5 August 2015

Let's Bee Social #84

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social and happy August! I thought July had me keeping busy. Spending time with family, sewing up projects that are scheduled for later this fall and winter, quilting up those Kona Blooms and swimming with the kids. This month will be keeping me even busier!

My daughter, Erin will be turning Sweet 16 this month. She begins her first real job as a cashier at our local grocery store this week. Driver's training next week. My little girl is.... Almost gone!

As far as the little bit of sewing I've managed in the past week......

I spent an awful lot of time in the planning and have made a few Dog blocks.

Who let the dogs out? More to come on that soon!

Now it's time for the linky party!!!!! What's buzzing at your hive?

Sew Fresh Quilts

    • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.  Take a social tour of their hive and really get to know them!  Before you BUZZ off.... Leave a friendly invite in your comment....  Encouraging them to make a BEE line to your blog.
    • Your blog post does not have to BEE about something you worked on during the past week.  Linking up an older post that you are particularly proud of, or that you thought was really funny, or inspiring, or worth revisiting is totally okay.
    • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog or grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar.  This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following the Sew Fresh Quilts blog is not required - But it sure would BEE nice!

Keep On Quilting On!


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Melanie said...

I hope you will have the dog pattern available....I need to make this for my mom! Love it!

Unknown said...

Ditto! Love this and need to make some of my own.

Allison said...

Such cute dogs! You are so creative--I love to see what you come up with.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Wow, it sounds like life is in a bit of a transition right now; and I hope sewing/quilting is relaxing and therapeutic for you!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Lorna! I'm so happy to see your dogs! They look super cute and I can't wait to see more of them and to make many! x Teje

Unknown said...

Yes kids grew up! 16!!!! What a sweet age, hope she will be a happy teener.
You have your own signature with blocks. These dogs are typical 'SewFreshQuilts' of 'Lorna'. Lovely.

Cut&Alter said...

These dogs are gorgeous - will there be a pattern available? Linking up for the first time today!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

Good luck to your daughter in her first job and driving! What an exciting time for her! The dog blocks are absolutely adorable!! Can't wait to see more!

Quilt Art Design said...

Love your dogs! toooo stinkin' cute!

Leanne Parsons said...

Scary how fast they grow up, isn't it? My oldest turned 13 this year...how is that even possible??

Your little dogs are so cute, especially the blue one!

Lisa J. said...

The kids really start to feel older once they get that first job don't they. Love those puppies.

Susan L. said...

Adorable! I can't wait for this pattern to become available!

Dana Gaffney said...

Yay dogs, I'm always looking for dog patterns for dog rescue fund raisers. Of course I still haven't finished my elephants....

Ruth said...

I love them! Smiled the minute i saw this in my feedly summary!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

happy birthday to DD, so many changes in her life, job & driving - good luck to her and be safe.

Shelina said...

These dogs are so cute!

Lori said...

your dogs are sooo cute. I especially love the blue one.
Do you use a special pen to mark on your quilts? Date, to whom, etc.
What have you found to be the best one that stays on the fabric with repeated washings?
I would like to do this with the quilt I made for our sons wedding but do not want to just buy any pen and find out it doesn't last or worse yet it smears or runs after already on the quilt. I appreciate all the help you can give me. Thanks in advance. quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

The Cozy Pumpkin said...

These dogs are my favorite blocks of yours yet! So many darling possibilities with each block. :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Lorna, this is so adorable! I have cornish Rex kitty boys (see my old blog) they have big ears and I could make this into a cornish kitty block. hahahaha
I love it, and I love dogs too! This is such a sweet pattern!

Margaret said...

liven the dogs!

Jayne said...

I love those little doggies! So cute! It is hard thinking about our little girls growing up! I can say, they always come home to momma! Not to freak you out...but wait until she decides to move out...now that is hard!!

Jen Frost / Faith and Fabric said...

Bwahaha - I'm going to be singing that "who let the dogs out" song all day now (thanks). My link-up this week is about my first charm swap - I'm pretty excited to be participating in one! ...I can't imagine 16. My son is four and starting preschool...breaking my heart!

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Ack! That blue dog with the spot on his eye! So cute. And I'm NOT a dog person! Thanks as always for your great link-up, Lorna!

Pam @Threading My Way said...

They grow up way too quickly, Lorna!!! Enjoy your time with your daughter.

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

adorable dog blocks, Lorna! And even though my son is only 11, I still feel like time with him is flying by!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Anita said...

I love the dog blocks! Adorable! I am a dog person though I don't have any living with me anymore. Such cute blocks.

Unknown said...

Wow 16, what a big stepping stone! Love the puppies. Very cute :) Good luck with her new job and the driving lessons.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Very cute dogs!!


Unknown said...

Another comment to say hope you have the dog block available for purchase one day. That dog looks just like my daughter's boston terrier/lab mix she rescued four years ago (in reality the dog rescued her). I'd love to make a pillow for her an Maggie from your block pattern.

Angela said...

Love the dog blocks!

Angela said...

Love the dog blocks!

Allison said...

Well, from 16 to gone is a really fast move, but then again, it might be easier for me to say that since both of mine are still so little.

Such an adorable block... I'd best not leave this page open where my little guys could spot it... they'd be pestering me without end until I made them one too.

Carol Meyer said...

Enjoy her! Soon she will be gone!
Love the dog blocks, can't wait for the pattern!

Purple Boots and Pigtails said...

Oh! Dogs are up next? Super cute.... lovin' the scruffs!

Lorinda said...

I love the dog with the spot over his eye. Both are very cute blocks!

LA Paylor said...

what a great designer! the dogs are too cute

Pedal Sew Lightly said...

I am going to have to call that last blue block Cooper. You'll see why if you scroll down to the bottom of my Barn Dance post. It's the one I linked up today. I am will be making that block the moment I get a breather. Happy Birthday to your daughter! Drivers Ed is the best. I can't believe parents skip it when it is optional. We got an insurance discount that paid for it in less than three years. My sons were prepped and ready to hit the road the day they got their licenses, which is 16 here if you take DE.Thanks a bunch!

Vera said...

These are so very sweet! This will be a hit in your pattern store! Well done! Congrats to your girl! xx

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Pretty adorable Lorna! You have another winner on your hands!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

And I thought you couldn't surprise me with yet another cute animal....yet you have done it again. Wow!!!

Jen said...

Hang in there, mom! Are you going to go on some practice drives with your daughter? I love the dogs!! Especially the one with the spot on it's eye, so adorable.

Rachel said...

Very cute pups. I especially like the one with the blue eye patch, he's whimsical. :)

Celine said...

Lovely doggies Lorna! I can't believe you would have a 16 year old....

Dorian said...

Great dogs Lorna! You sure are on a roll with these animals. You do an awesome job :)

Carole said...

Lorna, what cute little dogs. I hope you will have the pattern. Your blog always makes me smile.
Love your work.

Zenia Rene said...

Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Congrats on the job Erin! =) The dogs are adorable. I love their "masks". As always, thanks for the linky party.

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