1 December 2015

Family of Three for Quiltmaker Magazine

Look up. Waaaa-yyy up!
Family of Three 40" x 53" by Lorna McMahon of Sew Fresh Quilts

This little baby giraffe is surrounded by the love of family. Keeping watch, mom and dad are right there with him under a canopy of rich, green leaves. Family of Three.

Earlier this year, I was contacted by Quiltmaker Magazine. As well as being offered an opportunity to submit a block for their next 100 Blocks, which you can see here, I was also approached to make a submission for a baby quilt to be featured in an upcoming issue. Family of Three was the design I settled on.

Elaborating on an earlier quilt I made called Giraffe Love, I drew up a revised design on grid paper and wrote myself out a pattern to follow. Then set to work cutting all the pieces.

The front is made entirely from Kona Cotton Solids in Capri, Cactus, Peapod, Grass, Sunny, Cedar and Medium Grey. And the backing is Jungle Party by Edward Miller for Robert Kaufman Fabrics.

This quilt finished at approximately 40" x 53". A great size for using a solid piece for the backing.

This finish features my favourite organic wavy line quilting.

And a matched binding. First stitched onto the front and folded to the back. Then topstitched from the front in matching threads.

This Family of Three baby quilt was the 42nd use of my 100 labels
ordered from Ikaprint.

Family of Three for Quiltmaker Magazine January/February 2016

A great big "Thank YOU!" to Robert Kaufman Fabrics, who kindly sponsored this project sending the Kona Cotton Solids for the front and coordinating Jungle Party backing fabric.

Jungle Party by Edward Miller for Robert Kaufman and coordinating Kona Cotton Solids

Quiltmaker magazine January/February '16 issue, includes my Family of Three baby quilt and can be found at your fave fabric shop or newsstand beginning today!!!!

If you are new around here, I'd like to say, "WELCOME!"

Take your time and have a look around.

It's always a pleasure to make new friends!

Some of the Sew Fresh Quilts' features are:


Would you like the chance to win a copy of
Quiltmaker's January/February 2016?

Of course you would!

How do you enter the giveaway contest? 


Follow the instructions on the RaffleCopter.com widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

There are three copies to give away.
Two from Quiltmaker magazine and one from me.
This Giveaway is open internationally.
Winners will be randomly chosen on December 7th and notified by email.
Be sure to leave your email address on the Rafflecopter widget.

Linking up to Finish it up Friday with 
Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts

A special thank you to all who stopped by last Wednesday and offered their support and kind words of encouragement. You are so appreciated! I was feeling a little down... But you have lifted me waaaa-yyy up! And I honestly don't what I'd do without friends like you! You are so important to me.

Keep On Quilting On!

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Janelle said...

Super cute!!
How big do you cut your binding strips? I do 2.5 inches but I don't think I'd be able to topstitch from the front & catch the back--I'm hand sewing the back. I like the look of your all machine binding a lot better than others I've seen!

Debbie said...

When I saw this giveaway on Bonnie Hunter's blog, he first thing I noticed was that giraffe! I love it! Fun to read more about it.

Beth said...

So, so cute. Especially nice for a family expecting their first baby--and I just happen to know and love one such family. Great timing!!

Mary Preston said...

A fantastic giveaway thank you & I love the quilt.

Paula said...

I love love love these giraffes! They are super cute! I know exactly who I'm making this quilt for!!


Marle said...

This is the most wonderful babyquilt I´ve ever seen. So nice colours.

Nancy said...

Your quilt is adorable - and thanks for the chance to win the great giveaway!

dago said...

This is so adorable - love your giraffes!
I need to try a matched binding some time, I really like the way it looks like! But how do you calculate how long each colour has to be????? Well, I think, matched bindings have to wait a little longer...

KaHolly said...

I saw that it was in the magazine and I was so happy for you. Giraffes are my all time favorite!

Patti said...

Lorna, you are on a roll! Beautiful quilt, as always!

Dorothy said...

So who's picture are they using for you in the magazine? It sure doesn't look like you !!! Also, I think you have some "spam" in you comments.

Michele T said...

Super adorable quilt!! I love the bright colours!!

Susan L. said...

What an adorable quilt! Congrats on being in Quiltmaker Magazine!

