There are two styles of dogs. Ears up and Ears down.
There are two block sizes. Small finishes at 9" x 6" and Large finishes at 18" x 12"
There are two sizes of quilts. Mini finishes at 30" x 30" and Maxi finishes at 60" x 60".
Just to give you fair warning.... The dog blocks are addictive
Once you make one, you'll want to make a whole litter!
Here are some examples of how your Dog Gone Cute quilt could look!
A quilt along is always more fun than quilting alone. And a blog hop helps to spread the fun around! Want to get in on the fun? Then grab a button below and share it on your blog!

To participate only in the Quilt Along, tune in to Sew Fresh Quilts beginning on September 1st, when block and quilt size options, and details of fabric requirements will be shared. Or you can purchase the pattern and quilt along at your own pace. Each week following September 1st, instructions for the piecing of the various dog blocks will be given. In November, a linky party will be available to share your flickr and instagram photos or your Dog Gone Cute blog posts.
Participants of the Blog Hop portion will be placed on a schedule where we can come to visit you at your blog on your "Show It Off" day during October. Participants of the blog hop portion will be required to purchase a copy of the Dog Gone Cute quilt pattern, but will be reimbursed following the last day of the blog hop providing they do their part to help make the blog hop a success. The success of a blog hop depends on the participant's willingness to commit and follow through with their obligation:
- to make something quilted using the Dog Gone Cute pattern
- to blog about it in time for their day on the hop
- to visit the other participants on their "Show It Off" day.
Dog Gone Cute Introductory Post
Dog Gone Cute mini quilt sample shown
Dog Gone Cute Update #1
Dog Gone Cute maxi quilt sample shown
Dog Gone Cute Paw Print bonus border blocks
Dog Gone Cute zippered pillows sample shown
Quilt Along begins!
September 1 - Block and Quilt size options and fabric requirements September 8 - Blocks #1 and #2
September 15 - Blocks #3 and #4
September 22 - Blocks #5 and #6
September 29 - Blocks #7 and #8
NEW! Long Floppy Ears modification by Jennifer of The Inquiring Quilter here.
Blog Hop begins!
October 6 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here October 8 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 13 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 15 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 20 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 22 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 27 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
October 29 - Visit our Blog Hop participants found here
Linky Party begins!
November 3 - Linky Party opens
November 10 - Linky Party closes and Voting Begins
November 17 - Voting Ends
November 24 - Prizes Awarded!
Share photos of your progress using the hashtag #dgcqal or #doggonecuteqal
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