20 January 2016

Let's Bee Social #108

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social! Glad you could make it!
It's so much fun to share what's going on and to see what you are up to each week.

I have been working on my Ugly Christmas Sweaters blocks and finally have them all sashed up. She's a finished top! Unfortunately, Monday was another "Snow Day" in our area. The kids had three days off school last week because of the weather. And now this week seems to be shaping up to be the same. So I put off quilting for now. But I did make the backing, prep the binding and make sure I have a piece of batting all ready to go!

Meanwhile, I started working on turning the 21st block that I made into a mini quilt. This was perfect timing! The Michael Miller Fabrics blog is called "making it fun". And they recently announced a mini quilt challenge. You can read about that here. Here my Wonky Star sweater block is all ready for quilting. More organic wavy lines? Not this time.....

Got any guesses?

What else is new around here?

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of teaching a workshop for the Elephant Parade pattern. This quilt class took place at E & E's Cloth and Creations in Newton, Ontario where I taught my first class last year.

I must admit I was really nervous the first time, when I taught the Fox & Friends class last year. But this time it was different. I was much more relaxed and had a wonderful day! There was a much more "party like" atmosphere at this meeting and we had quite a few laughs.

There were five ladies in the class. Melanie was one of them. She had taken the Fox & Friends class and was back for more! It was my first time meeting with Audrey, Nora, Brenda and Judy. But it won't be my last meeting with Audrey and Nora. Audrey is signed up for the Giraffe Family class and Nora is taking the Love Birds quilted pillow class with the Listowel Creative Needle Club.

If you are in the Perth County, Waterloo County or even the Huron County area (where I live) and are interested in taking a quilt class with me, check out my Events Page and see about signing up for one of the other classes I will be teaching in Newton this spring. Send me an email if you would like more information. I'd love to hear from you!

It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Sew Fresh Quilts

    • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
    • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
    • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
    • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

Just in case you missed it......

The first post for Ugly Christmas Sweaters QAL went live on Monday.

Check out the quilt along page for details!

Keep On Quilting On!


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Paige said...

Ugly sweaters will be adorable! Kitty's got the right idea, all snuggly on the bed.

Cut&Alter said...

I just love the look of the Ugly Sweaters quilt and if I play along on time I will have a Christmas quilt done this year - what's not to like?!!

Lisa J. said...

That's great that you are doing more teaching Lorna.. I'm thinking of doing an ugly sweater mini . quilting along, Another big quilt is more than I can deal with right now. Thanks for the link to the mini contest. It looks like fun. I'm guessing your quilting will look like knitting.

Kate said...

Love the Ugly Sweaters quilt! It's a fun design.

Little Quiltsong said...

Love the Ugly Sweater Quilt with those lovely soft fabric colors you chose and the background fabric. That mini just reminds me of skating on a crisp clear winter day. It is beautiful!! Looking forward to Monday :)!

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

Oh my goodness, Lorna! Those ugly sweaters are SO cute!

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love that bird pillow

Cheryl said...

I wish I was closer so I could take one of your classes. Your ugly sweaters quilt top turned out beautifully!

Leanne Parsons said...

Those ugly Christmas sweaters are hilarious! It's going to be fun to see other versions of them pop up. I'm so glad you were able to relax with your teaching this time around :)

Tish Stemple said...

Your not using wavy lines? I love your wavy lines, so now I'm very intrigued at what you may be doing. We are preparing for a (possible) major snowstorm this weekend. I think it will be a great time to sort through the old stash and find some ugly sweater material ;)

Jayne said...

Just hearing 'Ugly Christmas Sweater' brings me back to a time when I had one!! Yikes! I love that there is going to be numerous quilts with sweaters...So funny Lorna!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love the backing fabric for your Christmas sweater mini quilt! The timing for the mini quilt contest is so perfect. :) I am excited for you that teaching is going so well and you are getting to see repeat faces, that is wonderful.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

You are just so amazingly creative!!!! I love the Ugly Sweaters!

Mrs.Pickles said...

Wow such lovely work !!!

Ruth said...

Those sweaters are a great idea and I love the idea of an elephant parade class. Such a fun pattern - had to be a fun day really!

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Your ugly sweaters are looking great. Congrats on your teaching.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

The name made me laugh out loud. Your quilt looks lovely with those fun colour combinations. I am feeling very much like your kitty this morning :)


Maria - Pink Pony Design said...

Oh the Ugly Sweaters are looking epic!! Loving these! =D Really wish I had the time to join!

That's so great to hear that the classes are going so well, I'll be teaching my first class this fall, and I'm already nervous!

Looking forward to see what you've planned quilting wise for the lone ugly sweater! I honestly have no guesses though =)

Allison said...

Your ugly Christmas sweaters just crack me up! Haven't we all had one? Once I was old enough to start picking my own clothes, those never made it back in my wardrobe! Hope you're having fun with the QAL.

I remember well the first day that I stepped into a classroom... my mom reassured me to remind myself that I knew more than they did. It helps when your audience is teenagers, and it most cases it was true.

Shelina said...

Cute sweater! Hmm, a sweater needs a cable of some kind. I finally got around to making a dog gone cute quilt. It is a mini, but I've saved the pattern in case he needs company ...

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

I'm loving your Ugly Sweater mini! I was thinking you might be quilting it with straight lines across the sweater...but after reading the comments I'm totally in love with the idea of some kind of knitted look or sweater cabling. Can't wait for the big reveal!

Thanks for hosting the linky. I really enjoy visiting every week!

Kimberly Smith said...

Thank you for hosting the linkup.

Unknown said...

I could see random width shape echoing as the quilting or even fancy free motion since the quilt is so small.

Lara B. said...

Ugly Sweaters is really the coolest quilt and I just love the humor behind it. You did an amazing job with the piecing Lorna! Block 21 makes a really great mini quilt! Can't wait to see how you quilt it.
Your teaching career is taking off - Yahoo! So glad you could relax more this time and enjoy it!

Kris said...

Seriously ...ugly is that last thing I would call this quilt. Those blocks are so darn adorable!!!

JanineMarie said...

Cute Ugly Sweaters! (Oxymoron?) Have fun with those classes! (Wish I lived nearby.)

Christine S said...

Ugly sweaters is such a fun and unique design!

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