Carol said...

I love your designs--always so cute and do-able. :) It is sew neat to see one in the 100 Blocks magazine and now in Quiltmaker! Congratulations! (One of my granddaughters absolutely loves giraffes--guess what Grandma is going to have to make for her??)

Unknown said...

This is so cute! Great job!

Stitchin At Home said...

Another adorable pattern. Great job! Thanks for a chance to win.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

That is us, a family of three. Congrats! And rafflecipter is under a different email for my Facebook account.

Dana Gaffney said...

Congratulations! Giraffe Love is one of my favorite patterns, I'll definitely being picking up a copy of the magazine, so cool :)

Patty said...

Congrats on the magazine publish! Always loved giraffes!

Liz Horgan said...

I love all your animal quilts! My niece loved the elephant parade I made for her son. I looking forward to the pattern for all of them together.
Thanks for the giveaway and enjoy the holidays!

Jen Barnard said...

My cousin's little girl loves giraffes, so I see this quilt in my future.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Little Quiltsong said...

Oh Lorna - this is sooooo cute. I know I HAVE to make this quilt - probably over and over. Thank you for this giveaway chance!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats Lorna and what a cute, cute pattern!!!

NonnaD said...

This is the PERFECT quilt for my grandson because of his love of "Raffees" !!!! He carries a small plastic type one around ever since he was quite small. It always warms my heart thinking on it, and when I saw this, all I could say was "Perfect!" Thank you for being so creative and generous!

NonnaD said...

This is the PERFECT quilt for my grandson because of his love of "Raffees" !!!! He carries a small plastic type one around ever since he was quite small. It always warms my heart thinking on it, and when I saw this, all I could say was "Perfect!" Thank you for being so creative and generous!

Betsy said...

Great quilt for a boy. Love the colors.

rosaalaimo said...

le giraffe sono un amore ,stupende ,ho giusto un bebè da accontentare e da tenere al caldo in questa splendida coperta ,non vedo l'ora di farla !!!!

rrjane011749 said...

This quilt is "sew" adorable!

Karen said...

I saw a preview of this quilt on Bonnie Hunter's blog and knew it was your design. Congratulations!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

perfect - I too saw it on Bonnie Hunter's blog and knew it was your design. Congrats on being in the magazine - great pattern.

BrendaM said...

I always smile when I see your blog show up in my email, knowing I am going to see one of your adorable quilts. This Giraffe family is awesome!

Sewmom18 said...

I love all your quilts. Thanks for sharing.

Lori said...

I already have this magazine - so skip me - but I wanted to say congratulations. you do such lovely work with the most adorable animal quilts.

claire ross said...

This is adorable. I love it!
iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

Rebecca (SewPixie) said...

Adorable! Perfect for my 6 month old son. We have giraffe everything for the little guy.

Vicki in MN said...

Couldn't get any better than some Giraffe love ;-) And winning the magazine would be icing on the cake!

pajtr said...

Congratulations on another *outstanding* design, Lorna!!
Your creativity never ceases to amaze!!
(I'm always excited to see a post from you in my email!... I know there's another delight waiting for me!!)
*Thank you, Lorna!*... for all the inspiration/ideas/sharing of your artistry!!
Pat T.

Diane Beavers said...

Family of Three is adorable! Some of my favorite Kona Solids (Cactus, Cedar) in it too........I'd make it and keep it for me!


Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Yeah for giraffes!! How darn adorable. I need to take a week's vacation to get making some of these animals.

Rosemary B❤️ said...


Lorna, you are so creative and snazzy

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I follow your blog by feedly? google? dunno, but it slides right into my email
I am so lucky to know you

Quilt Junkie said...

Sew adorable! My granddaughter would love this quilt as she is part of a "family of three". :-) Can't wait to see your pattern in the magazine - congratulations!

CapitolaQuilter said...

They are too cute and the layout adorable

amy said...

That giraffe is soooo cute! Your quilt is just lovely!

Annmarie said...

I LOVE giraffes! Your little family is adorable.

Jayne said...

Lorna...congratulations! This is the sweetest little baby quilt and how perfect for a new bundle of joy?! A-dor-able!

Daytona Damsel said...

Such a cute little family.

Amy said...

