16 January 2019

Let's Bee Social #258

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

This place is really going to the dogs lately.
These are the latest things I have been working on for my Black and White blog hop project.

Dalmatian Dog

Dalmatian Dog

Dalmatian Dog

Quilt in the WILD!!!

Inventory end of 2018

Inventory end of 2018

Please be patient. The Corgi is on the cutting table. I promise she is next.

Then... The Police Dog!!!

Police Dog K9

I have been using these hashtags during the past week.






Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

  • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
  • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
  • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Keep On Quilting On!

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Ulrikes Smaating said...

Hej Lorna,
I am working on quietbooks in january. One is done, but there are two other left. I am sewing a mat for my sewing machine and working still on my Harry Potter Bookcasequilt.have a nice day and greetings from denmark, ulrike :-)

Gretchen Weaver said...

Nothing to show for Show & Tell today but you certainly have been busy. Hope quitting smoking is going well. I know it's hard but stick with it. Your body and children will be so glad you did. Have a great week!

Leanne Parsons said...

That police dog looks fierce! All of your dog blocks are adorable and I love seeing them pop up in my IG feed :) Your inventory looks pretty impressive, too!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Are both of those stacks from 2018 or is one the beginning of 2019? Have a good day designing today - love all your dogs

chrisknits said...

I am just waiting for a Goldendoodle pattern!! But they are hard to capture because of those curls.

Roseanne said...

Hi Lorna! POLICE DOG?!!! Holy moly. I need to make a quilt or something STAT. My nephew is a police officer, and he is just going to be starting to work on the canine unit. I am thrilled beyond belief. Except his dog is a black lab - but who cares about that?! I can mix up the fabrics - oh boy. This sounds like a DrEAMi or squirrel project in the wings, doesn't it. I'll be watching for the release or updates. ~smile~ Roseanne

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

There is a special place in my heart for dalmatians. We had our sweet Max for the last 10 of his 13 years. What a sweet quilt!

Run 'n Stitch said...

2018 inventory....WOW. I love your puppy blocks.

Needled Mom said...

LOVE your upcoming Black and White project. That fire hydrant is darling with the dogs.

marebear said...

Hi Lorna,
It's so interesting seeing how other designers store their inventory. This is not a strong point for me, so I really appreciate ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Natureluvr57 said...

Trying to finish up some WIP's before starting new projects. A crochet pillow top with the infamous red pick up hauling a tree home (yeah, for next Christmas now), 498 pinwheels for 3 quilt tops (ugh), and an afghan. I love all your dogs and I'm wondering how to make long ears on the Dalmation dog so it could be a cocker spaniel in memory of my precious one I lost during the summer.

Trish said...

Can't wait for the police dog pattern!

Stephanie said...

I love those sweet dogs. Also your inventory is so organized (^_^)!

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