You would think, perhaps, that I have been spending my time flipping through this issue of Seventeen magazine. But. No. My daughter borrowed it from our local library. And I found the cover to be the inspiration for my latest WIP. Yes, to the PLAID!
I got to work figuring out what could be accomplished using pieces of my dwindling stack of Kona Cotton fat quarters. Excitedly drew up a plan in EQ7.
Pretty in Plaid quilt design by Sew Fresh Quilts |
And cut up these delectable strips.
Lately, my daughter and I have been spending a lot of time watching Gossip Girl on dvd. Also borrowed from the library. I am noticing cushions, art work, the city scape, and various interior details keep popping out at me.
A teen magazine is, I have to admit, one of the strangest places I have ever found inspiration for a quilt.
Where do you find inspiration? Tell me your story!
NOW.... What's new with you?
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Best-selling Craftsy classes are on sale for one week only! Save up to 50% off on Sewing, Quilting & Knitting classes taught by some of the world's best instructors. Once you purchase a class, it's yours to enjoy forever. Every class comes with a money-back satisfaction guarantee!
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Awesome! I love finding inspiration in random places. I have to say that I was inspired by a shoe tread earlier this summer. I should make that quilt some day... :)
Oooooo, can't wait to see this one!!
A plaid quilt unlike any other - that's cool Lorna! You have a good eye for finding inspiration! Coincidentally. I have all those same Kona cottons sitting on my sewing table right now.
Once you start seeing it, inspiration really is everywhere! This is going to be really cool - not to mention on-trend :-) I have been struck by inspiration in the middle of a Dolly Parton concert (but no quilt to show for it yet).
Inspiration is everywhere! I once found a fun appliqué idea in one of my girl's colouring-in books :)
Love those cool colors! Inspiration comes from so many places!
Hey Lorna....I often find lots of inspiration from other quilters and on my daily walks. Thanks for the "party". V:)
I absolutely love that you're using the plaid in that girl's dress as inspiration! And the colors you picked out are lovely. It's so great that you were able to be inspired by something as simple as that. I'm always finding odd bits of inspiration, I really need to start taking photos and make myself a pinboard of them.
Plaid, I am usually not a fan but I like this quilt idea. I get ideas from tile floors and nature but have never created any. I usually just think, "Oh that would make a great quilt." I have stacks of magazines and quilt books, saved patterns on the computer so I do not need to be creating more "I want to make" LOL
I love that you found quilting inspiration in a teen magazine! I'd say the quilt is going to be gorgeous too. Those colours are so beautiful. Thanks for hosting again.
Just goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere! I think that a teen magazine is the perfect place to find great pattern ideas.I think that the end product is going to be awesome and probably very appealing to teens :) And I have to admit that Gossip girl is my guilty pleasure- I love that show!
Fun inspiration! Love it. The worst place I've been inspired is a public bathroom floor. Tile work gets me every time. LOL! Once my bff and I were eating at an Italian restaurant and they had paper on the tables with we spent our non-eating time drawing quilt blocks inspired by the decor and railings,etc. So much fun!
You know what they say; Inspiration is everywhere...I love this! Sixteen patch are fun and quick to put together, I can't wait to see it! Love these colors too.
I love the sixteen patches arranged as a plaid. My latest quilt is inspired by the backing fabric. It needed bear paws. But someday I want to make a quilt with really bright colors and gray as a background. I think of it every time I empty the dishwasher and see the cute kids plastic dishes from Ikea in my gray dishwasher. Although the gray doesn't really match my house. :)
Hey inspiration can come from ANYWHERE! I'm drooling over those strips. Beautiful colors!
I am often surprised when I find inspiration. I take the most joy when it is out of everyday things in nature especially.
Well that was totally fun to see how you came up with that quilt design. Inspiration can come from anywhere.
Wow ~ that's some plaid! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
How funny--and strange as you say--to be inspired by that magazine. Which says that anything can be inspiration... I like the colors you chose for your plaid. Much softer than the one on the cover. ;-)
So funny, I would have thought the same thing looking at that magazine. It seems we quilt makers look at so many things as "that could be a quilt"! I have a rug in front of my dryer that I plan to base a quilt off of someday :)
I find inspiration everywhere, my sketch book is out of control! It's amazing how random our creativity is!
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