
9 October 2013

WIP - For the Boys

Now that I am finished the Holiday Sparkle quilt, I have on a new work in progress to share today...

A wolf quilt for my son!


I had already started planning this quilt for my son, when I discovered that Madame Samm was hosting a new blog hop - FOR THE BOYS.

So I jumped right on board!

Amy from Sew Incredibly Crazy is our cheerleader for this hop.  This is my first time participating in a blog hop over at Madame Samm's, but I 'm sure it won't be the last.  If you are interested in joining in, there is still plenty of time.  Click on this cute sneaker icon and head over to Madame Samm's!

Happy Wednesday everyone!
Keep On Quilting On...


  1. don't spill any sparklies on the wolves!

  2. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

  3. Perfect timing, Lorna! Will look forward to the finish.

  4. Oh! It's so cool project!
    I love there colors! :D

  5. Looking forward to seeing what you make.

  6. Looks very me more!!

  7. Looking Forward to seeing your wolf quilt. ;)

  8. That's awesome! I had a stoke of genius (yes, I'm claiming genius on this one) on something my kid would love. It would be awesome to get it done for Christmas, but I can't imagine getting enough hours in when she isn't around to see it! :)


Your kind comments certainly make my day!