22 June 2016

GREAT BIG giveaway - Day 3 and Let's Bee Social #130

Welcome to the third day in the week of the GREAT BIG giveaway!!!

Today's giveaway consists of a big bundle of beautiful batik fabrics from Island Batik, 3 1/2 spools of Aurifil, the new book The Quilter's Paper-Piecing Workbook by Elizabeth Dackson of Don't Call Me Betsy and the new book Lines By Design Quilts by Debbie Grifka of Esch House Quilts. And a few little extras thrown in.

How do you enter the giveaway contest? 


Follow the instructions on the RaffleCopter.com widget below!

This Giveaway is open internationally.
However, shipping is not included. The winner will be expected to pay for the shipping.
Winner will be randomly chosen on July 7th and notified by email.
Be sure to leave your email address on the Rafflecopter widget.

PS.... If you have not entered already.... Be sure to see Monday's post and Tuesday's post. This GREAT BIG giveaway is a week long fun and fabric filled event!!!

Today I also want to let you know about the upcoming annual Pets On Quilts contest that will be hosted in August by Jacque (a.k.a. Snoodles) of Lily Pad Quilting. This is the PURRRRRR-fect opportunity to get some feature photos of your cat/dog/rabbit/fish?/calf/puppy/monkey/baby on your quilts. The linky party is a fun time and wonderful opportunity to meet some other quilters who love their pets!

Pets on Quilts 2016

NOW it's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Sew Fresh Quilts

    • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
    • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
    • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
    • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

Best of luck in the Giveaway!
And remember to....

Keep on Quilting On!

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«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 381 of 381
Gale said...

Purple is my color!

Unknown said...

blue has to be bl

Karen said...

My favorite color is blue -- any shade!

judi said...

My favorite color is blue.

Unknown said...

It really depends on the time of the year--deep summer coming into the fall, I will start loving the deep oranges, the with Christmas coming, Reds will be my favorite. When spring gets here, yellow will be my favorite color and with summer, I will love the bright colors.

CA Bobbie said...

I love the cool blues and greens . Love the chance to win any of these wonderful gifts.

Kim said...

My favorite color is anything in the aqua/turquoise range.

Lisa England said...

My current favorite color is aqua.

SewDoUQuilt said...

Blue colors for sure.

Unknown said...

I like a variety of colors, but it has only recently dawned on me that I really like yellows.

Pamela said...

My favorite color is purple!

PugMom said...

My favorite color is hot pink or fuschia! Thanks for a great give-away!

Laura said...


Kathy H said...

My favorite is purple.

Pam said...

My favorite color is blue, then purple!

Kristin said...

My favorite color is blue!!!

TheGeek said...

My favorite color is definitely turquoise.

Renea said...

My favorite color is red. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Kaynik said...

I love purples :-)

ktreve @ hotmail . com

Bec said...

I love aqua/teals, but coral is a close second. Thanks.

Joyful Quilter said...

My favorite color is yellow - every shade / hue / tone love them all.

Unknown said...

My favorite used to be purple, and then green... and now I love them all.

DebbyGrawn at yahoo dot com

Brandy said...

My favorite color is blue.

brandizzle7133 at gmail dot com

lindak21 said...

I want the entire rainbow...but love blue!

Pamela said...

Blue is my favorite.

Amanda Best said...

My favorite color is blue, followed by purple.
My email is bestbelle2010@aol.com

Iris said...

I'll go for purple although it does change from time to time

catequilter said...

My favorite color is red.

Paige said...

Any shade of green!

Unknown said...

I like prints but find I am buying more solids to coordinate.

Carol said...

I love browns and golds.

Diantha said...

My favorite color is purple. (This is the same question as Tuesday's!)

Unknown said...

Red has always been my go to colour.

Karen said...

My favorite color must be blue as that color disappears from my stash the fastest. prycek@mymts.net

Janiebird Quilts said...

I am working on UFOs this year. The current project is a slashed stars out of batiks - started it probably 10 years ago.

Shirley in Canada said...

Look at all the purple you have!!! That is my favorite color!!

Jill said...

Purple of any hue!

Unknown said...

My favorite color is green.

Unknown said...

I love green.

Needled Mom said...

I love all colors, but sunny yellow is my current favorite.

Annmarie said...

Green is my favorite - any shade - warm or cool.

Christine said...

My favorite color is purple, the deep royal purple. Thank you for your generosity with the giveaways. momoftana at yahoo dot com

Robin said...

My favorite color is blue

JoanG said...

I like all colors, but usually manage to put a little red in each quilt.

Linda Fleming said...

I love turquoise!

