7 March 2018

Let's Bee Social #218

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

These Scottie Dogs are the last thing I worked on before moving. Hope I can have things up and running in the new sewing room to finish this before too long!

Things around here are finally coming into place. We had no internet service for the first six days so I apologize there wasn't a Let's Bee Social post for last week. But today I would like to show you a few photos of our new home so far!

This will be my new sewing space... 

This is the kitchen. I have a couple of drawers to repair.

This is the front entrance. When you come in, you can go up to the main floor or down to the basement. I splurged and bought a new hall tree/bench today. On sale!

This should be the dining room. At some point.

This is my office. Right next to the kitchen.

This is the living room. And here is where the couch will go. When we get one. The dog Kaylee, can hardly wait. And oh! There are those two kitchen drawers that need to be repaired.

And here is the downstairs. So far this entire area is still full of stuff that doesn't yet have a proper place. And at the end of the room is my son's set up. There is a seperate room down there that will be his bedroom, but it absolutely needs a new carpet before he can move into that room. The entire floor is a beautiful laminate. Unfortunately it was covered in a black tar or asphalt from someone's boots. But it is coming clean. You can see my kneeling mat. I've been scrubbing and cleaning a bit at a time. 

And this is the view when coming upstairs. Welcome to our new home!

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

  • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
  • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
  • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thank you to all who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. And for your many emails and notes of encouragement and support. Also for the virtual flowers and actual card mailed to us,  welcoming us into our new home. You are all greatly appreciated and I am blessed to have so many quilting friends from all over the world!

Keep On Quilting On!

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Kristin said...

I missed you last week, but I knew you were completely upside down with moving. Wishing you the best of everything in this next chapter!! Xoxoxo

The Cozy Quilter said...

Looks like things are coming together and you are getting settled. Welcome home!

Nancy J said...

Your new home shows love, contentment, and rooms to be used for eating, resting and quilting. Love those big windows. I am so happy for you , Lorna, and may the love and happiness continue. Fondest greetings and so many good wishes for you all in your new home.XXX

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute quilt, and great sewing studio! I love the 2 windows, and your sewing table in front of one of them, great place to be! I'm looking forward to see pictures when you will be settled! Your new home looks very nice, enjoy it!

Little Quiltsong said...

Love the new quilt you are working on - totally my style :)! Love the huge rooms in your new house, and how quickly you are settling in. Wow - room to spread out too with your office and sewing room - I am so very happy for you and your children!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Congratulations on your new home. I pray for you and your children that your new home will be a place of peace, happiness and harmony. Blessings!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Thank you for the tour!!! Love your new hall tree. Great space to work in. Keep moving forward. God bless!

Kerry said...

Wow! So much room to play in! Beautiful new home and early days yet, things will eventually find a home.
Here only a little bit of sewing happening because we've been decorating, decluttering, tidying etc., ready to sell our house. But soon off on a retreat and one of the quilt patterns that I'm taking is your bear paw quilt and, as a template to see how it works, I've done one bear block so far. Now I'm ready to slice away.
I should have something to add to the Let's Bee at some stage soon!
Cute Scotties - especially the bow tie pup!

Quilter Kathy said...

It's a wonderful homebase from which to create a wonderful life! Congratulations!
Symbolic about the black boot footprints, but you are cleaning all of that tar away... you go girl!!
Especially enjoying my unicorn hanging in my design wall reminding me that unicorns may exist :)
Happy sewing and designing in your new life!

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Thanks for the new home tour...I always love looking at home layouts :-). Looks like you have lots of space there. Great to try out different layouts before settling on the best one. Enjoy and hope you are able to get back to sewing soon! You must be in withdrawal LOL. It'll come sono enough.

Brooke said...

oh so, so happy for you!!
your new place looks divine!!

blessings to you!


marebear said...

So glad you are slowly settling in to your new home. Looks lovely!

Slice of Pi said...

Yay for your new house!! Thanks for the peek inside!

KaHolly said...

Your new home has lots of potential! Enjoy the process of making it 'yours'!

Julie said...

I'm so glad you shared your new home! Thank you. It gives us a place to put you in when you're being thought of, and sending you many good thoughts this morning! Congratulations on the making of a new home for your family!

Elaine said...

Thanks for sharing! It's fun to have a new space and both the sewing room and the office look awesome! You're going to be even more creative now. Have fun with the rest of that floor!

Christine said...

Hi, Lorna. Thanks for letting us see where you are hanging out now. Trusting you are already enjoying the peace and harmony of your new space and that your kids are adjusting to a new normal.

