16 October 2015

Why it Pays to Slow Down and Enjoy the Process....

Who doesn't like to make the same quilt twice? As I've said before..... Most of us....

But this is my third fourth time making the Fox & Friends equilateral triangle quilt. This quilt will also be a sample quilt brought to class when I teach at the Kincardine Sunset Quilters' Guild on November 10th. It was so much fun making this quilt yet again. And it was a much, much quicker process. I cut the quilt out one evening, pieced and did the applique the next day, and quilted it up on the third day. Experience can work in my favour if not too much time has passed.

Here are all four of the Fox & Friends, finishes 1 to 4, shown left to right, top to bottom. You can see the first Fox & Friends here, the second finish here, and the third finish here.

Although the pattern has a diagram that can be traced for the applique eyes, I used a couple of thread spools and this time the black portions turned out to be so much larger than previously. Oooops.

The front was made entirely from Kona Cotton Solids. Again.
But this time I finally did make the green version I had spoke of previously.

I chose greens that leaned more toward being army green as opposed to candy green. From lightest to darkest: Cactus, Sprout, Peridot, Lime and Grass.

The raccoons were made from Medium Grey, Black and Silver.

And the foxes were made from Orange and Silver.

Honestly, I do prefer the blue background over the green. But the backing choice really is a compliment to the top. Those little green leaves throughout, tie in well. From the Forest Friends collection designed by Ingrid Slyder for Moda - Forest Friends Toss in Pebble.

And for the binding - Forest Friends Birch Trees also in Pebble.

I quilted along all of the seam lines using a light grey Superior Threads' So Fine! #30 on top and in the bobbin. I thought it would take so much longer to perform this straight line quilting compared to those organic wavy lines. But no. And I am so pleased with the results!

I especially love how the quilting shows on the back. And all the little stars formed at the crossroads!

"Fox & Friends" finished at approximately 39" x 45"
and was the 58th use of my 100 labels
ordered from Ikaprint.

If you would like to make a Fox & Friends quilt, too...
The pattern is available in my pattern shop here.

Free tutorials for cutting and piecing an equilateral triangle quilt can be found here.

And after its all quilted and bound....
And shown off at my very first trunk show....

NOW is see that I goofed!

It pays to take your time. Slow down.
And enjoy the process. Even if it's your fourth time making the same thing.

The first four rows are actually supposed to be the bottom!
I piece the rows into three panels. And then do the applique before piecing the panels together.

C'est la vie!
It's finished.
And I still love it!

Linking up to Finish it up Friday with 

Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts

PS.... Today only!!!!

Dinkydoo Fabrics is offering $10 off purchases over $50....

Keep On Quilting On!


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Anne D said...

I love that quilt and the bottom on top does not make it any less gorgeous!!!
I want to make it in batiks! I always make mistakes but in this case it certainly doesn't matter. I love the backing too.

Béa said...

Very beautiful, I prefer the green version XXX

Dorothy said...

I perfer the green---and what mistake ???? it looks great :-)

June D said...

I only noticed the different colors - until I read your post of course! All look great.

I'm wondering when you did the quilting did you do all the horizontal, then the vertical starting in the center and working out. Or maybe you did every couple of rows then went back to fill in? Or did you do some horizontal then some vertical until done???? I've got a tumbler quilt all basted and ready to go and I want to the same kind of stitching, but I'm unsure how to proceed...


Sewmotion said...

Haha, now you know no one would have noticed that goof if you hadn't mentioned it! This version is gorgeous, and you are so right about getting faster the more versions you make, I've just remade one of mine and it went so quickly!

Ruth said...

Really liking the green version and the big eyes too! I often piece something in the wrong way - twice I only noticed after quilting!

inchworming said...

Oops! I didn't notice, lol! Both your quilts are beautiful, but I am loving the green!

Little Quiltsong said...

I love the green and was going to comment on how I like how you changed the layout :) - love it - isn't that how new quilts and recipes are often discovered and become even 'better' :)!! The orange in the foxes really stand out in the green. The quilt is beautiful as are all four of them!

Lorna McMahon said...

Hi June,

Thanks so much for the lovely compliments on my quilt! Yes, I did the horizontal quilting first. Starting in the middle and quilting to the ends. Then I quilted the diagonals, also starting in the middle and quilting to the ends. Worked out fine!

Looking forward to seeing your Tumbler quilt!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

I noticed but thought that it was intentional. I would call it creative license.

Carla said...

That is fast!! I always gravitate towards green, so I really like this one Lorna. So cute!

Dana Gaffney said...

