
I still love purple...and it seems to always be lacking in my stash!
My favorite color is blue.
I love any shade of blue! robinsheloratearthlinkdotnet
Those Batiks look scrumptious! 😊
I love yellows!
Any shade of blue from deep navy to aquamarine.
Rainbow is my favorite color
I love purple!
I love blue in every shade.
every quilt needs orange to spice it up a bit.
Today my favorite color is green!
Green, green and more green.
My favorite color is pinks and purples.
Any shade of blue.
Blues and pinks.
Blue, especially teal. I like blue and brown together.
I love all things lavender.
Some bright yellows or orange in a quilt just make it sing in my eyes. Love the fall colors in any quilt.
I Love to Paper Piece. These Batik Fabrics are Gorgeous! My Fave Colirs Change. I Love Blues and Purples...
My favorite quilt color is pink.
A friend and I will be long arming a quilt top today that will ultimately go to Walter Reid hospital.
I love the color aqua and teal..
Pink! It's my favorite colour - I use it in almost every quilt. I don't know why I love it, it just makes me smile :)
my favorite color would be the blue family.
I follow you on my feedly reader
Blue is my favorite but aqua specifically.
My favorite color is pink.
My favorite color is orange. Love the combination of aqua and coral.
Blue, the blue of the Caribbean ocean.
Purple and pink are my favourites.
My favorite color is blue. But at the moment I am loving bright colors.
pink and purple!
Looking at my scraps, blue wins. Darlene
Any shade of green!
Purple. but Red too.
Anything Aqua!
I love all the orange tones, perfect for pumpkins
Aqua for sure.
My favourite colour is blue x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
My favorite color is blue! All shades of blue.
Love batiks in fall colours!
Love the rich saturated jewel tones.
All shades of blue, any shade of green, oh heck, I just love any color!
fav color is Blue :)
I love teal.
Love blue and red--blue red. Love the animals.
My favorite color is blue. Any shade of blue.
I don't have just one--I love color! Rainbow I guess. It always depends on what it is and what it's for--with quilts I like them all.
My favorite color is Red but I love making quilts with Teal & Orange
My favourite colour is red however I am being pulled to turquoise fabrics lately
Love finding and sewing PURPLES!!!
Red! What a fun giveaway!
Turquoise is my favorite.
Green. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite color (today, anyway) is aqua blue. :) Thanks for the chance ~ what a great giveaway!!
I'm still a huge fan of line green! Love both of these books and would love to add them to my collection!!
I love all shades of blue.
Orange/yeloow and purple are my favorites. 24Tangent@gmail.com
Orange and coral.
Thank you Lorna for all the goodies. Recently read the review on a Quilters Paper Piecing book...I'm new to paper piecing, love it and all advice welcome.
I am still loving green!
I love green. Anything bright and cheery!!
My favorite colors are aqua/teal/blue.
My favourite colour for a quilt is yellow. A deeply saturated yellow, big blocks, hand quilted in a big stitch.
My favorite color is BLUE! Thanks so much for the incredible giveaway!
Love turquoise and light blue
wow this is a great give a way. you are so generous. thanks.
my favorite color is PINK
My favourite colour is blue, all varieties! Love a blue sky, whether daytime blue or midnight blue. :-) Wow Lorna, this is a fabulous giveaway you've got going. Thank you. :-)
My favorite color is purple, any hue. Thank you for the giveaway!
I love all colors, but turquoise/blue is my favorite. Oh those batiks are just gorgeous!
Breast cancer survivor 10 years now....Pink love pink...... bring on all shades of pink lol.... happyness04431@yahoo.com
My favorite color is various shades of blue/greens. Thank you for the generous give away.
I love a good rainbow, but blues and greens tend to be my favorites.
My favorite color, by far, is blue!
My favorite color is blue.
Favorite color is yellow
Since I said I love teal/turquoise yesterday, I'll say what I have been working. Just finished up the design of a comission piece of cross stitch, first piece I'll be paid for! It is of a pug
Since I said I love teal/turquoise yesterday, I'll say what I have been working. Just finished up the design of a comission piece of cross stitch, first piece I'll be paid for! It is of a pug
Purple, though I rarely sew with it!
I just love colour but I usually pick lime green when it's an option!
my favorite color is all shades of teal/aqua. thanks for the giveaway.
I used to really like pink. Lately though it seems to be purple.
tracinecharest at Gmail dot com
I guess my favorite color is blue.
blue all the way
Thank you for this opportunity. I love greens & teals & these fabrics look delicious. The paper piecing book looks extremely interesting & I would love to make something from it!
