9 September 2015

Let's Bee Social #89

Sew Fresh Quilts has moved!

Out of the quilting hallway.....

With the view of - nothing out that window but wall.

And into the newly painted blue bedroom. This room was dark brown paneling. It had to go.

To be honest....
Yes, that is my dirty laundry.
And a store bought, hand-me-down, comforter on my bed.

Yes. Teddy is looking rather uncomfortable on his new perch with all those empty boxes.

But this is my new "sewing studio". And it will all get sorted out as I go along.

It's been over two weeks since I have heard the hum of my Aunt Elna. But we are all moved in and back at it! Looking forward to winters with more natural light and summers with air conditioning.

Now it's time for the linky party!!!!! What's buzzing at your hive?

Sew Fresh Quilts

    • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.  Take a social tour of their hive and really get to know them!  Before you BUZZ off.... Leave a friendly invite in your comment....  Encouraging them to make a BEE line to your blog.
    • Your blog post does not have to BEE about something you worked on during the past week.  Linking up an older post that you are particularly proud of, or that you thought was really funny, or inspiring, or worth revisiting is totally okay.
    • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog or grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar.  This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following the Sew Fresh Quilts blog is not required - But it sure would BEE nice!

Keep On Quilting On!


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Marian said...

Congratulations on your new room!!

Unknown said...

Nice place to sew with that window. Hope you create a lot on your new sewing room and wish you the best in your new home!!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Lorna! I'm so happy for you to have a new studio! Looks wonderful with the blue walls and windows. In our old house I had a bed in my sewing room and it was always loaded by cloths etc. for ironing. Now I don't have space for a bed in my room and those 'cloth mountains' are some where else. Who has time to iron when there are puppies to be made! x Teje

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would be so glad to have the windows! I have one of which I am very grateful for especially on the cold dark days of winter.

Cheryl said...

Congrats on your new space! The natural light looks great. Have fun making the space your own over the next few months!

Lesley Gilbert said...

Enjoy your new bright space - wherever you are you always create beautiful quilts :)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

And a nice cozy bed for relaxing, WOW.
I love the new room. Love the window view.
I did not know you were making this move - er, rearrangement, Well done, Lorna.
I file my fabrics the same way, but my "library" is upstairs, and I only have a small (haha) mountain down stairs
in my sun room- where I have all of my toys.
This just looks superb!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Oh, and I love your teddy bear ♥️

LA Paylor said...

it's like a breath of fresh air, isn't it? The blue is inspiring, and more room and light are plusses. I have set up several sewing spaces, and like my space now the best because I learned how I like to work, and where to best put things for my way of sewing. Take your time but Aunt Elna is calling...LeeAnna

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Congratulations on your new space. I always like to see how others arrange their sewing areas. I'm lucky that I have a spare bedroom to use, but I can't seem to organize it just how I want due to the room layout.

Jayne said...

It will come together...eventually Lorna! It won't be long and you will be humming away on your machine, everything will be in place and teddy will have a comfortable shelf to sit and watch it all!

Kaja said...

Congratulations on your new space. It's always good to have natural light (not to mention an actual view out the window). I hope you get it all how you want it before too long.

FunThreads Designs said...

Love all the wall shelving. That's what I need!!

Carla said...

Hi Lorna! Enjoy your new space! I think I've had my sewing room in just about every room in the house ; )
I was going to ask about your sewing machine. I was just looking at an Elna yesterday. What model is yours, how big is the opening, and do you love it???

the zen quilter said...

That's a great blue - I'm sure it will add much inspiration! Having the right space to work is so important, isn't it? I hope you enjoy your new digs!

The Cozy Pumpkin said...

WOOHOO!!! Yay for sewing studios! :) Congrats!

Unknown said...

Oh another Elna user! Congrats on the move to bigger, brighter spaces!

Quilt Mouse said...

Nice to have a sewing space. You'll find that it will continue to be a work in progress and rearrange as needs present themselves. Have fun!

Jasmine said...

I have a nice view of the window well. So glad your view has improved with more natural light.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting a new space with a window! :)

Ann said...

How wonderful to have a new space, a window with a view and a/c as needed. You'll enjoy getting settled in.

Zenia Rene said...

Ooolala! I love the blue. It's so fresh! Goes perfect w/your name! =)

Adrienne said...

Your new space looks great! Nothing beats a window!

Julia D @ Jada's Quilting Adventures said...

Really like the new space! Looks so bright and cheery :)

Stephie said...

There's something so free-ing about reorganising a space. I love the blue walls, just like the blue sky you'll actually be able to see from now on!!! Your storage boxes look really practical too. I sorted my fabrics out recently...it all fits in two boxes, haha!!!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Good for you - it's going to be awesome creating in there. Enjoy!

Janet @ Simply Pieced said...

Hope you get settled soon! I know how much a dedicated space for sewing/quilting is important!

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Sleeping with your fabric makes for sweet dreams! My sewing room is in the master bedroom.

Teresa B said...

Congratulations on the move. I'm seriously envying you right now!

Shelina said...

Your new sewing room looks great! Much better than a closet. Did you kick someone out to do it?

Leanne Parsons said...

Congratulations on the move, Lorna! The new studio looks great, and I love that you have a store bought comforter on the bed. I've been quilting almost 20 years and we all sleep under store bought comforters :) The only bed quilt I've made (that we still own) is on the spare bed!

Nancy said...

Your new sewing space looks wonderful. It's like a fresh start. I'm sure Teddy is enjoying his view, even if he's stuffed in. I have it on good authority that Teddies don't mind being in tight places.

Nancy said...

P.S. Thanks for hosting the link party.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Congrats on your new quilt room Lorna!! This will be wonderful during the winter....having a window to look out while working and staying warm. I'm getting a new quilt room this winter also.....I can't wait!

Lara B. said...

What a wonderful change of scenery Lorna - literally with those windows and the view and all the natural light coming in! I love your blue walls - it's like sewing in the sky.

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