It is now officially the busiest month of the year. And Christmas will soon be here!
I wanted to share with you all - an update of the exciting plans in the works - going on here at Sew Fresh Quilts!
GIVEAWAYS - Those of you who have been following my blog are well aware of how familiar I am with that wonderful feeling you get from winning fabric. In November I had my own very first Giveaway celebration. I was pleasantly surprised with the number of entries and happy to meet so many new friends! The wonderful feeling of GIVING away that fabric even surpassed the joy of winning fabric. So I have been hard at work soliciting sponsors for Giveaways to take place during the coming months.
BLOGIVERSARY - Sew Fresh Quilts was begun on Christmas Eve 2012. My very first post outlined the various plans I had. And was listed in a New Year's Resolution style. I will be making a special anniversary post this December 24th.
HOSTING TGIFF - December 27th will be my first experience as a Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday hostess! I do so hope to see you here for that exciting event. And encourage you all to link up your finishes for an end of the year celebration!

Let's Bee Social! is a Sew-Weet new weekly linky party for quilting bloggers. A new blog post each Wednesday will allow you to add your own link to the Let's Bee Social linky party post.
Read more about the new linky by clicking on the page tab I have added beneath my blog header or by clicking on this link. And please add the linky button, found at the top of the right sidebar, to your blog to help spread the word!
SPONSORS - You may have noticed the glaringly obvious new sponsor and affiliate link banners added to the sidebars on the Sew Fresh Quilts blog. I apologize if any of you find these offensive. I have provided a title at the head of these banners, to make it clear that they are either Sponsors or Affiliates. And I wanted to make it very clear that Sponsors and Affiliates are two very different entities. My new sponsors are generous donors who are supporting the upcoming giveaways with donations of fabric to be won. Through our combined efforts, we wish to provide a fun event with a chance for some lucky winner to receive a thrill in the mail. I have added a new page tab beneath the header entitled Sponsors. It is here that you can read more about my Sponsors and Affiliates.
AFFILIATES - Affiliate links and banners are a recent addition to the Sew Fresh Quilts blog. I would like to point out that the meager income gained from displaying these banners, and the occasional postings promoting the services they offer, is in support of this blog. Monies raised will be used to cover the postal expenses during giveaways and those incurred when shipping finished quilts supplied to the many charity efforts I promote. You can read more about those charities by clicking on the tab entitled Quilts 4 a Cause.
Thank you all for following along AND for your continued support and encouragement!
I am looking forward to growing my social circle in the online quilting community in the coming new year and hope you will be joining me on my journey!
Keep On Quilting On!
Bee Social sounds like fun but aren't you afraid people will link up the same post as for the highly popular WiP Wednesday linky?
How fun! Some exciting news for you! Congrats on it all!
Looking forward to all that you have in store in the coming weeks! :)
Glad I am already a follower so I know what is up! So excited about your bloggy and quilty future and love linkys :) See ya on Wednesdays in 2014! Have a wonderful Christmas Kathi
It looks like you're going to be a very busy blogger, Lorna. Good luck with it all! :o)
You will be very busy and glad to be here.Have great Christmas!
Congrats on your almost blogiversary, and on this new chapter Lorna! I love participating in link parties for that very reason. Discovering new quilty friends is so much fun!
:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation are certainly taking on some fun projects! I can't wait to be part of your linky party launch! It is all so exciting!!
Looking forward to your linky party! I already added your button to my "link-up" party page. I can't wait!!
How awesome! All of it! I have got to remember about the link's hard to become a successful blogger and I can use all the help I can get,
Busy Busy Lorna! Very exciting stuff! Looking forward to seeing what is next for you. :)
Way to go Lorna! Can't wait for all these exciting events!
Love the plans you have going forward and am thrilled you will be on of our TGIFF! hosts this month. :)
I'm not a blogger -- just a wanna be beginning quilter, but I wanted to say that you should be very proud of having so many sponsors and affiliates. In my estimation it is a badge of honor to have so many companies interested in and appreciative of your blog. I really love this blog -- thanks for the time you put into it!
Wow Lorna you have been busy! I posted your button on my linky page. Looking forward to your Sew Weet Linky Party!
You're amazing - how do you manage it all? I'm so happy for your success ... I'll be there following :)
Hi Lorna!
Sew Weet sounds like fun fun fun!! Congrats on your anniversary too.
xo jan@sewandsowfarm
Such great news! I'm looking forward to your linky posts! Also, I'm now a Craftsy affiliate too because of you! Hope they recognize it was through your link that I signed up.
congrats again, and thank you so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!
:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
Lorna....Congratulations on your up coming Blog anniversary. Well done you for getting sponsors and affiliates to support your blog and all the wonderful work you do. I will be looking forward to the new linky party. Wishing you every success for the future. Marie (
You are always so busy Lorna and congrats on the anniversary and coming Linky party!! Thanks for sharing.
Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday
Great stuff Lorna and congratulations on your blogging anniversary! Time flies doesn't it? Looks like 2014 is going to be an exciting year for you. Take care now.
Lorna, I cannot wait for the coming year and know you will have a good one. Your blog is wonderful and I love reading it. I want to say Happy Anniversary early.
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