28 March 2018

Let's Bee Social #221

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

I have not been doing any sewing this week. Enjoying the sunny weather. Puttering about the house. Organizing. Cleaning.

So nothing to show.

But I am certainly looking forward to what you are sharing!!! So...

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

  • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
  • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
  • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Keep On Quilting On!

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21 March 2018

Let's Bee Social #220

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

First of all I'd like to thank you all for your helpful advice on making things more comfortable in the new sewing room. All the suggestions from window coverings to moving the sewing area away from the window were very much appreciated. And I know I'll be feeling more and more at home in there the more time I spend.

This week I worked on a very unusual project - a first for me.

My friend Barbara had a special request. A close family member recently lost his wife. Barb had acquired a few of this woman's clothing items. And she wanted to know if I could help her turn these items into momentos for her family.

There were a number of knitted sweaters. We chose two - a white and a black sweater - to make into cushion covers. I still need to get a black zipper to make the black one, but the white one turned out great.

There was a nice fleece poncho. And the start to what we were hoping to make into a memory quilt. A pair of bright red Santana jeans. A leopard spotted boho bag. And a pair of beige striped capris. I didn't want to try cutting the clothing down to patchwork squares. I wanted to leave them recognizable. So I went with more of a crazy quilt construction to make the pants and bag into the other side of the quilt.

I sewed around the outside edges of the two layers, to match them up with right sides facing.

Then turned them outside right and sewed again around the edges. And added some ditch quilting along the seams of the pants to hold the two layers together. It's certainly not like any other quilt I have made before.

There is still a request for a few heart shaped pillows from a cherished red top yet to be made. But I am feeling good about what's been accomplished so far....

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Thank you to all who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. And for your many emails and notes of encouragement and support. Also for the virtual flowers and actual card mailed to us,  welcoming us into our new home. You are all greatly appreciated and I am blessed to have so many quilting friends from all over the world!

Keep On Quilting On!

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14 March 2018

Let's Bee Social # 219

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

Things are starting to settle in. I finally did some sewing.

These are the new Christmas Sweaters I'm working on. I showed the fabrics in this post, if you're curious about them.

This quilt design is reminiscent of the Ugly Christmas Sweaters I made as my first finish of 2016. But I thought the best way to break in a new sewing room.... is by starting a new project. I felt a bit disconnected while starting out in the new digs. My ironing board is now on the left instead of the right from my work area. And although it is wonderful to have two lovely windows for all that natural light, it is really a bit warm. Any suggestions for window treatments?

Have some Christmas fabric looking for a quilt?
You can find the new Christmas Sweaters pattern here in my shop.

Christmas Sweaters finishes at 66" x 80"

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

  • Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
  • In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
  • Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun!  Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
  • Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Thank you to all who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. And for your many emails and notes of encouragement and support. Also for the virtual flowers and actual card mailed to us,  welcoming us into our new home. You are all greatly appreciated and I am blessed to have so many quilting friends from all over the world!

Keep On Quilting On!

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7 March 2018

Let's Bee Social #218

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

These Scottie Dogs are the last thing I worked on before moving. Hope I can have things up and running in the new sewing room to finish this before too long!

Things around here are finally coming into place. We had no internet service for the first six days so I apologize there wasn't a Let's Bee Social post for last week. But today I would like to show you a few photos of our new home so far!

This will be my new sewing space... 

This is the kitchen. I have a couple of drawers to repair.

This is the front entrance. When you come in, you can go up to the main floor or down to the basement. I splurged and bought a new hall tree/bench today. On sale!

This should be the dining room. At some point.

This is my office. Right next to the kitchen.

This is the living room. And here is where the couch will go. When we get one. The dog Kaylee, can hardly wait. And oh! There are those two kitchen drawers that need to be repaired.

And here is the downstairs. So far this entire area is still full of stuff that doesn't yet have a proper place. And at the end of the room is my son's set up. There is a seperate room down there that will be his bedroom, but it absolutely needs a new carpet before he can move into that room. The entire floor is a beautiful laminate. Unfortunately it was covered in a black tar or asphalt from someone's boots. But it is coming clean. You can see my kneeling mat. I've been scrubbing and cleaning a bit at a time. 

And this is the view when coming upstairs. Welcome to our new home!

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

Thank you to all who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. And for your many emails and notes of encouragement and support. Also for the virtual flowers and actual card mailed to us,  welcoming us into our new home. You are all greatly appreciated and I am blessed to have so many quilting friends from all over the world!

Keep On Quilting On!

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