It warms my heart and makes me smile to see you all participating in this event each week. When I click on your photos and come for a visit, I love seeing that you are BEEing social and have been visiting and leaving kind comments on each other's blog posts. Everyone needs a little sweet word of encouragement now and then.
Thank you also for all the lovely comments left on these link up posts each week! You make me so happy!!!!
I know this place has been overrun with all kinds of Christmas lately. Excuse me.....
But where did January go????
So for my next trick....
I'm taking my Maple Cake of "Pie Making Day" and magically turning it into a quilt. For those of you who are wondering, "What is a Maple Cake?", a Maple Cake is a stack of 10" squares. There are 40 to 42 pieces in a stack. And a Maple Cake is the same thing as a Layer Cake except that Moda "owns" the name Layer Cake. So the clever folks at RJR Fabrics came up with their own name for this and gave it a Canadian twist!
Last week I told you about how I consider myself to be "print challenged" and how I spent most of last year working on overcoming that. Well it's confession time again....
I am additionally "precut challenged". Or maybe it's not just me....
When I seen this Maple Cake of "Pie Making Day" for sale, I bought two. Because I love it so much. I used my first stack to remake the KYSS pattern, and you can see that one here.
I did like this quilt better because of the prints. But the pattern is very simple. For the KYSS pattern you cut the 10" squares in half and add sashing. Definitely lives up to the Keep Your Sewing Simple motto. This time I wanted to make something a little more fun to piece. So for this second stack of "Pie Making Day".... I am heading to the BEACH!
Like me, are you a sucker for those gorgeous bundles? Those luscious layer cakes? Those delectable jelly rolls? Do those bite sized charm packs and chip packs call you by name?
What do you do with yours?
Are you a curator of these things?
Or do you use them to actually make quilts?
What do you do with yours?
Are you a curator of these things?
Or do you use them to actually make quilts?
Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

- Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
- In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
- Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun! Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
- Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!
Are YOU a fan of Layer Cakes and stacks of 10" squares?
If you missed yesterday's post, I strongly encourage you to give it a read.
Keep On Quilting On!
Happy February Lorna! Your bikinis are so cute! I have bought only one jelly roll and I'm making diamonds with that. It's really good! I just posted about one charm pack quilt and it was fun to make! Still I prefer fat quarter bundles. They give me give me possibility to get lots of prints and colours and with that size I can be much more improvising. x Teje
Lorna - you sure know how to take the snow away and make us think of those hot summer days at the beach. What a creative idea with those layer cakes/maple cakes!! They are cute!
How fun! That's going to be a great block for wild and fun prints. I have a few pre-cuts, but I'm not good at using them.
I am a pre cut junkie and I know it. Layer Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Charm Packs, Jolly Bars FQ Bundles....I just love them all. Which leads to I have so many laying around collecting dust, I need to get to sewing them up...but they are so much fun to pet and look at. Is there help for people like us?
Like you, I have a hard time with prints! If you throw a print with a pre-cut...I'm thrown into a full blown panic attack! I've had charms, rolls, layer cakes sit for years because I wasn't sure what to do with them!
I love the garden wall. I have a christmas layer cake that garden wall may show off the print perfectly. I tend to buy lots of precuts, since I don't feel I have the talent to put together fabrics that "work". Precuts do that for me.
January is gone! I know... it is crazy.
Lorna, I always read your blog updates but not always comment I am just running around in circles trying to keep up.
everything you make is prettty, soooo adorable
and look at the bikini pattern.
Super cute idea.
I also love your layer cake quilt. Your colors are happy and perky.
I have a lot of precuts. A LOT
I hide them in clear boxes in my easy to see, but sort of concealed storage area. You know.... people come over to visit and look and gasp. So, I try to avoid that.
Oh my. I hope to start cutting into all of the stash this year.
I've never used the 10" squares. I've used charm squares twice (many years ago) and I just used my first jelly roll, to participate in a blog hop for a new book that uses precuts (out of my usual, to say the least). Since I like to prewash all my fabrics, I usually cut my fabrics after I wash them, instead of using precuts.
I have been trying to work to write patterns for precuts and I have to admit that 10" squares have been a bit challenging for me! I love that RJR named theirs a Maple Cake! Your designs are always so clever, and I love the diversity in skin tone you are creating: it makes my heart happy. <3
Lorna, I want to thank you for the help you gave me learning how to link up and in quilting. I hate cutting fabric so bought mostly precuts in the beginning of my quilt journey. Then you did a quilt using an Accuquilt and I was sold. Bought the Acuquilt and dies from your side bar so I do not mind the addition of more to the left as I discover new fabric and tools from them. Congrats on your growing business.
I love that KYSS pattern! And that "Pie Making Day" fabric with it is just gorgeous! I have a hard time with pre-cuts. I know some people can't get enough of them, but I don't often use an entire line. I like to make my own mixes. That being said, I really want to start using them more. Especially charm packs and layer cakes.
The KYSS pattern sure is a nice one for showing off those prints. Your bikini one is pretty cute too. lol. I do buy pre-cuts occasionally, but I find I like yardage more. I have 2 jelly rolls just sitting right now, they sure are pretty to look at ;) and I have some charm packs and FQ packs that have been 'bitten' into. But just a few of them.
Thanks for the weekly link up!
I'm looking forward to the yellow polka dotted bikini - cute!
I am too precut challenged. To date, I have never made anything with a precut pack. My tendencies are to take it apart and mix it with something else.
Honestly, no... I'm not into precuts. I mostly buy 1/2 yards and FQ, and hoard yardage if it's a print I absolutely LOVE.
I love the elephant parade and Christmas collection patterns. ....well let's be honest. I love them all!
As for a fabric collection. ...goodness they are all beautiful. I did love the Hazelwood layer cake. Very pretty.
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