That's not a goof, it's creativity, you just changed it up a bit. Love the green, it makes me think of the forest where these critters live.

krislovesfabric said...

Not a goof...a design choice :) And I like the green one the best...blue is nice but the green gives them forest to hide and play in! Great quilt, love your play with the triangles.

Debbi said...

I love the whole thing but think the binding and backing choice actually take the quilt from cute to fabulous on this one. Great choices! I do not think I have ever made a quilt (or anything for that matter) without going "off script" at least once and I am the only person who usually notices - the "goof" looks fine.

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge said...

I love this in greens, Lorna. Next go round, I think you should switch up the background again. Pinks? Purples? Low volume? And you should add your little mix-up with the order of the rows to the pattern. It looks great!

the zen quilter said...

I really like the green and the greens that you chose for this. And the backing is almost as cute as the fronting! As for the goof - it just looks like a different arrangement. I can goof better than that, easy, Lorna!

Jo Ferguson said...

I never get tired of seeing this quilt in various colour combinations. It's always adorable and whimsical.

Zenia Rene said...

ADORABLE! I love it in blue & green...but the backing on this green one is so stinkin' cute!

SarahZ said...

I love how the orange really pops against the green! It is fun to see another color version, isn't it? And the "different" placement doesn't hurt a darn thing! Another adorable Fox and Friends :)

Jayne said...

Sometimes when you are too comfortable making a quilt...mistakes happen. You feel like you can make it in your sleep! I don't think the mistake takes away from the design at all and the green is a nice change (although I love the blue)!!

Georgi said...

I never would have noticed the switcheroo if you didn't say anything! :) Love this version ~ the backing and the binding are perfect for this one!

legato1958 said...

I love this quilt!! The fabrics for the backing are just perfect for your front solid fabrics! And your straight line quilting is just the right touch... love seeing it on the back as well!
This is such an adorable pattern!
I agree that we need to slow down and enjoy what we are creating!

Ioleen said...

I did not notice the mistake. I just saw WOW. Love the greens. All four quilts are great. Orange is my go to colour as of late. Orange background and brown foxes?

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am glad you were able to make this one with a green background; I know you had been wanting to give it a try. :)

PegP said...

It was design change - not a mistake. Embrace the wabi sabi! It looks great!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as usual. And your quilting is just gorgeous!

Jamie @ Sew Brainy said...

Love the green version! In any order, it is adorable! :)

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

I love it in green!!! And the backing is adorable.

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

Love the green version...and what mistake??? :)


Quilts and Such said...

Your quilts are fantastic! Love the design!

JanineMarie said...

Really, it looks great either way. My favorite picture is of the four quilts together so you can see all the directions the animals are looking in and the expression on their faces based on their eyes. Too much fun!

Brianna said...

It does look good in green!

Nicole said...

So cute!

Carole @ Fresh off the Frame said...

Well, that's a subtle difference! I've had to pick apart a king sized quilt top because a block (in the middle) was in upside down - I didn't notice, but my daughter walked in and it was the first thing she saw! At least yours makes no difference to the charm of the quilt, and no picking was required!

Sandra said...

Your Fox & Friends quilts are adorable! Congratulations on your lovely finishes!

Laney said...

Would never have noticed the mistake if you had not mentioned it. :)
And besides - those happy foxes are supposed to frolic around!Love seeing them all together.

KathyinMN said...

These are just so stinkin' cute. Would not have noticed the change on this one had you not pointed it out. And its interesting the difference the quilting makes to. Not sure which I like better! But every time you post pictures of these, it makes me want to try triangles.

Daytona Damsel said...

I would have never noticed the mistake if you had not posted it. I yhink the backing makes a pretty quilt too, you could call it reversible. :) Debbie

Julie Cefalu said...

This pattern looks so cute in the greens! I wish I could be at one of your trunk shows. I'd love to see them all in person!

Quilts By Laurel said...

I actually like the green a little more, but green is my favorite color! :) Such a cute pattern! I'm going to have to buy this one eventually. :)

Shelina said...

This is the best one yet - I like the green background better. And I don't see a mistake, just a different design choice. All of the foxes are still whole.

Maria - Pink Pony Design said...

Absolutely gorgeous! All of them! Such a fun pattern and I'd just love to have time to make my own version! I have so many friends having babies right now and this is just too adorable! =D

Karen @runsewfun said...

This quilt is adorable however the fox are arranged. I studied the photo on IG looking for the mistake and never found it. Seeing them all four together here it just looks like a design/color decision - not a mistake. Shhhhh!

Cut&Alter said...

Just love these quilts Lorna!!

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