23 June 2016

Down on the Farm....

Jessie daughter of Orange Head

What's been keeping me busy?????

The lazy days of summer are finally here. Yes, the winters are long and I do so much look forward to these sunny summer days. But really they are anything but lazy. In spite of appearances.....

Daisy daughter of Mary Jane

Daisy daughter of Mary Jane

Breakfast, lunch and dinner must be served. Here you can see the Daisy getting her morning meal from mom, Mary Jane. This was the second calf born to our heifers this year.

Andy was the first born. This is Andy and my daughter Erin out for a walk on his "leash". Unfortunately, Andy's mom died the day he was born. Hence the name - Little Orphan Andy.


We have to keep Andy separate from the other new moms. This may seem cruel. He really wants to be out with everyone else. But those new mothers can be VERY protective of their new babies. And would very likely kick or crush little Andy if he tried to get milk from them or got too close to the other calves during the first few days. But he is doing really well and we are bottle feeding him 3 times a day. He sure does enjoy his time out in the yard to enjoy soaking up some sun and get his vitamin D.

Little Orphan Andy son of Whitey

Maddie was born next. She is the daughter of Bertha. And is Erin's little sweetie pie.

Erin with Maddie

It feels pretty good to get a scratch under the chin. But now it's time to RUN!!!

Between calves being born, my son and I also traveled to Paris to pick up this new pick up. It is my son's first vehicle. And he can't even drive it until the fall when he has his sixteenth birthday. He's just planning ahead I guess.

Russell and his new 2002 Dodge Ram

Jessie, who is pictured at the top of this post was born next and is the daughter of Orange Head. Then along came AbracaDaniel, who was named by my son, Russell.  I think we will just call him Danny. He is the son of Spook. 

Danny son of Spook

The next day Scooter was born. He is spunky and full of personality.

Mouse gives birth to a son, Scooter. 

Below you can see them sharing their very first morning together

Scooter son of Mouse

Now normally I do not post about my life "Down on the Farm". But between births and feedings and other normal life activities, things have been a little slow going when it comes to progress on the quilting front.

But I finally finished Step #1

Make 940 half square triangles and trim to 1.5"

for the Modernitional Bear Paw queen size quilt and I wanted to update my progress.

Keep On Quilting On!


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Kristin said...

Wow!! That is a lot of cuteness! My favorite photo is the one of scooter and his mom!

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Oh I loved seeing your pictures. And the names you picked out are so cute, just like the calves. So neat to see how tame some of the calves are with your daughter. I raise cattle too but unfortunately mine are not that tame. Very cautious of us. I'm in favor of seeing more of the farm in the future. Thank you

Nancy said...

I didn't know you lived on a farm, Lorna. You must be very busy, aside from and in addition to your quilting. Those calves are just adorable. Good work on your 1 1/2" HTS. That's a lot of squares to make!
--Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

That is a lot of HSTs and so small. Great work.

Anne D said...

I have always had a thing for cows. They are adorable! I am patiently waiting for you to release a cow pattern. Hint hint

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

when living on a farm we all know there is a lot of hard work - can't have time for quilting all the time - thanks for sharing a part of your life!

Little Quiltsong said...

Oh Wow - thank you for sharing life on a farm! My husband is a 'farm boy' and we always love hearing the stories he tells.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Yes, this post was quite different from your usual quilty one, but interesting nonetheless. :-) Have a ggod day!

Kris Quilts said...

I loved seeing your farm photos! I'm a farm girl, too, but stuck in the suburbs. We love to visit my parents on their farm, but all the livestock is gone now, and they rent out the land to a high school classmate of mine. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Tish Stemple said...

I love when my quilty friends post about their non quilty life. When you love your friends, you love them for everything that makes them who they are. And holy calf cuteness overload. I think I want to pet them all. We do not have a lot of big farms in our area, but our school does have a FFA program. My daughter's advisory teacher is part of that program so in the spring she has lots of baby animals. They had two calves this spring. Jen loved helping with the bottle feeding and walking them around the schools back yard on a leash.