Amie said...


allthingzsewn said...

beautiful package Lorna. My favorite color is an pale teal or aqua.

Anita said...

Blue is my favorite colour. My house is full of blue things.

Aimee said...

My favorite colors are green & black

nan_c said...

Definitely purple! :)

Tricia said...


Tricia said...


Unknown said...

Today I'm feeling blue....so Blue...

Unknown said...

Pink is my favorite! 💕💕💕

erin mcsweeney said...

orange i love it

Mara said...

I love the rainbow, but if I have to narrow it down to one color, aqua!

T Hays said...

Pinks and purple.

Unknown said...

Gotta be green!! :)

Kat Scott said...

My favorite color(s) are greens and yellows...

Edie said...

My all-time favorite is purple, but I also like deep red, and lime green.

Emily said...

Purple!! :)

Unknown said...

I have two favorite colors, purple and chartruese

VickiT said...

My favorite color is purple

Annette Canonica said...

I love blues and purples. They play well with so many other colors!

Sewbig said...

Green has been my favorite color for as long as I can remember.

Pedal Sew Lightly said...

Orange is my bestie. Thanks!

Dave S. said...

Color for me depends on what it is on...I love yellow on cars. I have always been a fan of blues....deep blues...My dad loved green and therefore I like green.

I like all colors equally really. I am Equal Opportunity

Natalie Crossan said...

Navy blue!

Sewgirl said...

Blue for me!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Definitely green, with purple a close second.

brenda said...

Without a doubt ,green

Diana @ Red Delicious Life said...

My favorite colors are teal and orange (not necessarily together).

Vicki L said...

Must say blue is my favorite. Yet, when it comes to quilting love all colors! Just love fabric and I'm so inspired with the creativity of fabric designers. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity!

Patti said...

Well, my favourite colour is still pink. :D

Havplenty said...

I love all colors but fuchsia would top the list.

tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Beth said...

My current favorite color is red; my former favorite color is pink (which still deserves a mention, I think).

Isabel.A. said...

My favourite colour is blue

Jessica said...

I love pinks and blues.

kt said...

My favorite color is blue!

Unknown said...

I love your work, and thank you for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes! My favourite colour(s) are turquoise & green, and/or coral when I'm in a more outgoing mood.

SeeAmySew said...

Poiple, Poiple, Poiple!!!! Did I mention any shade of "Poiple"

JaymeMade said...


spacer said...

My favorite color is teal, especially when paired with all shades of yellow.

Linda said...

Aqua/turquoise blue!!!

QuiltingGrandma said...

Blue is my favorite color.

Michelle M said...

Green, for sure! (Almost) all flavors of green. I've toyed with the idea of an all green quilt.

Lisa said...

Lilac purple!

Anonymous said...

I love solids and international designer fabric(that is not readily available in India), my favourite colour would be blue.

Unknown said...

Right now it is orange.

Kath said...

My favorite at the moment is fuschia:

cmykrgb said...

favorites = dark saturated brights~!

Carol Andrews said...

I love whichever color I am presently using for the quilting project I am working on. Last week was black and white; this week it's purple, sage and cream. Next week will be blue and yellow! The favorite color of the moment matches my mood and project of the moment, but I do find a lot of purple and green moments!

Unknown said...

Pink is my favorite color!

Liz said...

Green seems to be my go to colour

CyndyK said...

My favorite color is pink. cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Jan Briggs said...

I'm torn on this question. I love both solids and prints. I think I may lean more towards prints at this point, but I think solids allow for bold piecing designs to speak a little louder.

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Rainbow! :)

Barbe said...


Unknown said...

My favorite color is purple, but it is closely followed by aquas and greens. I love this giveaway!

LisaT said...

I have been working on acquiring fabric since I haven't been home to sew!

Unknown said...


Linda Gagliano said...


Kari said...

I love purples!

Anonymous said...

I love bright colors of all kinds.

Renee G said...

My favorite color is blue. I love the ocean.

Julia D @ Jada's Quilting Adventures said...

This is a tough question but I'm going to have to say purple. It's my favourite for a quilt :)

Veronika said...

My favorite lately is teal maybe? Really I love the look of a tertiary-colored rainbow. And gold. Lots of gold!

Marly said...

I don't really have a favourite, but at present I enjoy working with various shades of purple with yellow and pale green.

Anonymous said...

Purple. Especially when found in batiks!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

My favorite color is purple. I'm such a little girl!

laura said...

red purple and pinks and blues

JM Necheles said...

I love blues, all shades of blues.

Kathleen said...

Any shade of blue or green!

Leanne Parsons said...

Blue, blue and blue :)

SharonM said...

Lavender is my favorite

Carol Andrews said...

