I finished blocks 8 & 9 yesterday.
And sewed the completed blocks into their rows.
Then joined the rows into a 3/4 finished top.
Although I love this design.... And using solids is always a pleasure....
I am not used to pulling out fabrics each week, cutting what I need for a couple of blocks and then packing them back away again. Each block contains part of a house and the next block above contains the rest of the house. So I have to be careful to save what I need for the next block in order to complete that house. And to make sure I don't use up that piece while making the Little Blooms.
I prefer to be able to cut out the whole project. Then start the piecing. And finish that project before moving on to the next project. But that's just me...
Looking forward to getting this top finished and choosing a backing.
How do you operate? Do you like working on multiple projects at once?
How do you feel about quilt alongs? Fun or frustration?
Now Let's PARTY!!!!
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What is the Let's Bee Social??? You can read the details here.
The entire Top 10 Tips series of tutorials has been reformatted into pdf form and is now available as a FREE download from my Pattern Shop here. Enjoy!
Keep On Quilting On!
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love those houses, I tend to save instructions and make the quilt when I have all the downloads for the BOM`s, your QAL was the exception I did that as you released them and now have 30 blocks to assemble into the quilt. Thanks for the freedownload tips
Can I post a Flickr pic as I don't write a blog but enjoy reading others but want to join in on the links?
Really love how this looks! I've never done a whole project in solids, this inspires me :-)
Wow Lorna, those houses really do combine to make such a great little city on a hill. You should be super stoked with how it's turning out. As for projects....well....while I do prefer to just work on one at a time....sometimes I just can't help myself and I get distracted!
It came out great! Very different. I always have multiple projects in the works and it seems that when a quilt along comes along, I'm too wrapped up in what I'm doing to participate. Or traveling back to the states. I don't have a large stash to pull from, either, and that limits me.
I'm quite happy to do a bit here and there - I hate marathon cutting sessions and like to the make the first block start to finish to get my bearings and then maybe cut a few at a time!
Those houses make a darling quilt. I am sure you cannot make just one. Whoever sees it will want one for themselves too. I rarely work on on project at a time. Even when I do, I am scribbling ideas for next two projects. I have yet to participate in a QAL.
Your neighborhood is bright and cheerful and coming along so nicely! : )
Your houses are great! Looks like an evening scene with lights in the windows!
I prefer cutting in one go because I don't have much sewing time (sigh...) so I want to make the most of it.
Such a bright cheerful neighborhood you have! I have done exactly one BOM,the HST Sampler with Jeni Baker, which was the ONLY thing I could work on for a while because of moving...and one QAL, the Flowering Snowball, with Mary Dugan...which was great! I used particular fabrics for each, so they weren't imperiled while I did other things, :) I can see the challenge it would give you keeping track of your fabric when you are so busy using it up all the time!! :) I don't usually have very many WIP at a time...that number is usually determined by available materials to finish. I can get confused/distracted if there are too many things going at once, lol!
Your houses are awesome! I don't purposely set out to work on multiple (too many) projects, but I keep seeing patterns I want to try or fabrics I want to play with. And I enjoy piecing more than I do the quilting, so I'll often put away a quilt top to quilt later..... I do like have a couple of projects on the go in varying stages, so if I don't feel like working on a particular project, I can move to something else. I love quilt alongs as they force me to stay on track and hopefully not get sidetracked with other projects, but they only work if there is sufficient time allowed for you to do the necessary homework.
I understand exactly what you are talking about. You like the finished product but the process of making it wasn't your style. Although I love the finished quilt top, and I mean really love it in your colors, I have not started it because of the partial block thing. That requires more planning than is fun for me. I don't mind details but having to plan fabric placement like this bugs me. I still want a finished one tho, heh heh. LeeAnna
Those houses are stupendous!!! I usually like working on one project at a time, but for a while have been pulled in different directions leading to multiple projects at once. I found it went okay since I had deadlines for everything. As for quilt-alongs...I always start out with good intentions but drop the ball and that leaves me frustrated with myself. Maybe when my life isn't so busy...so in like 15 years or so. ;)
I am a cut it all out at once kinda gal, well except the bindings, but I am getting better at that too! I work on multiple projects at once. I go in streaks of piecing a bunch, then quilt a bunch and then bind them all. I have started 2 QAL and they didn't get further than the first 2 sessions-so perhaps they aren't my thing.
I have to pull all the colors at once but I haven't done a BOM or QAL because I'm horrible at keeping on pace! Love these though!
I don't like following patterns. Most tell you to cut out everything before you begin stitching. I like to be able to visualize the pieces I am cutting, going into the quilt. When I cut out the pieces first, especially on a complicated pattern, I feel blind and lost. I know it's the most efficient use of your time, but it's not for me.