Jayne said...

These guys are so so cute! It makes me wish I lived on a farm! I love learning more about you and your life Lorna!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Wow making and trimming that many HSTs is a monumental effort. And thanks for sharing some real life with us; those babies are so cute!

Quilter Kathy said...

So much going on to enjoy!
And wowzer that's a lot of HSTs to make!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Oh Lorna I so enjoed getting to know you a little bit better through this post. It's one of my favorites! My friend owns a dairy farm and I took our 21/2 year old grandson out there and he LOVED it!! He got to go in a pen with a day old calf and was sooooo thrilled. (Poor calf...lol!!) Okay 920 tiny HST...OMG!!

legato1958 said...

It's so fun to "meet" your family and farm family!!
And.... wow ! That's s haystack full of HST you are making!!!
How do you have time to create patterns and sew??!!


Patti said...

Holy Wow! How do you find the time to do half the things that you do?I loved hearing about your sweet, 4-legged family!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your cattle family with us! You have a knack for capturing emotion in your photos. I've often thought I would love to live on a farm and raise sheep or goats or cattle. But alas, it's not to be. However, I can live it vicariously through you! So yes! More farm stories/photos!

Quilts By Laurel said...

I love seeing all the babies! :)

PugMom said...

Lorna, your farm babies are adorable! They should definitely appear on the blog more often! And you should design a calf quilt!
Pugs and kisses,

Kate said...

Lots of happenings at your place. I'm in awe that you finished 940 HSTs in the middle of all of that!

KathyinMN said...

The scooter-mouse picture of their first morning cuddle is so cute. Thanks for sharing, it's a nice break for my blog feed.

Baa. xxx said...

Great fun to see your farm life. Those calves are such cute! Love the names you have for them. Loved seeing all their photos.

Linda said...

That's a lot of half square triangles!!!! Your family/farm pictures are the best, thanks for sharing!!!

Dave S. said...

Wonderful break from the norm type posts! However...940 HST???? Holy Crap. How long did that take and what did you use to make it? Ruler? Etc

Teje Karjalainen said...

Thank you you Lorna for the visit in your farm! I love animals and new borns are so cute! I know it's hard work and not only happy days. Poor Andy loosing his mom. Beautiful photos! x Teje

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

I love having a taste of your life Lorna. I've never lived on a farm though I'm a country girl. You have some beautiful animals.

Karen @runsewfun said...

So fun meeting all the sweet calves this morning! I'm stuck on Andy who lost his mama. He's really beautiful. I guess I never realized you live on an active farm. Thanks for sharing!
Also, helpful children are the best!
Apparently all these babies weren't enough and you needed 940 more things to do! You're amazing!

Pat said...

Poor little Andy ... at least you can feed him cow's milk, lol. All the newborns look so sweet.

Patch the Giraffe said...

It must be so much fun to name these little guys. I was cracking up, Bertha, Scooter! Poor Andy if only he was house broken I would adopt!

Carole @ Fresh off the Frame said...

I enjoyed this glimpse of your life beyond quilting, and hope you will give us updates as the summer goes on! Wow, thatsalottatinypiecing by your machine. Probably feels great to be ready for the next step. :-)

Carole @ Fresh off the Frame said...

I enjoyed this glimpse of your life beyond quilting, and hope you will give us updates as the summer goes on! Wow, thatsalottatinypiecing by your machine. Probably feels great to be ready for the next step. :-)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

So much cuteness!!! I love baby calves ;-) And congrats on the Pick up to your son!!

lvkwilt said...

Between the farm and two teenagers, I'm amazed at how much designing you get done! Thanks for sharing! As a child, we visited my aunt and uncle's farm one week every summer. I would have loved growing up on a farm! I did get to have a baby bull calf for one week that I walked around on a rope--Petey. Memories!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Loved seeing all your babies....too cute!

Shelina said...

Wow, I've always been so impressed at how you manage to get so many quilts made, and now I find out you have a farm - I'm sure that takes at least twice the amount of time quilting takes! You are incredible. Love all these cute baby pictures!

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