Orange is it this past year or so. Red orange, yellow orange, orange orange.
My favorite is blue and any shade of it, thanks for the chance to win!
Right now I am leaning more towards Orange and teals:)
Today it's aqua.
I would say blues. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to try some paper piecing.
Orange any shade, with or without white.
My favorite color is red, thank you so much for all the give-aways. The rewards are gorgeous. Good luck to all!
My favorite colour is blue although I rarely use it for quilting .
My favorite colour is teal blue! Do use it in quilts if I can.
My favourite colour is fuschia but lately I have been really drawn to blues
Red but it needs to be a Chinese red. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
I love green.
Red, brick shades. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
Yay! It looks like I am back online just in time! My fave color is orange....and aqua! It really is a toss up! xo!
I am passionate about p urple!!!
Aqua/teal and lots of blues!
I guess I would have to say my favorite color in fabric is blue, with green and purple next. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com
My favorite color is pink!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail dot com
My favorite color is...all of them! 😀 But I love aqua and pink.
At the moment my favorite color is teal.
At the moment, my favorite color is red.
I would have to say my favorite color is...white. I love the look of white and how it can make any other color shine.
Pink, pink, pink!!!:)
HELLO, it's Red !
Orange. But it changes, Some days it's yellow or red or gray or purple and even aqua. I just enjoy color. kthurn(at)bektel(dot)com
I like shades of blue purple.
Aqua is my favorite
My favourite colour is green.
Today's prize package is awesome! I would be tickled to get the paper-piecing bundle and get more practice! Purple is my favorite colors...every shade!
BLUE! ANY primary color, but I usually avoid pink!
My favorite color is any combo of blue and green.
Purple is my most favorite, but I love all colors.
My favourite colour is blue any shade and every hue!! Thanks!!!
Oh my, what an amazing bundle of color. I love periwinkle, but blue, pink, purple, red are often included in my quilts too. Thanks for the great give away.
My favorite color is green. What a fantastic giveaway. Thanks!
Blue has always been my favorite color but purple is a close second.
I love light, bright Greens
You just reminded of me of how fun the pets on parade was!! Looking forward to this years.
Favorite color Green
I love purple and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
I love so many color combinations. It really depends on the pattern, but my eye is always caught by the greens and blues.
Although lime green and hot pink are my favourite colors, I don't wear them. Black, dark blue, dark green and pink are what looks best on me.
Thank you for your contest and give aways! It's always fun to try and win something! I don't think there is a color I DON'T like, for me, quilting is ALL about the colors!!! That being said, if I had to pick one color to be stranded with on an island, it would be purple.
Blue :) any shade.
Purples and Bright Orange
Hi there Lorna,
I'm a Purple lover and have been since I was a little pip-squeak!
Quilty Huggs,
Yesterday my favorite color was pink. Today it might just be yellow. :) Depends on the day what is my favorite!
Sandy A
Purple is my favorite color for quilting.
Loooove Blues...right now fave is Aqua :)
Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way! :D
Pink all the way
I love purple.
I LOVE pink!
I love buttery shades of yellow!
Any and all shades of blue tug at my heartstrings. Thanks for sharing
Well, Lorna, you had me at paper piecing! Great giveaway, and as they say in Germany "Pressing my thumbs" (aka crossing my fingers!)
I like any color, depending on my mood. But yellow, orange and blues always seem to pop into most things I do.
I'm crushing pretty hard on the color blue right now.
Yellow. Sunny yellow.
My favorite color is purple!
Still stuck on green :)
Blue, all shades of blue, just love it.
So hard to choose a favourite colour but I do LOVE red in all shades. Blue is a very close second.
For quilts I love multi coloured.
perry94022 at Hotmail dot com
My favorite is green. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
My favorite color is blue, although I do gravitate to pink as well. Does a quilter really have one favorite color?? Thanks for the great giveaway.
My favourite colour is aqua at the moment!
My favorite color is blue, and I like to pair it with oranges like tangerine or coral.
My all time favorite color is red...a deep rich red. But, lately I have been drawn to blue.
Pink - any all shades of pink!
My favorite color is green but this year I`m playing with blues ones,
My favorite color has always been green, but I find myself really liking Orange these days. I've only made one green quilt and I ended up giving it away. Maybe that will be next on the list... Thanks for the chance!
i love BLUE!!!!!!!
My favorite color is red, followed very closely by purple.
The sign up widget is giving me Tuesday's sign up question.
I love blue.
Have always loved greens, but recently I seem to be buying a lot of reds???
My favorite color is green - I even like that "death" green. Thanks.
Have always loved greens, but am currently drawn to reds!
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