
3 April 2019

Let's Bee Social #265

Welcome to the Let's Bee Social!

Please welcome Michaelanne of Stache Fabric & Notions!

Michaelanne recently emailed requesting a design for this year's upcoming Row by Row Experience. The theme is TASTE the Experience.

Because Michaelanne has a love of squirrels and their stache of nuts, we came up with this design:


Please click on through to visit Michaelanne at her shop Stache Fabric & Notions!

And follow her on Instagram here!!!!

Are you taking part in the FREE Harry Potter Quilt Along 2019? New block instructions every Saturday! These are all my 10” blocks so far. #HPQAL2019 
Check out the quilt along page here.

Now... It's your turn for Show and Tell!!!
What have you been working on?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter

For those of you who are still hanging in there, hoping the NEW ME is just a phase,
please resist telling me what is and what is not appropriate.

This is my blog

I'm just gonna leave you with this....

Are you kidding me?

Keep On Quilting On!

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  1. Live your life exactly how you want to live it. And don't be bashful or afraid because of what someone might think of you. Women have been told that forever. People won't like you if . . . Or, even worse, people will think you're a slut, if . . . Those are insidious messages. Don't listen to them. Live your life as you want to live it. End of story. If someone defriends you or leaves your blog as a result, you're better off without them in the long run. And, you may just pick up two more followers who like your authenticity.

    Keep quilting and keep being uniquely you.

  2. I just want to say how much I love my friend Lorna and how proud I am of the strong and fierce woman she has become. We have to be true to ourselves at the end of the day. Happiness comes from within and definitely doesn't start by pleasing others when it compromises who we are. I am totally down for a cute squirrel and its nuts in a tree picture coupled with a picture of my boyfriend :P

  3. Love The squirrel block!! and only you can be you - so do it with gusto!! E

  4. Lorna, you are the only REAL blogger I follow! Everyone else is so afraid to be themselves and have fun with life. I love to see what you’ll post next. %$#@ for Brains is my favorite so far. Keep on being you - no judgement here!

  5. Your blog is creative and FUN! People who don't like it should familiarize themselves with the delete button.

  6. My hope is to meet you in person someday, Lorna. You are my role model. Real, honest, brave. I think the nuts for bolts blocks are great. The design is clever and unique, the fabrics used are spot on, and even though I have so many UFOs and patterns, now I must have this new set of patterns! Happy Sewing!


Your kind comments certainly make my day!