Thanks so much for joining us for the Let's Bee Social!
This week I have some Good News and some Bad News...
I announced a few weeks ago that I had been approached by F&W Media and was considering writing and publishing my first quilt book. After much consideration, and after reviewing the contract, the bad news is that I have decided that this is not something I am prepared to do at this time. So there won't be a book after all. At least not yet.
However, the good news is that after spending weeks preparing new designs for the book, they are now going to be released here on the blog. As each one is finished being tested, they will be added to my pattern shop.
Another item of good news is that I have refined a few more of my previous patterns which are now available in printed form for wholesale. If you think your Local Quilt Shop would be interested, please feel free to pass along my email address! sewfreshquilts (at) gmail (dot) com
And how cute is this plaid patchwork chicken????
Sending out a GREAT BIG Thank YOU! to Sarah of Cedar Fork Stitches. What an unexpected and pleasant surprise to receive these sweet items in a package this past week! That's some teeny tiny mini....
It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?
It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

- Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
- In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
- Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun! Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
- Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!

The Ugly Christmas Sweaters quilt along is still going strong. Especially over on Instagram!
A beautiful (and eclectic) round up of samples can be seen here. All of the instructions have been posted. We are now in the middle of our One Month Break for Quilting & Binding. And then it will soon be linky time!
A beautiful (and eclectic) round up of samples can be seen here. All of the instructions have been posted. We are now in the middle of our One Month Break for Quilting & Binding. And then it will soon be linky time!
May 30: the Ugly Christmas Sweaters "SHOW it OFF!" never ending linky party begins
Do you have any suggestions or requests for the next quilt along?
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Keep On Quilting On!
Contracts can be such a tricky thing. I am sorry that writing the book did not work out for you at this time, but I am excited for you to release all these new patterns. Hugs to you, friend.
Congrats on the the new patterns even though they will not be in book form. What sweet gifts, the mini is so cute!
Sorry to hear you have decided not to go ahead at this time, but you have to do what is right for you. I will just have to continue buying individual patterns. Of course, you could always do a pattern collection as an ebook and sell it through normal channels.
Hi Lorna! I love the racoon! Sorry to hear about the book. I can only guess how complicated that could be. I hope that it works out later. Looking for to see your new patterns! x Teje
How cute is that mini! The racoons look like they about to get into some trouble. Sorry to hear the book deal maybe in the future.
While on one hand, the idea of writing a book is very exciting, the other side of it is that it is so much work! I think that the pressure today for designer's to whip out books like they are cakes, is deceptive of the effort that it takes to not only write a book, but also promote it.
I recently read a really great and honest blog post from Jeni Baker about why she stopped designing fabric. When you stretch yourself too thin, you end up loosing the quality that it would have had if you had stayed true to your work.
Perhaps writing a book is simply a just not right now thing. Either way, I hope it was the right decision to help and you feel at peace about it.
I love your new designs Lorna and am happy to see them here on your space. I'm so glad you were able to make a decision your are happy with and look forward to more of your designs in whatever format you release them!
Oh wow, cute happy mail. Love, love your raccoon blocks. Also happy you have more time for your patterns. Sorry about the book - but it takes strength to make the right call! You have such a gift in designing and capturing the right expression on all your forest friends - it just keeps amazing me :)!
Having heard some tales of woe from people who agreed to book deals, I'm thinking you've made the right decision. Your patterns are so fresh and current, better to get them on the market sooner rather than later. Plus, your fans are buying fewer books, learning online instead.
As long as you don't stop having fun making up and writing patterns, we go for your single patterns instead of your book :-)
(of course we would go for your book as well, if it's the time...)
The minimini quilt ist so cute!
Sorry that the book deal fell through but glad that you can see the good side ...those patterns are fabulous and fun! Love the squirrels!
sometimes a book is not the way to go - I bet you can sell a lot of patterns through your blog and maybe through quilt shops as well - I have no shop in my area but if I did I would show them your patterns good luck in what you choose to do
Sorry to hear about the book, but you may have saved yourself a lot of hair pulling. The raccoon face is so cute, I can see it sewn out big as a baby quilt, adorable!
