26 August 2013

Bee Block

I have been contemplating doing some paper piecing (PP) for quite some time now....
But it wasn't until I seen the cute little pink unicorn Kristy of Quiet Play,
that I found I could no longer resist the urge jump onto the paper piecing band wagon!
It seems that everyone is joining in the fun linky party going on over there each week....

And I wanted to join in, too!

     You see, I found this lovely bee pattern months ago, designed by Barbara of B's Modern Quilting.
 I saved it to my computer.
I even pinned it to my Paper Pieced Pinterest board.
I printed it out.

And I put it on a shelf in my sewing room.

Keep in mind that this is my very first attempt and of course, it is not perfect, but it is finished.
I still have all my hair - gray as it is - and I am still interested in doing it again!

How do you feel about Paper Piecing?
  Have you tried it?  Do you have trouble with it?

Or do you Love it?!!!

Linking up this week with Kristy at Quiet Play!

Join me!


jan said...

Lorna! I love your bee! It turned out great. I shared on Facebook.
xo jan

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

I actually love paper piecing, once I got the hang of it. A good 3/4 of the pattern books I have are paper piecing. Your bee looks great!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous bee Lorna. I love paper piecing but you definitely have to be in the mood for it. Marie (mlismore@optusnet.com.au)

Susan at TheBoredZombie.com said...

It's fantastic! You did a great job. The only time I tried paper piecing, I both loved and hated it. I don't know that it is my mojo, but I really do like watching what every one is doing. :)

Serena @ Sewgiving said...

Bee-utiful! (Sorry I couldn't help myself). Looking forward to seeing more PP from you :)

ipatchandquilt said...

Wow, this is a very fun block! Your piecing looks perfect to me! Do not " bee " surprised if you turn into a pp addict, LOL!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
Ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

This is so beautiful! I've done a few PP and enjoyed it.....I should do some more after seeing this! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

Barb Neiwert said...

Fun, fun! I haven't tried paper piecing yet, but the possibilities seem endless.

Kristin said...

Lorna, your bee is soooo cute. Never would have known you were not an expert paper piecer!!

AmandaK@whatthebobbin said...

I love that bee block :) Nice job.

Glinda ♥ said...

Haven't you been a busy bee? Love it - it's beelightful :)

Christine said...

I love your bee. I need more practice with paper piecing. I love love love all the projects I see with paper piecing but I have to force myself to do it because it doesn't seam as natural to me. I often chose to sew things that don't require much thinking.

Kira said...

Fantastic bee!! I love paper piecing and use it quite often.

Unknown said...

How nice! Love it!

Vicki said...

OMG Lorna! This is absolutely a fantastic, wonderful, amazing block! WOW!!!

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

what a cute little bee!! I like your choice of fabrics, especially for the wings! I've never done paper piecing, but I'm always fascinated by it!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Renee said...

Oh you did a fantastic job! Love that bee, it looks fabulous.

Unknown said...

It looks fantastic! This is super cute!

Elise Lea said...

Love this block! My mom raises honey bees so as soon as I saw the free block pattern I had to go save it myself!

Laura C @ littleandlots said...

Your bee looks FANTASTIC. You have been PP'ing on the sly, all along. right?!

I am not a paper-piecing lover. I love to look at everyone's blocks but the process makes me impatient and edgy. I also kind of hate fabric waste. That said, I have done one of Amy at During Quiet Time's blocks recently and it is maybe the prettiest block I've ever sewn. I see why people love it!

Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

What a great bee block. It looks quite ambitious for a first EPP.

Unknown said...

Very cute! Bees seem popular lately, and I'm dying to try one of my own.

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

Woohoo! Yay for joining in the paper piecing madness! Your bee block looks fantastic - awesome effort, and I don't think anyone could tell it was your first ever paper pieced block - it's fabulous!

Dolores said...

Cute little bee. I have done paper piecing but it's not really a favourite. I will do it though because there are some really nice patterns out there.

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

Your paper piece bumble bee is so incredible. Great job! I saw it on facebook as well.

Anonymous said...

That's a huge accomplishment for your first paper pieced block. LOVE IT, I am a paper piecing diva myself. I could forget all other types of piecing, esp applique. LOL I can't wait to see what's next!

Sandy said...

fantastic job!! and great fabric choices!!

Susan J Barker said...

Great little project to start paper piecing! When paper piecing first showed up in the early 90's I even had a small business printing patterns! The designs and tools and techniques have really improved over the years! Maybe I will try out a few projects again...

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a way to jump into paper piecing. Love it!

Tricia ~~ Handmade Whimzy said...

I love paper piecing and your bee block looks great! You picked a harder one for your first block - you're very brave!

hydeeannsews said...

that is one fabulous bee!

I epp but haven't tried foundation yet. LOVE epp!!! it's portable - eek!

MC said...

Such a cute bee, great job!

Jessica Hadden said...

Never paper pieced before but your block makes me want to bee adventurous! ADORABLE

nicole said...

Wow! There's no way this is your first time! Your block looks awesome! Great job :)

Leanne said...

Your bee is wonderful! I paper piece all the time, it sure lets you make interesting patterns but it is tiring.

Carli The Quilter said...

Lovely bee in paper peicing. Yes, I've tried PP and still not in love with it, yet. What do you do with removing the paper. The PP I've tried all seem to pop the stitches as I try to remove the paper? Help?

Michelle said...

I've managed successful paper piecing once. Whatever I did right that day, I can't seem to do it again.

I love your bee, especially the great detail on her legs.

Mara said...

I was originally going to do this on my bee tote, I even have the fabric picked and the paper printed, but was a little intimidated, I will make it some day. You did a great job.

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