WELCOME to the epic #HPQAL2019!
I even updated my logo to match
Now for a bit of absolute seriousness...
TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared for the purpose of the Harry Potter Quilt Along are derivative art and are free for your personal and non-profit use ONLY. Patterns are not to be used for distribution, resale or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, or physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc). By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms.
Thank you for quilting along!
Square blocks finish at 10”x 10” OR 20”x 20”
Quilt finishes
44”x 55” OR 85”x 106” OR 106" X 106"
To see my finished Harry Potter quilts, please CLICK HERE
The Schedule:
Thanks to these lovely sponsors!
Click here to view the Sponsor Page!
Click on the titles or pictures
Click here to download COVER PDF
Here you will find the Downloadable PDF Finishing file which provides information on Cutting for Finishing Background and Binding
Click here to download FINISHING PDF
Here you will find the Downloadable PDF
Piecing Methods and General Instructions file
Click here to download PIECING PDF
I even updated my logo to match
Now for a bit of absolute seriousness...
TERMS OF USE: All patterns shared for the purpose of the Harry Potter Quilt Along are derivative art and are free for your personal and non-profit use ONLY. Patterns are not to be used for distribution, resale or manufacture. That means no selling the patterns themselves, PHOTOS, or physical projects made using these patterns (including but not limited to: commissions, custom work, no selling on Etsy, Ebay, craft shows, etc). By downloading/printing these patterns, you agree to these terms.
Thank you for quilting along!
On this page you will be able to follow along on this FREE, fun-filled, fabulous quilting adventure of epic proportions! This Sew Fresh Quilts Harry Potter quilt design, as shown below, is offered in THREE sizes.
Harry Potter Quilt Along 2019 by Lorna McMahon of Sew Fresh Quilts |
Square blocks finish at 10”x 10” OR 20”x 20”
Quilt finishes
44”x 55” OR 85”x 106” OR 106" X 106"
To see my finished Harry Potter quilts, please CLICK HERE
The Schedule:
The quilt along begins on JANUARY 15, 2019 with an introductory post by both myself and by Kelli of Seriously, I think it needs stitches, who is also doing a Harry Potter sew along this year. We decided to do them together and cross post and link our blocks! Offering you endless options - of what blocks you would like to include in your quilt - and twice the fun!
Each block post will be downloadable as a PDF file that you can save to your computer and print off for your convenience. The link to each download will be at the end of that week's block post.
Following the introductory post, one of 20 block tutorials will be posted each Saturday starting on January 19, 2019. You will find each block's tutorial link below, going live as they are posted.
Other than the fact that you are going to have so much fun participating in this superfantabulous quilt along, but....
There will be fun giveaways along the way!
Thanks to these lovely sponsors!
Click here to view the Sponsor Page!
Click on the titles or pictures
to be taken to the block instruction posts
(as the links become available)
Here you will find the UPDATED Downloadable PDF Cover file with provides information on the Quilt Size Options and the Fabric Requirements (as the links become available)
Click here to download COVER PDF
Here you will find the Downloadable PDF Finishing file which provides information on Cutting for Finishing Background and Binding
Click here to download FINISHING PDF
Here you will find the Downloadable PDF
Piecing Methods and General Instructions file
Click here to download PIECING PDF
Wholesale printed patterns?
Contact me at
If you have any questions you can write to me at sewfreshquilts at gmail.com
Like what you see? FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE!

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