Speaking of adding to your reader....
Make sure these four quilters are on your list....
This year Yvonne of Quilting Jetgirl, Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs, Terri Ann of Childlike Fascination and Stephanie of Late Night Quilter will be hosting the New Blogger hop. Check them out and follow along as they introduce you to all of this year's participants!
My Hillside Houses quilt is completed. Technically. I hung her up for the flimsy finish photo. Uploaded. And um... Hey. Yay. There's a problem.
Two actually, if you count the mismatched blue blocks in the top right. I only had a fat quarter of Kona Dusty Blue. So I thought another close colour would look okay. Guess not really. And I was going to leave it. But now it's bothering me. So I am ordering more Dusty Blue.
The other problem wasn't noticed until I seen the photo on my computer screen. Can you spot it?
Now it's time to show us what you're working on this week!
Keep On Quilting On!

To follow Sew Fresh Quilts by email....
From where I'm sitting, I can't see any mistakes, Lorna. A beautiful quilt!!! Thanks for the party.
Thanks so much for the link love! I hope that this year's new quilt bloggers get as much from the experience as I did last year. I think I found a rotated HST; my guess is you will have it sorted out before or as soon as your dusty blue arrives!
Hi Lorna! I love your quilt Top! If it was me, I would make white applique clouds over the seam where the sky colour change. Sorry my post doesn't have much sewing but at least some hexies. Have a wonderful day! x Teje
Is it the Orange house? Just one hst set turned around? Took quite a bit of close searching to see anything. It's such a glorious quilt! Bucket-listed!
I really hope you are going to spill the beans about your mistake! I can't spot it and think this quilt looks wonderful! Can't wait to see it finished.
I am in love with that quilt!!
I love your housey quilt, and until I read the comments above, I really couldn't see the 'mistake', hey, its handmade, make it a deliberate mishap to keep it real! :) How are you going to quilt it?
I can't see it! :) It's bright and cheery and that's all that I see! :)
I don't see any problem! I see a beautiful and colorful quilt... with cheerful houses and maybe one with some construction the roof? ;) Just lovely!
I seriously can't see the problem....I can tell ya I love it so much I want to make one!
So, are you going to seam rip and fix or leave the roof that way? I always have a big inner debate with myself about that kind of stuff so I'm curious as to what you're going to do. :) It's looking wonderful. So happy!
Orange gray hst near top middle would be my guess. ;)
Great job Lorna. I'm nearly finished mine ; )
looks great to me:) We are always are own worst critics though aren't we
I haven't a clue...except that it turned out beautifully! It's hard knowing the mistake yourself, but for us...not so much! So beautiful!
Beautiful quilt, Lorna. As far as the mistake goes remember there are no mistakes just design choices.
If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have noticed. It looks great!
That New Quilt Blogger's group is just the greatest thing!
Tried to, but could not find the second boo boo in your Hillside quilt. It must be something only someone familiar with the pattern would notice, because it looks great to me Lorna!
Such gorgeous colours, Lorna! It's a real beauty.
I see the mistake, but the quilt is amazing! It reminds me of pictures I've seen of Manarola, Italy. Thanks for hosting the link party!
I love your houses Lorna. So beautiful!
Ha, I had to look at other people's comments to see the "problem," and I was trained to be observant in my former work life. But I know that for myself, when I find that something seems off to me, I just have to fix it because otherwise that's all I see. But do whatever works for you because I think it's fine either way.
Your quilt still looks awesome!
Awesome! The houses are fabulous. Can't wait to see how you quilt it.
Beautiful quilt, and I can't spot any mistakes! Your colour choices are just gorgeous. But I know that feeling when there's something you see that you're not happy with, and despite quite wanting to settle for it as it is you just can't. Quilts take so much time that it always feels like it's worth making that last little bit of effort to get them completely right. Hope you manage to get yours so you're completely happy with it.
Thanks for the shout out Lorna! I see the mistake but honestly it took me some looking to find it. I'm usually one to just go with mistakes but because this quilt is so organized (and solids are less forgiving than prints) I'll admit I would begrudgingly unpick to flip that block around.
I couldn't find any mistake. I searched and searched and had to read the comments before I was able to go back and "see it." And it doesn't even look like a mistake, honestly. But I know what you mean about those things that just bug you and you can't help but see it every time you look at it. Lovely Finish!
I am guessing the roof overlapping the orange house. Our family biz is commercial contracting. I've had an industrial/commercial concept like this quilt floating around my head since I started quilting in 2012. I've enjoyed watching this quilt develop.
I really can't see the mismatch lorna . Spotted this pattern earlier on crafty . Looks gorgeous
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