I want to thank you all for making the Let's Bee Social a success! This is the 100th post for the weekly linky party. Where the focus is on being social. This linky party relies on your linking up each week, but also on your willingness to visit the other participants. So often I hear from people who have met new friends and how much they enjoy the inspiration found at this party. It makes me so happy to know that you enjoy the linky party and are able to connect with one another. It's comforting to know that in a world filled with so much negative stuff (war, terrorism, racism, etc,) quilting binds us together and builds us up in love and friendship! Thank you for BEEing my friend and for making this party so much fun!
On that note, I would like to share with you some good news. On December 1st, the newest issue of Quiltmaker magazine hits the newsstands...
I am a center fold! Well, at least my giraffe quilt is.....
Here is a pixelated peek! They have changed the name of it from Giraffe Family to Family of Three. But it is the same one I mentioned in this post back when I finished the quilt. I received two issues in the mail this past Friday. And just may be tempted to let one of them go in a giveaway! So stay tuned!
But I DO want to make it clear. In spite of wanting to share the news of being published for the first time in a quilting magazine, I am not trying to be a show off. Or a braggart. Being a center fold is a far cry from being a cover girl. Remember this post about Miley and me?
****Edited to Add****
Thank you to all who stopped by and left a sweet comment on my Santa's Reindeer block post from last week. Rudolph is so happy, he ordered some snow straight from the North Pole!!! And congratulations to the following winners! Each have won a copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 12 - one from Quiltmaker and the other four from me. Pop on over and congratulate them!
Fiona of BendigoLioness on Instagram
Ruth of ruthc2607 on Instagram
Sarah of Cedar Fork Stitches
Shauna of Shauna's World
And Eva of Quebec, Canada
NOW it's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?
What have you been working on?

- Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
- In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
- Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun! Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
- Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!
Just in case you missed it....
The Forest Friends pattern giveaway is still going on until Friday.
Click here to find out how to enter to win!
Keep On Quilting On!
To follow Sew Fresh Quilts by email....

Congrats with being cetrefolded!!! It means you have a very own, funny style of designing blocks and quilts and a lot of quilters like to work with your patterns. It is fun to folow your blog. Thanks. Love from Amsterdam
Congratulations Lorna! Your quilts are unique and should be often in the magazines. First I thought that the pixel photo is your new project. Looks fun! This party is important. As you said, when we open tv,news are only sad and bad. We do need something to get our minds away from that for a while. We are lucky to have the quilting and all the friends around the world! x Teje
Congratulations Lorna!!! This is terrific news :-)
Every Wednesday morning I look forward to the link party. Thank you for hosting and all that you do.
Hugs, Preeti.
I love the linky as well...and it does seem to get quite a bit of back and forth. Congratualations once again even if it doesn't mean much to you.
Congratulations.... Having your pattern published is a great reward for all your hard work and generosity to the quilting community. It means that people do like your creations and I am definitely one of those. Am new to your site and really enjoy all of your posts and quilts.
Congratulations Lorna! What a great thing for you. Much deserved. Can't wait to see your publication!
Congratulations Lorna!!! Your work is just as unique and beautiful as you!
Thanks for hosting the the linky parties-- coincidentally, I'm linking up my 100th blog post!! :)
Congrats on the magazine spread and have a wonderful thanksgiving! I am here looking at quilts while eating a slice of my cheat pumpkin pie as I never can wait and have to bake one ahead :)
Congrats Lorna! Your designs are wonderful for magazines and you should be proud! I think the key here is...do what you love and you will be much happier. I'm very thankful to have found this linky with you and to have met so many talented people and wonderful blogs I may never have found otherwise! Thanks for always being a classy hostess!
Oh Lorna! You are such a riot. I clicked over to the 'cover girl' article. Congrats on now being the centrefold. I will pick up an issue for sure.
Enjoy your day
Congrats on getting published-I have to check the store for a copy! Thanks for hosting the linky party each week. It's always fun and great inspiration. Enjoy your success!
You know what, Lorna? I like you. I love your work, and I love your perspective. I also love Let's BEE Social. Thanks for thinking it up - it's sew fun!