Christine from Ontario

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Lorna,
I was thinking about you and your move! It looks like it went well and you are getting settled. That sewing space and those windows!!! Oh my, how fabulous. Your office looks like you are comfy, and I never would have noticed the kitchen drawers had you not pointed them out. {{Hugs}} I hope this new home is just what you always wanted. Some you will be all settled and the move will be a distant memory - not one you want to repeat soon, though. ~smile~ Roseanne

Leanne Parsons said...

What a beautiful, bright home! I'm glad you're getting settled in :)

sam said...

Your new home looks cozy, comfy. Thanks for the update.

Vicki in MN said...

You new home is wonderful and will be so cozy once you get to decorate it with all your fantastic quilts!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Lorna I think I and all your other readers knew last week that you were busy moving in and settling down. I wish you and your children the best to have full and happy lives - it takes time to move in and unpack and decide where every thing goes. Wishing you the best!

Kathy E. said...

You've already come so far to make your house a home! It will fit you perfectly and have fun making it your own!

Carol R. said...

I don't know if this will help or not, but peanut butter MIGHT help with those 'scuff' marks on your floors. Years ago, my husband laid tar on roofs and would sometimes bring some of his work home with him via his boots. Someone told me about the peanut butter, I tried it and it worked. Worth a try - might be easier than scrubbing with something else.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Welcome home, Lorna. Take your time settling in and enjoy this new season of life. Hugs!

Jayne said...

Congrats on moving in and I know you will enjoy your new home! It looks spacious and beautiful. I've always loved moving in to a new home. Figuring out where everything belongs, making in mine! Enjoy and don't scrub too much!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Welcome home Lorna. I am so glad you have a nice space to call home now. Drawers are no problem. Good luck on the floors though, ugh. I hate dirty. haha
I love a split level, stairs are good for a bit of cardio lol
I am so happy for all of you

Lynette said...

Congrats on your new home! That's such a pretty floor - bummer to have to scrub off the tar. But fun times to look forward to in collecting the items you still need. There's always excitement in that.

Sandra Walker said...

Your house is just lovely Lorna, seems so full of natural light! In not time at all you will make it a home. :-)

PaintedThread said...

Huzzah for a new home. It looks great.

CA Bobbie said...

I'm so happy for you and your family. When my life split apart I had a rocking chair and a bed. You are doing so well . I now have a full home-it took lots of work and lots of blessings but I know you will continue Congrats.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Beautiful home Lorna and it looks like you'll have room for everything! I figured with the move you wouldn't have internet right away. I can't wait to see more as you settle into your new quilt room!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

You new place looks wonderful. Have fun making it your own :)


Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

The house looks great. Take your time and make sure you set everything up how you want. Hope things are going better now that you're in the house.

Sandy Panagos said...

Thanks for the tour. Looks like your sewing room will have some lovely natural light!

DianeLoves2Quilt said...

Missed you last week and checked for you several times. You were in my thoughts. Wow what a lot of space you have to fill up with fabric in your new home. Hope settling in goes smoothly.

Zenia Rene said...

Congrats Lorna! It’s fabulous and coming right along!=)

Sewmotion said...

Yay! Congratulations on your move, your house looks amazing, all that space to fill with fabric!! Enjoy :)

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Lorna, Congratulations on your new home. It's a lot of work, but well worth it in the end. All the best.

mangozz said...

Your new home looks beautiful and huge! Hope you will be happy there.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

What a lovely home. Enjoy.

Alice said...

Love all the space that you have to work with. Hope you get settled soon so that you can get back to sewing. It is always an ongoing project when you move into a new place. Good luck!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice big, open kitchen. Always a plus. Have fun setting everything up. It does take time.

Cheryl said...

Your new house looks wonderful! Have fun adding little touches and making it into a home.

Tracie said...

I love the Scottie dog quilt! Congratulations on your new home. I hope you enjoy it and fill it with love and laughter.

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Wishing you love, luck, and happiness in your new home Lorna. You have so much space, it always takes a while to get everything sorted but it can be such fun too. Enjoy.

Rachel said...

Congrats on your new home! Love all those windows in your new sewing room. Can't wait to see what you get up to in your new space!

Nicole said...

Huge hugs to you and your kids. Congratulations on this move (which is so much more than a move).

Unknown said...

Your house is so nice - what a wonderful blessing for your family. Congratulations! Those Scotty dogs are adorable - if you turn them sideways, they look like penguins doing a funky dance. (The ears are the beaks, and the fins sick out.) Lol - it took me a moment to figure out why you posted the quilt turned sideways. Crazy what the eye sees. Best of luck with the cleaning and small repairs!

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