I have modified one of the more well known quotes from Sheldon Cooper, as he expresses his disdain for Wil Weaton, in an effort to add a little humour into what has become a bit of a cat fight over at the AccuQuilt quilt block design contest.
Since day 3 of the AccuQuilt contest, Will Bennett has been in the lead. Since the day he entered his block design called "Satellite Ride".
Some of the contest entrants have had their nose out of joint because Will Bennett is the son of long time quilter, Judy Martin of Quilting With Judy Martin. The competition has been fierce. Quite literally! Some of the comments left on the AccuQuilt facebook page's messages (on the right sidebar) were getting pretty crazy.
And today was the first in a long time, that I took a look at the comments left on individual blocks at the AccuQuilt contest page. Some of those 'ladies' are getting pretty nasty! One person is claiming that Will did not design the block, but that his mother did. Ummm.... Hello? Don't you think she wouldn't have just entered it in her own name then?
Will has entered Satellite Ride, hoping to win of course, but has done so in an effort to raise money for the charity chosen by his sister. This charity is Camp Courageous of Iowa - a year-round respite and recreational facility in Iowa for youth and adults with disabilities.
And I say, "If you can't beat 'em - Join 'em!"
So if you have been faithfully voting for my entry in the contest, I want to say, "Thank you so much for showing your support and for being my friend!"
Even if you have entered a block(s) of your own in the contest, and are not in the top three standing - and whether you have or have not been voting - please join me in support of this Camp Courageous donation!
Let's join in our support by voting for that Satellite Ride to help keep it in first place. I would love to know that the readers and supporters of Sew Fresh Quilts can rise above the juvenile behaviour some of these 'other ladies' have been displaying... And do our part to enable the $1500 donation from AccuQuilt to be donated towards this worthy charity - Camp Courageous of Iowa!
Vote here!
If you 'get this'... I hope you at least enjoyed a good chuckle from the meme!
NOW.... What's new with you?
Show me what you got... And Let's Bee Social!
(If you are not sure what Let's Bee Social is all about,
you can read the details here.)
Please show some love for my good friend Connie Campbell of Freemotion by the River today. It's her day on the AccuQuilt Block Party Blog Hop schedule.
Instead of leaving me a comment, please quick pop over and visit with Connie today!!!!!!
Linking up this week with Lee at Freshly Pieced to help spread the word!
Keep On Quilting On!

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I was sitting here watching Big Bang Theory when my Bloglovin' plugin popped up with your new post. I chuckled at the timing. I'm happy to join your link-up for the first time. Thanks!
Good for you Lorna! I like your spirit and humour you put in.
Ditto what Vera said! Amazing how 'snippy' (and there are other words I could use but won't) people can get when there is a contest! Good on you for throwing votes Camp Courageous' way!! :)
Will do, moving my voting from you to Will. Yes some of the comments regarding the AccuQuilt Block contest are discouraging considering the funds go to charity. Kudos to you for this suggestion
Well said Lorna - kudos to you! I plan to vote for both you and Will - we can keep him in the top spot AND still move you into second or third. :-) Your kind spirit and gracious attitude are commendable!
Wow, such a bummer that people are behaving this way :-( glad you are leading a charge to rise above it!
Wonderful post Lorna and I'll be voting for you and Will too! I never have figured out how to see who is in first place. Thank so much for the mention of my day on the AccuQuilt Block Party!!
Kudos to you Lorna. I will honor your request.
Thanks for doing the Linky again this week. And it's wonderful that you're putting your support behind something that will help others.
Hi Lorna! My sister goes to a similar camp every summer in NH. She loves having time away from my parents to be "independent" as she says. I had trouble voting last time, but you inspired me to try again.
How to see who is in first place... Click on the entries tab at the top toward the left below the AccuQuilt header. Then from the window on the right, there is a drop down menu with little arrows. Click on the arrows next to the word RANDOM and the drop down menu will display the options of Random, Hot and Top Rated. Choosing Top Rated will show the entries in top place and descending order.
Oh, I am so glad to hear that, Chelsea! Maybe now that the site is not getting so overloaded, you will be able to register. I also seen a lot of comments on their facebook page about cookies, but I don't know what exactly they were explaining. So if you have trouble, here is the advice they have posted to their facebook page.
"Sorry that you're having trouble logging in. Make sure that cookies are enabled on your web browser. Here's a link with helpful information: http://bit.ly/1nf6DMe Feel free to give us a call at 888.258.7913 to walk through the process."
This kind of behavior always surprises me. It's hard for me to believe that adults can reduce themselves to this!! Thank you for bringing it to our attention. I cast my vote for him today. Seriously? Grow up people!! At 76, I've seen this so very many times yet it always surprises me! BTW, I am an absolutely over the top fan of Big Bang Theory. I KNOW people like them!. Love it! Keep up the good work!!
I goofed! Put my comment under reply to SewingWilde. Sorry. The sentiment remains the same, though. This is for charity and where are the charitable thoughts. Shame on them!!
Oh my! How can something good and fun be reduced to childish tantrums?! You have a wonderful attitude about it and humor in a case like this...is all you can do! You still get my vote!
Oh, the drama makes me sad.
But your BBT quote makes me laugh.
I LOVE TBBT!!! Sheldon is my favorite :-) Just went over and checked out the site and voted for ya :) Good luck!!
~ Jess ~
Everything Is Coming Up Rosie
It's sad that some people have to put others down to make themselves feel better. You have a kind heart and I hope your block does well too!
I love the meme! We watch that show here quite often. That AccuQuilt quilt block contest sounds crazy! All I've heard is that people have been stealing other people's blocks and now with the comments... well, they're getting publicity that's for sure! I'm headed over to see all the fuss and maybe vote now! I actually just posted something on my blog about intellectual property and ownership, so very timely to link up!
Thank you, Pam! You can vote for as many blocks as you like, but only once fore each block, per day. Sure appreciate your support of Will's block. He is just a young guy. And has handled this whole matter respectfully and with class!
Not big on TV myself,but the hubby watches that show all the time. I hear it as the computer is also in the living room,just facing the opposite direction. You go girl,I would be happy to join you and vote for the arch contender ;) And I say to those leaving nasty comments,get over yourselves already! It is supposed to be a fun friendly contest.
No wonder I like you so much, Lorna - I *love* BBT, too! Your meme is just perfect : P
And the cream rises to the top...well done, Lorna. Well done.
How sad is that!? That is rough. I saw something else recently from people saying hurtful things about a daughter of a famous quilter. So sad when jealousy rears its ugly head.
On a more pleasant note I LOVE BBT! That is my husband's and my favorite show! We love Sheldon and Wil Wheaton! Whenever we are upset with someone and it is just us venting to one another we shake our fists in the air and yell "WHEATOOOOOON" Lol. Good stress relief! Ha ha!
I've voted for both your lovely block and for Will's. The amount of cattiness, thievery, and ill-will I've seen in blogland lately is so disheartening. Thank you so much for adding some much-needed grace {and humor!} to the mix!
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