13 June 2018

Let's Bee Social #230

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social! I know things have been kinda lacking around here since I made the move to my new home. Not much quilting going on here yet. And I am so grateful to those of you who write in to share your photos of the quilts you have made using my patterns.

This week I was planning on using a link to my Instagram post that I shared. The big news is that I have applied for and am now working a full time day job in nearby Stratford. And still running the Sew Fresh Quilts Etsy shop in the evenings. However, Instagram was down when I was preparing this post. And I was left kinda stunned. But also glad that I had not yet given up on blogging.

Meanwhile the other end of Facebook is still working...

Here is a post shared by Tammy Howell to the Sew Fresh Quilts Facebook page!

I'm sure everything will return to quilting normal for me when more of the everyday life things also become more normal. The new normal. Actually the new normal is suiting me just fine. Not only have I, at the age of 52 and having been out of the "work force" for 19 years, gotten a job... I have also lost 35 pounds since my new normal began on February 21st. Ya me!

And life known as the new normal is making me happier than ever....

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Keep On Quilting On!

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Nancy J said...

New Normal looks wonderful tome, those hiking/walking/working boots are fabulous. So glad your new start this year is giving you many happier days.

Tu-Na Quilts said...

So happy to read that life is making you happy again. It's good to leave the old baggage behind including the pounds. Congratulations on the new job. You are one of my favorite pattern designers. I hope you can eventually find time to design and quilt again. BTW, 52 is still young!

KaHolly said...

I was 50 when I had to make significant changes and establish a new normal. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. Glad you’re finding your way down this new path. Warning: time passes much too quickly, so savor every moment of the new you.

Karen said...

Yay you indeed! New job, new body, new life. Fantastic! Go girl! So love your patterns

Little Quiltsong said...

So glad you are enjoying your new normal and that all is going well. Now you are closer to your mom too, which must make her very happy! Your new work boots look great!

Stitchin At Home said...

So glad to hear you are happy! Congrats on the job and all the good things going on in your life.

barbaradougherty126 said...

GOOD for you! Would love to know what you are doing to lose 35 lbs also! Those boots. Love. Good luck!!!

Vicki in MN said...

I am sure it has been a major adjustment, but I am glad for you that you are embracing the 'new'. Wishing you nothing but the best!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats on the new job, weight loss and changes Lorna!! I was 52 when I made my life change and at 67 I am still happy! Can't wait to hear more about your job!

Quilter Kathy said...

Yep... me too! New life in my 50's and trying to make every day the best possible!
Look out world... here comes the new and improved Lorna!
Have a great day!

marebear said...

"Sew" happy for you, Lorna. Good luck in your new job. I hope you will still have plenty of time to continue to create your designs.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Lorna,
I am so happy for you that the move is all behind you, and that life is making you happy and smiling. Cute boots!! I sure hope you don't give up on blogging . . . but can understand the time commitment it requires. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you and the new normal, which is now just normal.
Happy Wednesday! ~smile~ Roseanne

Shelina said...

Congratulations on your new job and your weight loss! It sounds like your new normal is on the right track. I wish you continued success.

Preeti said...

35 pounds??? You go girl!!!

Brooke said...

oh so, so happy for you!!
miss you when you don't blog, so keep it up as much as you can!

wish you all the best!!


Jayne said...

You've adjusted well to your new normal! Congrats on the new job! It had to have been hard to jump in to the work force after not being in it for a long time. That is so awesome! You are wearing 'normal' very well!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

New normal is looking good for you. PLEASE don't give up blogging. I'm not on any of those 'other' sites.

Leanne Parsons said...

Congratulations on the weight loss, Lorna! I hope the new job is going well :)

Linda Swanekamp said...

Congratulations on turning courage into action- job, move, weight loss. Hope this doesn't diminish your quilt designing! You are a unique designer and have such a fresh look to your work.

Bernie Kringel said...

Hurray for your new normal Lorna. I know this has been such a tough time but you are getting to the other side and we are all CHEERING for you!!! Can you hear us? Go LORNA!! What sort of job did you get? I remember going back to work (I was widowed young and had three little boys) and it was a HUGE challenge to get used to working and having kids and a home to manage. Hang in there. After a couple of months I got into a rhythm. You will too. And while we miss your blog posts - its ok - we are still here. :-)

Jenny said...

Good on you!! Onwards and upwards, and may the rest of your life be just as you want it.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Congratulations on the new job. And amazing on the weight loss!! It sounds like you're settling into the new normal. We're always here waiting when you get back to sewing.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Congratulations on your new job!!

DianeLoves2Quilt said...

Congratulations on your job and new direction in your life. So glad that you are happier. Though I must admit the patterns you put out do scream HAPPY and have always done so even if you were struggling. Do not fret the sewing lull. My previous two posts before this linky party do show a bit of distraction on my part too. I dabbled with some writing instead of sewing. Curious? Check out
http://dianeloves2quilt.blogspot.com/2018/06/writing-is-creative-too.html AND

Dorothy said...

So, are these boots for walking/hiking, or for kicking A** ?? The latter I hope :-) So glad that things have settled down, and that you are finding yourself. I an 75, have done that, been there, and know that true happiness can be found in ourselves. I am proud of you, and of all the women who have stepped out of a bad situation, and gone onward and upward. You go !!!! We are here behind you, lifting and pushing you into a fulfilling life :-) D

Sewmotion said...

Well done you on the new job!! So glad you're feeling so much better, everything in life happens for a reason, now you just need to squeeze in some sewing time :) x

Julie said...

Let me echo, do not fret the blog, the sewing, the patterns. Everyone will still be here, and this is a world of understanding friends. We all have real lives that call us away to jobs, family, etc. Sabbaticals should be a part of all our worlds. Imagine the quilt block designed around those awesome boots! Drink up the world, Lorna, and congratulations on your happy future!

Kris said...

I think your new normal is great and things will come when they come.

Marti said...

Congratulations on your new job. It sounds like your life has taken a good turn. How do you like living in a town after living in the country?

Mari said...

Just reading this now, Lorna, and I have to say that the new normal sounds fantastic for you! So glad that you are doing well and are happier. Don't worry at all about the sewing or the blog. It will come back soon enough, and when it does, we'll all be here. Curious to hear about your job and what those great boots are for. Congratulations on coming this far! (academicquilter at gmail dot com)

Paige said...

Lorna, that's awesome! You've accomplished so much! Looks like the new norm is working in your favor!

Kristin said...

Goooooooooo, you!!! Congratulations on making your life changes. I'm so happy for you!

Isobe Ltin said...

Great to hear news related to your job.
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