12 January 2020

Sunday Stash & My Sewing Room

(ABOVE) This was my view just before Christmas.

(BELOW) This was my view in the morning last Tuesday.

Welcome to My Sewing Room!

Here is my finished Kangaroo & Joey2 quilt hanging out.

To the left is my grandmother's china cupboard.

 Filled with old photos and treasured trinkets.

One such treasure recently resurfaced.

My Thumbelina dolly that has been with me for 50 years.

I just made her a new bracelet and necklace at Christmas time!

My ironing station is in the far left corner.

And the cutting table runs along the length of the back wall.

To the left is my fabric storage.

MOST ALL of my fabric now fits in these 9 totes.

The pattern for Life in the POND is ready for testing.

But I also wrote the Good Old Hockey Game pattern and want to test it first!

Just wanted to let you know that things have been going SUPER FANTASTIC in my life!

I am regularly getting spoiled with flowers like these.

From my guy Brett.

There are many of you who have been friends of mine for so long now....
You have sent me so many encouraging comments and emails....

I wanted you to know....

I am doing GREAT! Thank you!

Sending a SHOUT OUT!!!

To Linda of Quilting Biker for coming over for a personal visit, 
along with Michaelanne of Stache Fabrics & Notions in London, Ontario.

These two ladies came to pick up some sample quilts to hang in Stache Fabrics.

And since they were also ordering some printed patterns to sell in the shop....

I put them to work! Lol!

Want to visit me in My VIRTUAL Sewing Room?

PLEASE JOIN ME in the Sew Along with Sew Fresh Quilts group on Facebook!

Oh yeah!


These are some pieces I recently acquired.

Finish the bolt for an extra 10% off?


Happy Stitching!

Keep On Quilting On!

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Elaine said...

Lorna --- that sewing room is WAY TOOOOOOOO TIDY!!!! Thanks for sharing and so glad that this year is going well. I'm so happy for you!!!!! Elaine

Sewmom18 said...

I have flowed you for a long time and prayed for you. I am so glad to here you are doing well and wish you all the best in the new year.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I agree with Elaine -- your room is sooooooo tidy. LOL The flowers are beautiful. Well done, Brett. Happy sewing.

Kathleen said...

Your room is lovely and the flowers are gorgeous! SO SO glad for you, Brett. Happy sewing and Sunday!

Deanna said...

Your room is beautiful! Congratulations on having such a lovely space to work in. Doubtless many inspired patterns will result.

Kathy said...

Wow! Your sewing room is great! I'm envious of the cleanliness, no wonder your creativity is flowing! Your fabric purchases are beautiful, you deserve it!

Quilter Kathy said...

So happy to hear you are doing well!
You deserve lots of love and fun in your life!
And if you ever need help getting patterns ready for an event, just holler... it would be a fun way to spend the day with you! We could call it a "pattern prep party"!

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Sewing Room is looking great! I had that Thumbilla doll too, sold it on ebay before we moved south!

KaHolly said...

Glad to hear that life is good! Im envious of your beautiful sewing space!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Dear Lorna, Your sewing room is wonderful. Great lighting and I bet this is the "dining room" with that fancy chandelier
You have put this space to excellent use as your sewing office. I have mine right next to the kitchen too, it is the room with too many windows hahaha but with the kids grown, actually the whole darn house is my office.
I am so happy that Brett is your guy.
Keep making incredible patterns and enjoying life. We are so blessed.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

LOL....I saw a way too tidy further up in the comments. True, but it's really roomie.

Carol Andrews said...

Lorna your sewing space is wonderful and Brett? Wow! Such good news,

Tammy said...

Your sewing space is looking great! Love the fabric with the sweet birds and birch trees.

Shelina said...

Your sewing room looks so pretty and functional. I am glad things are going well for you.

Kat said...

Your sewing room! Wow, I wish I was that disciplined! Ha! So happy that life is treating you well! You deserve it!! 😘

allthingzsewn said...

I'm so thankful you are happy at last. Prayer answered. Really like the birches and birds. Can hardly wait for Life in the pond. Gotta have this one.

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