What lovely new friends you have created to add to your pattern library! So sorry that the book is not happening for you right now. That little chicken is adorable!
you're designs are so wonderful, Lorna. Sorry to hear about the book, but I'm glad to know that you are doing what is right for YOU, right now. That must have been a tough choice.
:) Kelly
I am glad you reviewed the contract once more and did not sign. Hope you write a book later or may be you publish your own Ebook with great designs. Who knows? Your are talented and your designs are great! Love to see your new patterns.
That is such a cute mini - very tiny!! As others have said, this must not be the right time for the book project. Things are forever changing and evolving and if it is to happen, you will figure out the right timing for such a huge undertaking. It sounds like you are choosing wisely. Your patterns are fantastic and what's more, they are unique. When I see another quilter has made one of your patterns, it just looks like yours right away.
Sorry the book didn't work out right now. It will happen when the time is right. Just stay positive. Love the racoons, can't wait for the pattern. I already have your black birds pattern, finally have all my fabrics collected. Just have to finish my current project then I can get started.
If it didn't feel right, you did the right thing by putting it on hold! You'll know when it's time! I am in love with Sarah's chicken! It is so dang cute! And it's good to see she has joined the mini mini craze!
That is Big News Lorna! ...and maybe not bad news at all. The trials of publishing are a real consideration to weigh in the balance. This way you still exercise full creative control too. You will know if and when the time is right to do a book. Those are some great patterns you worked on and I can't wait to see them when you are release them!
Sarah is a sweetheart and that is just like her to send you a surprise. The chicken is so fun and i love that teeny tiny mini!
Good for you for knowing when something isn't right for you at this time. Maybe the book will happen another time, when it is right. In the meantime, I look forward to all the new patterns!
I'm sure that was a tough decision. I am just glad we will still see your designs!
Sorry to hear that, but perhaps that is not bad news at all! Your new patterns are really sweet and you will probably sell them a lot more as an independent seller.
I'm sorry the book did not get to happen yet. But I am excited to see what awesome patterns you have waiting in the wings for us. And that is maybe the tiniest mini I have seen yet.
I think you are smart to stay in the pattern mode rather than the book thing -- it seems to me you retain a lot more control of your work that way.
Sorry the book is not going to work out. Sending you an email. :)
That must have been a difficult decision to make Lorna! Such a silly pkg of random littles! I'm glad it made it through :)
Everyone has said everything I have wanted to are so creative and talented...that to have your book in my collection would be so wonderful...but can only imagine the process of a book. Good for you reading the fine print and remaining confident in the direction you are going. WE love your designs and YOU! V
Sounds like you've made the right decision for you, a book does sound like a lot of work... those racoons look so mischievous!! Good luck with your patterns :)
Sorry to hear the book didn't work out, but it sounds like it was the right decision for the time being. Looking forward to seeing all your new patterns! Those raccoons are cute little guys. The orange one looks a little shifty to me, better keep your eye on that one! ;)
Good for you to read the contract and know the details before signing, Lorna. It's too bad the book didn't work out but maybe another time, another publisher.... Your mini quilt is so very mini. I have a hard time imagining working with such tiny pieces of fabric. Thanks for hosting Let's Bee Social.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @,
Glad you made the decision that feels right for you Lorna. This new quilt is too cute! Dog Gone Cute is still my favourite though!
I think that your patterns are one-of-a-kind and you are a star designer. I am sure you already have a fan following all over the world. I love your designs and you rock!!! Keep doing what you are doing. Lots of Love, Hugs and Best Wishes,
You are such a talented quilter with the kindest soul ... whatever opportunities await you will happen at the right time. Thank you for continuing to support us all and share your gift X
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