My favorited color was any shade of purple for years. Now I find that my most favorite color is whatever color palette I am using in my latest quilt.....sage and lavender this week; teal, blue purple and pinks in next weeks quilt. Hmmmmmmm still see the common thread of purple! The next one after will be grey, black and white, just to change things up a bit!

Cindy said...

I'm loving teal lately. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com

lefuntz said...

My favorite color depends on my mood and where I am. I love blues and greens but sometimes I need yellow or orange. Lord help me. Sometimes I even want pink.

Unknown said...

I love greens and blues!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

My favorite color is Aqua.

Maxine said...

My favorite color is orange!

fjk42 said...

I love turquoise

apple blossom said...

reds and pinks

linynp said...

Fave color is orange and its derivatives

Nancy L said...

I have always loved blues, but recently I am leaning towards more greens.

quilt455 said...

Pink, pink and more pink

Pam said...

Favorite color is turquoise. Great giveaway!

ELNM said...

My favorite color is definitely blue. Many thanks! emyerly(at)outlook(dot)com

ELNM said...

My favorite color is definitely blue. Many thanks! emyerly(at)outlook(dot)com

Louise said...

Blues of all shades!

DebraKay Neiman said...

I love blue. crystalbluern at tds dot net

Brenda said...

Lat4ely I've been gravitating toward yellows and golds.

KathyinMN said...

Blue. Definitely blue.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

have to be pink & purples

Christina said...

I love blue, especially the dark hues of blue.

Danice G said...

My favorite color is kelly green, but I also love other dark colored solids, and some pastel shades. Yeah, green shades are my real favorites though :)

Jereena said...

Blue - all kinds of blue.

Yvonne said...

My favourite color is bluegreen.

Allison said...

Today I'm partial to blue, but I love all colors.

Christine said...

Purple and bright happy yellows. Thank you!

Kathy Davis said...

My favorite color is blue, any shade.

Halverson said...


sisylyn2 said...

My favorite color is black

Unknown said...

Right now I am working on a blue and yellow quilt. My favorite colours of tje day.

Crafty Ashley B said...

I love blue, green and teal!

Alison said...

I'm always drawn to RED

Kathy C said...

Purple, but I buy surprisingly little of it.

Crystal Mims said...

I like green

Sarah@123quilt said...

My favorite color is blue! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I love all shades of blue

Rehaw said...

Green ... I really like the deep dark green of the forest.

Anna said...

Green is my favourite, by far!

Jillian said...

My favourite colour is blue

Unknown said...

I'm not fussy, I'll take whatever bright fun color I win. What a delightful win for whoever! May it be me!

Anonymous said...


Rachel said...

Rainbow? ;) Or maybe teal or maroon if I have to narrow it down. I really like blue, yellow, and orange in quilts.

eva said...

I don't really have one favorite color, but I tend to choose blues/greens or rose/pinks

(ebercast at gmail dot com)

susan said...

My fav colour is green

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I just love reds, yellow and orange!

Brenda said...


tktl said...


Francine said...

I love pinks but my tastes change pretty often!

Rhonda D. said...

My favorite color is red!

Tirzah said...


Fridolin said...

Pink with a little bit of pink and some pink thrown in :) Thanks for this giveaway-spree!

Tawa said...

According to my stash, my fave colour is green. Not too sure about that though. Tarnia.hodges at gmail.com

Veronica said...

My favorites change, but my new favorite has to be blue- from navy to aqua to teal to gray-blue. Add a little white for contrast and I have a new quilt.😱

Linda Edwards said...

Purple has always been my favorite color. I had a purple bedroom when I was a little girl.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I LOVE ORANGE!!! Orange, orange, orange. I just learned some new tricks to help with paper piecing, and I don't hate it anymore. I'd love to win this book.

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Ooh! I like purple, violet and aqua/turquoise colors. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com

Linda Williamson said...

I love any shade of blue. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com

kitkabbit said...

I love blue, but jewel tones are my favorites!

Jen Barnard said...

My favourite colour is red.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Puppilalla said...

I guess aqua and red, in combination or single

Emmguy said...

Beautiful fabric

Snoodles said...

Thanks so much for the great shout out for our Pets Show! Love it! You rock!

Unknown said...

I love oranges

Margaret said...

Red would be my choice today

Alanna said...

My favourite colour is red but I have yet to use it in a quilt. So far all my quilts have had some shade of blue in them.

www.hudsonvalleyquilts.com said...

Yellow is my favorite color and then purple. Thanks for the opportunity. acbeier71@gmail.com

Lia*s Handmades said...

Love Aqua and Teal! :)
Thanks so much for your giveaway!

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