
29 April 2016

Ugly Christmas Sweaters QAL - Sashing, Borders and Finishing your Quilt

Quilt Assembly Instructions:

Step 1:  Arrange your completed Ugly Sweater blocks according to the size of quilt you are making. Sew the Background 1.5” x 12.5” short sashing strips between the blocks in the rows.

Step 2:  Sew the Background 1.5” x 51.5” long sashing strips to the bottom of the rows. Sew the rows together.

Step 3:  Sew the Background side border pieces on the sides.

  •  20 block Maxi quilt side borders are 1.5” x 64.5”
  •  16 block Medium quilt side borders are 1.5” x 51.5”

Step 4:  Sew the Background top and bottom border pieces on the top and bottom to complete your quilt top.

  •  20 block Maxi quilt top and bottom border borders are 1.5” x 53.5”
  •  16 block Medium quilt top and bottom border borders are 1.5” x 53.5”

Step 5:  Prepare your backing and batting.  Baste the quilt.  And quilt as desired.  Trim and bind your quilt.
  • 20 block Maxi quilt requires (6) binding strips
  • 16 block Medium quilt requires (6) binding strips

You can click here to go to the Ugly Christmas Sweaters Quilt Along page for all the details. On that page you will find the layouts and quilt sizes and also see the full schedule. 

A quilt along is always more fun than quilting alone.
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Sew Fresh Quilts

If you are interested in quilting along, please add the button to your blog and help to spread the word. Also....  Please feel free to share via social media!  And add the hashtag #uglychristmassweatersqal

It is not necessary to purchase the pattern in order to participate.  But if you would prefer the convenience of using a printable pdf pattern, Ugly Christmas Sweaters is available for purchase and includes complete cutting instructions and a detailed guide to finishing the entire quilt in any of the four different sizes listed.  The pattern is available in my pattern store here.

Sending out a special THANK YOU!!! to Angie

Keep On Quilting On!

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  1. Thank you Lorna! Time to put my Sweater Quilt together :)!

  2. Thank you Lorna for all of the time and effort you have put into this QAL! Your ideas and patterns are totally awesome. I totally loved it! It is time for me to find some more fabric and get back to my project. I was loaded down with other things but really look forward to starting again. <3

  3. Thank you Lorna for such a great quilt-a-long! I've got to get back to this too! I have several blocks cut out, just waiting to be sewn together. I'm SO STINKING EXCITED for how my first five blocks look though! One of my favorite patterns EVER!! THANK YOU for all your time and hard work. :)


Your kind comments certainly make my day!