It's an exciting NEW YEAR!
And I am already working on an exciting NEW PROJECT......
Using these new ColorWorks Concepts fabrics from Northcott Fabrics that you can see here and here.
More squirrels? Yes. These are the Rural Squirrels. And they are little sleeker than the ones that were made in Squirrels in the Park. County living must result in them keeping slimmer than livin' in the big city. More foraging and frolicking perhaps?
We may have a lot more in common with those squirrels than you realize. Quilters and squirrels both tend to keep a well supplied stash on hand. Scurrying about. Searching it out. And gathering our little treasures. Then squirreling them away. Is it just me or does that sound kinda nuts?
Oh well.... It is becoming quite clear that I have a fondness for these little rodents. The real ones are surely snuggled up in their cozy nests for the winter by now. We finally got a wee bit of snow on the ground and the temperatures are getting awfully cold. It's finally starting to look like Christmas around here. Now that it's over.
I know! I know I just said it! Christmas is over. BUT....
I told you there would be new Quilt Alongs for 2016. And this is the first one that came to mind! The Ugly Christmas Sweaters QAL will begin in February. I got the okay from Michael Miller Fabrics and they are going to sponsor the quilt along by providing some more of that yummy Cotton Couture.
More details to come in a post soon. #uglychristmassweatersqal
Button can be found on my sidebar if you are wanting to quilt along!
It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?
What have you been working on?

- Click on at least a few of the others who have linked up.
- In your blog post, please include a link back to my blog.
- Grab the "Let's Bee Social!" button from above and put it on your sidebar. This way others who visit your blog that week can join in the fun! Share the news of this new linky and Let's Bee Social!
- Following Sew Fresh Quilts is not required. But it sure would BEE nice!
Keep On Quilting On!
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Bwahahaha! The theme for your first quiltalong of the year? Brilliant! : )
Love the Ugly Sweaters quilt along. how fun!
Ugly Sweater Quilt Along... you crack me up, Lorna. What a hoot!
Love those ugly sweaters. Your comparison of squirrels and quilters cracked me up! Happy New Year!
How unique - this 'Ugly Sweater' Sew Along sounds like fun! Love it!
Hi Lorna! I love your squirrels and those fabrics are amazing! I looked the links and would want them all + the solids! Have fun! x Teje
We had corn in our field behind our house this year so our rural squirrels are fat and tubby still from that and the mild winter, hehehe. Love your sweater qal idea!
the squirrels here in the country are fat and active! they steal the bird food as often as they can!
Your design abilities are fantastic, think I will own an Ugly Sweater quilt is a few months. Can't wait to get started!
Happy New Year! Love the jumpers.
Sounds totally nuts to me!!! Sew funny! You know I love your squirrels, no matter if they are town or country squirrels :) I am excited to start a Forest Friends table runner for some friends getting married...this month! I better get going!!!
I love the sleeker, rural squirrels! And those fabrics with them will chase away any winter blues - they're so bright and cheerful!
Are you saying quilters are nuts? Perhaps some of us! The stealth squirrel looks great, especially with all those colors! Where are you going with this one...
Ugly it! You come up with the best ideas.
Love the sleek squirrel, but I'm really in love with that colorful star fabric. I do hope you show us all those gorgeous pieces sewn together with your squirrel.
What a cute block! We have so many squirrels outside the house (digging up my garden) that I don't think I could stand to have them inside!
Hi Lorna! Happy New Year 2016! I was just wondering if I was going to enter a new SAL for 2016. And low and behold, you have is very enticing too. Can't wait to join up. Hugs, Karen
Love the ugly sweaters.
Love those squirrels, and your new QAL looks fantastic!
Oh my! Ugly Christmas sweaters! How can they be so cute and yet ugly at the same time? Another tempting QAL.
I love your rural squirrels :) Your ugly sweaters quilt is awesome!!
Rural squirrels... Lol. They are really cute Lorna!
Your ugly sweater quilt made me laugh too. What a brilliant and unique idea!
I love all the colors going into your latest squirrel piece. Can't wait to see it come together!
Thank you for hosting this linky party.
I can't wait to hear more about the Ugly Xmas Sweaters Quilt Along!
So funny...ugly Christmas sweater. Can't wait to hear more.
So cute Lorna. You just keep producing! Love the sweaters
Love the idea for the ugly Christmas Sweater Quilt Along! lol!
And that squirrel is cute ;)
Man those colors are so clean and strong. Love them! And love the slimmer country squirrels, super cute!
Those are some really pretty colors for Ugly Sweaters! Not sure those will qualify as Ugly. What a great idea! I love the colorful prints with your slim squirrels, too. It does look like they are squirreling away some gems.
Sounds interesting! Can't wait to learn more! Loving those squirrel blocks! XO
Love the idea of an ugly sweater QAL!!
Oh such adorable squirrels! <3 And I love the Ugly sweater QAL idea! Sounds like so much fun, I hope I'll have time to join! =D
Happy New Year lovely lady. I am sure it will be a creative year for you, you've already started well!
That Ugly Sweater quilt is going to be adorable!! :D
I was distracted by your sweater quilt in the sidebar, but managed to read your post enough to know you are going to have a quiltalong for it. That's great - funny and cute at the same time! I have a friend who pins to her ugly sweater board, and I see it all the time on Facebook.
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