These giraffes are adorable, and I love the Kona cottons you selected.

Bonnie said...

What a cute quit.

Amy said...

These giraffes are adorable, and I love the Kona cottons you selected.

Ramona said...

I love your family of three. I really like all your quilts. They are so fun. Congrats on it being published!

Heather said...

I love your imaginative quilt designs and am wondering if you do visits to quilt guilds. I'm near Elmira, Ontario

Unknown said...

I so love your style and appreciate your creativity, I made your Dog Gone Cute Quilt and it was the most fun and went together so perfectly !

mags said...

I really enjoy following your creativity. I wish I knew more mom with little ones to make some of your quilts for.

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Another adorable pattern--so cute!

Bec said...

I love your giraffes! You design such such quilts. Thanks for the chance to win.

Carol Swift said...

Congratulations and well deserved! I love those giraffes and they look so sweet as a baby quilt!

Graciela said...

love this quilt!!! thanks for the giveaway

Pine Point Cathy said...

It's been wonderful following you this past year and seeing your blog grow. I see your designs all over now - congratulations!

Susan Stanton said...

Your "Family of Three" quilt is adorable! You are so talented! Thanks for sharing. I'd love to make that quilt!

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Super cute pattern!!! You are so talented and this shows in your patterns. I can't wait to see what you create next!! Karen Thurn

SuperMomNoCape said...

The first line made me smile and brought with it memories of watching The Friendly Giant... though perhaps only Canadians would get it.

Congratulations on your magazine publish. I love your giraffe baby quilt!

Kathy said...

love the giraffes - can't wait to get this magazine

OhioLori said...

Looove the Giraffe Family!!! Would make for our Granbaby!! Know he would love it too! Would back with same print!! lol Is so fun! Great job!! & thanks for chance to win the magazine! :)

Ioleen said...

This is so adorable. Congrats are being in the magazine.

Cheryl said...

Congrats on the publication, the quilt is adorable! I especially like that the baby quilt uses one width of fabric for the backing, I love not having to piece backs!

Unknown said...

WOW Love this! I'd love to make this for my soon to be neice/nephew.

Netta said...

Such a sweet picture! Thank you for sharing.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

How nice for you!!!!! I love your baby quilt...fingers and toes are crossed for a win!!!!!

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

Congratulations on another wonderful published pattern, Lorna! You deserve this recognition and so much more! Yay you!

Dolly said...

That is a totally adorable baby quilt. The fabric that was furnished for the back couldn't be more perfect, but I must say that I think that your organically wavy-line quilting MAKES this quilt. Kudos on your publication in Quiltmaker....they've always been tops in baby quilt designs. You're in good company, I think !

Quilting Tangent said...

Cute baby quilt. 24Tangent@gmail.com

Gill said...

This is so cute!

Vera said...

Great pattern Lorna! My girl was asking me to make it for her :)

claire said...

I love your patterns and can't wait to get my hands on those giraffes!

Baukje said...

I adore all of your sweet animal quilts, this giraffe has got to be my favourite.

Anna brown said...

ty for sharing it's pretty cute a lot of giraffe lovers out there,,,,,happyness04431@yahoo.com....

Dody said...

Hello! Thank you for sharing!

Debbie said...

Another super cute quilt. Great job. I just finished the raccoon and fox quilt, I'll have to make this one next. Thanks for sharing. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

Supercute pattern! Thanks for the chance!

Heide said...

Super cute for a baby quilt! Congrats On the magazine too.

Shelina said...

Congratulations Lorna! It is really cute. Did you see that Bonnie Hunter really liked this pattern too? She mentioned it on her blog.

Janarama said...

You created yet another awesome animal pattern. The quilt is too stinking cute! Congratulations on being published in Quiltmaker Magazine.

nogysbaby said...

I love your creations. I've had a few new grand baby's they are so great for them.

Jenn H. said...

So many cute patterns. Love them

Lisa J. said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this Lorna. I hope I win because I love this cute little quilt...but if I don't I guess I'll just have to buy a copy.

Kathy E. said...

I am not surprised a bit that you are featured in a magazine...everything you make is sensational! The giraffes are no exception. Who wouldn't love this? I hope to win so I can make one for my niece. duchick at gmail dot com

Angie T said...