Woohoo for you Lorna!! I went back and read the other post about being published, and I do really like what you wrote here too...although it is wonderful to BE published (I myself have a pattern on Moda Bakeshop) it is not the be-all and end-all of writing my blog. I am most happy with the links it provides back to my friends and family out in Alberta, as well as to the new friendships I have made and continue to make with so many many lovely bloggers in QBL, Quilting Blogland, a phrase coined by Helen of Midget Gem Quilts in Ireland and me, here in Canada--see? :-) I always say they should have quilters running the show in the world; there would be no more of the negative crap you mentioned. It doesn't matter about our religion, skin colour, etc; we seem to all play pretty well together because we have a common thread (ha!) and we know we are all equal, worthy human beings. Thank you for the linky, and thank you for all you share with us, and way to go on the magazine. :-)
This is exciting!! Congratulations! Now I have to pick up this magazine :)!
Congratulations are in order here, both for being published, and for reaching your 100th Let's Bee Social. You should definitely celebrate and be proud of both achievements. I don't think people are better than me just because they are published in a magazine. In fact, I expected you to be a published designer based on the gorgeous patterns you have on your blog. It just means that you work harder to actually finish something, and brave enough to submit it to a publisher.
You know being a centerfold is a big deal, especially in the porn magazine, and the fact that your naked giraffes have to be pixelated to show, well, I won't say any more.
Lorna, your work is wonderful and OF COURSE it gets published! It is just awesome. Every time I see a pattern of yours, I think; " how DOES she come up with the fabulous designs?"
We are proud of you!
Congratulations Lorna! Your passion for what you do shines brightly!!
Congratulations on the milestone today - 100 Let's Bee Social linky parties is an awesome accomplishment - and also on the publication. I think it is awesome that you are BEEing you and having so much success, and I don't have any problem celebrating with you. :)
This is hardly showing off... you should be proud of the hard work and effort that went into making it in the magazine, and that your work is being recognized in this way. Did you ever think that you would one day be a pin up girl? ; )
Congratulations, Lorna! Thank you so much for hosting the linky party every week, it has become a part of my Wednesday!
Congratulations on your 100th linky party, and on being published! Good for you for keeping your head on straight over the whole being published deal. You are allowed to be excited, though, and I'm glad you shared your good news! :-)
Congratulations on being published Lorna! And well done on the 100th linky party
Happy 100!!!!!! Lorna, I think the success and fun of this linky party are a direct result of reaping what you have sewn!!! Thanks for making us all so welcome, and encouraging the friendliness we all want to share :) And THANK you for the magazine!!!! Squeeee!
It's a double celebration! 100th Linky Party Post and a centrefold publication!! Congratulations Lorna, that's wonderful!! Xx
Wow, a centerfold. Congrats to you you always amaze me with your new designs. The puppy block was my favorite but now it is a toss up between the puppy and reindeer. Debbie
PS Congrats to the winner.
I love your work and very happy for you!!
Congratulations! It's been fun linking up and meeting new friends. It's amazing the awesome talent that is out there in blogland.
You have such a kind heart Lorna. Being published is a bit of an honor and I hope you allow yourself to feel proud that someone liked your work enough to include it in their publication. You work so hard and it is nice to have a tiny bit of recognition. Your style is very unique.
Major congrats on the centrefold!! =D
And so much fun that the Let's Bee Social has been going strong for so long!
Congrats on the 100th linky party milestone! I have made several new quilty friends because of your linky party and enjoy being inspired by everyone's work. These friendships have allowed me to grow as a quilter and for that I am very thankful.
I have my new Quiltmaker, and your quilt is darling! I showed it to my husband when I was looking through the magazine and told him I needed someone to be having a baby so I could make it. Congratulations!
Congratulations on your 100th!!!! Let's Bee Social Lorna! Wow, if that isn't a testament to your hard work and devotion to community, I don't know what is.
Lorna, you can feel free to crow from the rooftops that you are in Quiltmaker magazine! It's thrilling and we are all so happy for you! I subscribed just so I could see this issue and was so excited when it arrived the other day. I literally ran around showing everyone your pattern and spread. They all have heard of you before too, because of Elephant Parade and Dog Gone Cute.
Anyway... I think there is more than one form of pride and that what you should feel is the good kind of pride in a job well done. Your pattern has been published in a major quilting magazine, so I'd like to hear some gleeful Wahooing coming from Canada!!! You knocked it out of the park kiddo!
PS... your Miley Cyrus post still totally cracks me up!
OMG Lorna ~ I just got my issue of Quiltmaker today. How did you know I love giraffes?! I definitely have to make this adorable quilt - for me! Thank you for your fabulous patterns!
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