25 April 2018

Let's Bee Social #225

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

An entire week has passed.... And my sewing room still looks exactly as pictured here last week. Except that now the view is without snow!!!!

Hopefully you've had more time for stitching than I have! 

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Keep On Quilting On!

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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad your snow is melted, there are so many colorful quilts on the link ups today to look at when I get a moment

Quilter Kathy said...

SO awesome that the snow is melting!
Spring is just around the corner for sure!

Shelina said...

I hope that your sewing time is limited because you are doing something else that is more fun and exciting.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Thank you for having links for me to visit. I love meeting industrious sewing friends

It has been a busy week, and the days go by in a blur. ❤️

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Yeah for no snow!! It's been like spring here for three days straight. Let's hope it lasts.

Tish Stemple said...

It's been slow going sewing here too...with no snow! Do you think spring could finally be there?? Hope you have a great week of sewing, Lorna <3

Zenia Rene said...

Hang in there girlie. You will be stitchin again real soon! Thanks for the Linky.

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