This quilt is ADORABLE! Congrats for having it published!

Linda said...

I am so excited to see that you are "published"! I can't wait to make the Family of Three!

shortseam said...

The giraffe quilt is so cute!! I sure would love to win a copy!! Congrads that you are published.

scottylover said...

Love your little giraffe family! They are adorable!

Sandy A

apple blossom said...

Sweet quilt. love to win a copy of this magazine thanks for the chance.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

Absolutely adorable.. now that my first grandchild is due in April I have more project that time or [seriously?] fabric for.. but this is a must!!! oh please pick me Mr Random number picker!!

Anna said...

Always a pleasure to participate in your giveaways. Spectacular design!

GranChris said...

This is totally adorable. I love it.

Anita said...

I love the Family of Tree, reminds me a little bit of the family of four I met walking to the but last morning. "My" family were not giraffes, but a family of deer, two big ones and two small ones. It is so great to live next to a big forest; deer and moose are frequent to be seen!

Anne D said...

Another gorgeous pattern. Love your giraffes.

Béa said...

I love your designs, again a cute pattern XXX

LindaBee said...

I just found you and love animal patterns. Love the giraffe family.

Janice said...

You're patterns are all so cute. They are wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.

Joy said...

I've been following you for sometime now and I'm so excited that you have been published. You have really created some wonderful patterns. Congratulations.

Terry said...

This is adorable - you are very talented

Debbi said...

The giraffe idea always works for nurseries but the family of gifaffes idea makes it fresh and over the top cute!

Subee said...

You are so creative! I love your giraffes!

Renea said...

Your giraffes are sew cute. Love it. thanks for the giveaway.

Deb said...

I love your blog (subscriber by email for a while now) and I'd want to win the book just for the reason that you're in it! I always enjoy seeing what next creative project you've come up with! Congratulations on being included in Quiltmakers magazine!!

Lucy Daniel said...

You are too creative and extremely inspiring! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💓 this giraffe family and see many lovely quilts to be made for charity. XO

PegP said...

Very sweet quilt Lorna.

Sharon Tucker said...

Oh that quilt is just too cute!! you are so creative and talented!!

Karen @runsewfun said...

Well Lorna, you've done it again! This is just darling!

Zenia Rene said...

This is an adorable pattern. I love the giraffes! Congrats on the magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

How fun to get your pattern in Quiltmaker!

Kathleen said...

I just love this pattern. So adorable...

Chiska said...

Such a great quilt!

Unknown said...

So cute! Love this quilt!

cjmont said...

i love all of your animal quilts especially since they are not paper pieced.

MoeWest said...

Congratulations on being published in Quiltmaker! It's such a sweet baby quilt!

lefuntz said...

I love all of your animal quilts and while elephant parade is my favorite the giraffes are a close second.

Dobieslady1 said...

You always have the cutest quilts!!

Deal.licious Real Food Debby said...

This is adorable. Love the giraffes. I know what I am doing for the next baby quilt needed!!

debbygrawn at yahoo dot com

Mara said...

So cute Lorna, Congratulations!

Chelra said...

Congrats! You are amazing! I'd give anything to have all your animal patterns in one book. You are the greatest! Especially the Giraffe Love to make for my niece. I can imagine the smile on her face when she'd open such an amazing quilt. Thanks for the opportunity.

EmileeHope said...

All your animal quilts are so adorable! Thanks for a chance to win the mag with the pattern in it!!

Unknown said...

I love giraffes! Beautiful quilt!

Carol Andrews said...

Love the giraffes and Congrats on the publishing! QuiltSchmilt@gmail.com

Kristin said...

Love your quilt! I can only imagine how many babies will be getting a version of this in the next year!

Wendy said...

congratulations on being published! The quilt is so cute, what a perfect baby quilt

Linda said...

I would love to make this quilt!!!! Your patterns are the best!!!!

KathleenD said...

I love your giraffe family! The quilt is precious!!!
I definitely want a copy of your pattern. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Merry Christmas to you & your family.

Paige said...

Adorable giraffe family. And I love your quilting too!

Annette said...

Too cute!

Rebecca said...

your quilt is darling and would love the magazine

Karen Ackva said...

You are one HOT centerfold! You go girlfriend!

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