Have you ever wondered how to start and stop your quilting stitches when you don't quilt from edge to edge? Sure you can do a lock stitch. But it shows. And will it really hold? Check out today's post to read all about my time saving technique for hiding those starts and stops.
Come on! Join me over at The Cozy Pumpkin!
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Did I miss it, I dont see it??
Now its there, LOL ????
Great tip, I guess I was up to early for it, LOL..
Great tip over at Cozy Pumpkin. You might like the Spiral Eye needle, easily self threading for pulling those thread ends under the surface of the quilt. Expensive, but worth every penny.
I do this too! But you've done one better with the trick of using the seam ripper to get the knot close to to the fabric. Very good idea! Thanks for sharing! ;-)
Waht and where is the Spiral Eye Needle
Thanks Lorna, Great tip. I'll take all the help I can get. Hope this finds you all well. And have a happy Thanksgiving.
I have never tried the Spiral Eye Needle, but here is a link to their website http://www.spiraleyeneedles.com/Needles.html
Great tip, Lorna!
Like the seam ripper idea to help get the not close to the fabric. I use inexpensive self threading needles I bought at Joann's Fabric to bury threads. To frustrating to thread a regular needle. LOL Have a blessed week. Debbie
Thank you so much for sharing your technique. I have always wondered how other quilters deal with threads at the beginning and end of their stitching. Especially when I was first venturing into the world of machine quilting, I was surprised by how this important aspect was omitted by virtually every book or article I read.
Thanks so much, a very useful thing to know. I loved your article and am very encouraged by it.
I'm always interested by posts on tips and techniques and I'm glad I've read this one. This tip of using the seam riper to tighten a knot is great. Thanks!
Love your tutorial on hiding thread tails. I use both techniques. It depends on how I decide if the quilt is in competition, heirloom, or daily usage.
I had your tutorial on The Cozy Pumpkin pinned & would refer to it when needed. I see that the site is no longer available and wayback machine doesn't have the photos archived. Would you please consider posting it here on your site?
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