The houses are wonderful - the colors are to die for! I am more of a cut as I go kinda quilter. I rarely cut out an entire quilt at one time. But I understand your frustration with having to go back and pull the same fabrics. When that happens I typically will just put the fabrics together in a project basket until I am done. The is helpful too because I NEVER work on one project at a time! LOL
As cutting the fabric is my least favorite part of a project I like to do it all at once and get it over with! Your houses are looking so cozy together. :)
Oh Lorna this is gorgeous!! So glad you are keeping up with it...even though you have to keep pulling the fabric out! I joined the Technicolor Galaxy BOM and it is one block a month. Not a huge fan at all of that! Like you, I like to do everything at one time. Maybe that is why I'm 3 months behind???
But I love your houses!!
Your houses look good. I would not have the patience for a quilt-along because if I am really interested, I would not want to stop after a couple of blocks. I have been saving the downloads for this Hillside Houses project though because I do want to make it - or something similar. I might start with the wall-hanging size though, as it would be a first quilt for me... and that size would be great for placemats, too.
As for working on multiple projects at once, yes, I do that. Not intentionally, but I get side-tracked from one project to another when something doesn't go right or when I am interrupted. I could stand to be better organized.
Getting out the fabric and putting it back - very familiar here. And that helps - in a negative way - with completing my projects. I have one table that gets used for: dining, arts, crafts, games, sewing, unloading newly purchased groceries, staging take-along items for a trip... you name it, my table gets used for that purpose.
Most of my sewing is garment related and I have several projects in progress at one stage or another. Some are just cut out, some are partly sewn. My hat (the most complete of my recent projects) can be worn but still should be top-stitched to finish. Last thing I worked on is a rain coat, which is now completely cut out, but not sewn yet. I also have a handbag, and two blouses in progress - or should I say - various states of disorganization.
I like your different colour windows Lorna! Very fun
Lorna, the colors you have chosen for your houses are so bright and happy. I have seen a lot of these house quilts but your color choices make yours Zing! I love it. Debbie
I forgot to answer your questions. I have never done a QAL and I do like to cut my fabric all at one time. Is it fear of the unknown? LOL I just like some order in my life maybe I probably would have a break down doing a mystery quilt :0 Have a blessed day.
I started making the mini version of the Hillside Houses. I am just like you in that I when I work on a project I pretty much don't want to put away the fabrics for one project just to start another project and then pull them all out again when the next pattern is published. Plus I lost my momentum on the houses because I didn't get the light and dark shading correct on my rooftops. This is kinda driving me crazy so I have set the project aside for the moment.
So as much as I want to do a QAL i mostly just watch. If it is something I really love I wait until I have all the pattern and then start. I am not one to start and completely finish a project. I have several things going but I am getting better at finishing everything sooner than I used to. I will piece awhile. Longarm quilt several tops for awhile. I get tired/bored and switch around. I am a binge quilter.
Hello Lorna, your houses are so lovely - most I like the lighted windows :-) I absolutely don't like to have several project at the same time - but I can't remember I had only one project .... oh, yes, sometimes I have only one knitting... one sewing... one quilting ... one somthing...project at the same time :-)
Your quilt is looking great Lorna. I have yet to start mine - I keep wavering over brights or warm tones. For QALs, I have learned to keep all the fabric for the project in one bag until you are finished. When it comes to cutting for a project, I don't always know what the finished quilt is going to look like so I usually cut as I go. I like to have the option to change things around and not end up with a bunch of cut up fabric.
Your hillside houses looks great! I don't mind cutting as I go but I do store that fabric separately so I don't use it elsewhere.
I loved your 10 Tips 4 New Quilters series Lorna. Your PDF will be a great resource!
The hillside houses are looking wonderful! So vibrant and sure to bring some cheer into even the gloomiest day!
It sometimes gets me mixed up if I have more than 2 projects going at one time. Lately I have had three going and will be joining two QALs, so I'm going to have to be more resilient than usual. It helps me to keep them each in their own box or basket. But even then, there is a reorientation period when I jump from one to the other as I try to remember what the heck I was doing. ;)
Your houses look wonderful. Beautiful solids. I really prefer to work on a quilt from beginning to finish whenever possible. I try not to work on a lot of projects because various sewing obligations make it hard to stick to just one thing.
Lovely progress on this quilt top. I love it.
As far as your concerns over the process, I would also have a hard time if I were relying on the fabric for multiple projects. I usually have a large zip lok and segregate fabrics I am currently using on a project. That way I won't cut into it by accident and not have enough left. I would have a tough time using the same fabrics for multiple, simultaneous projects.
Looks fab! I like to switch between cutting and sewing so I wouldn't mind such SAL. I do enjoy SALs but I was not very sucessful with them :)
For me, it really depends on the project. I like switching between cutting and sewing, as I am usually I get impatient and want to start stitching, but it does become a problem if I am planning on using the fabric for another project as well. I have several projects that have fabric raided before they could get to completion. I am now trying to do a better job of finishing what I start before moving on to the next project.
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