
7 February 2014

Lies Quilters Like to Tell

What is it about this subject that I am having so much trouble writing about?
Is there something I am hiding?  
Should I just let it out and say it like it is?
Am I the only one with this problem?
So many questions.....
What the blank am I even talking about?

Writing a Sewing Blog.

As with most Quilting Bloggers, I started this blog to keep a record of the quilts I made and to set goals.  At first, I told myself that this was just for me.  That it did not matter if anyone else read the posts that I wrote or seen the quilts that I made.  It was just for me.

That must have been Lie #1.

As time went on, I did long for a connection with others.  Those who shared this interest obsession.  I am inspired by their work.  Interested in their lives.  We are all so different, yet so much alike.  We are creative.  We have that compulsion to quilt.  We swoon over fabrics and notions.  We go through the daily grind, all the while daydreaming of the next opportunity.  To Quilt!

Yes, I still have a Quilts page, dedicated to sharing what projects I have made along the way.

What is Lie #2?

Back when I started this blog, I also told myself another lie. That I would never not spend so much time blogging and reading the blogs I follow, that it would take time away from actually quilting.  But this blog has expanded to include the focus of being social.  And so much more. Tutorials, social link ups, hosting quilt alongs, joining in quilt alongs hosted by others, taking part in hops, designing and selling patterns, sharing my favourite fabric shops and quilting product sources.  Facebook, Pinterest, Flickr, Bloglovin', Google.....

My Online Quilting Guild.  My friends!

And each of my friends shares through their own sewing blog.
The HOME page sure was appropriately named!
For each of us, our blog is like a peek into our lives.  We share our projects.  Our triumphs and our mistakes.  Our dreams and plans.  Our life.  Our hurts.  Our problems and fears and our feelings.  

Do you ever wander around on your friends' blogs?  Where do they keep the coffee around here?  Oh, here... Maybe I can find out a little more on their Quilting Gallery page.  Let's see now... I just met this person.  They came to visit me and kindly took the time to leave a comment on my blog.  Oh, dang...  They are a no reply blogger.  To me that is the opportunity to return the visit!  Sure hope they have an About Me page!

Maybe not everyone feels this way.  Perhaps you are one of those who started a blog for your own personal record.  And that is all there is to it.  But I do have my doubts.

Are you lying to yourself?
Do you agree?
We need the connection.  We need each other.  And we do care.
Tell me what you think!

Linking up at the Sewing With Certainty series with my friend Jessica of Quilty Habit!
Come on over!
I'll put the kettle on.
And you can check the cupboards for the coffee!


  1. I agree that the social part is essential! Great post - you figured it out! ;)

  2. are the best! I agree with the fact that this is as much about the social ties, as it is the quilts. I never dreamed that I would have so many new friends in my life. Thank you so much for the "Bee Social" link every week!

  3. My gosh ~ have you been picking my brain!? I'm totally with you on both lies ... Granted I don't spend that much time on my own blog, but I love when people are kind enough to leave comments (like you!), and I spend tons of time reading (and sometimes commenting) on others' blogs. I'm so glad you outed yourself (and me).

  4. It's all about the social aspect for me! I love getting a chance to connect with other people, and share a similar interest. As I told my friend who was shocked that hiking clubs exist: "If it's something people do, you'll find a group that does it together." We are social beings! I think the reason I've stuck with quilting for so long (I have hobby ADD) is because of the strong social networking with quilting blogs and flickr/instagram. :)

  5. Got any hot chocolate? I don't drink coffee. ;) I started blogging to connect to others. I love to stay at home, but I crave conversation with other adults. People who understand my interests and quirks (you know, taking pictures in pjs in the snow) are the best! Thanks for all your social encouragement.

  6. Truest post I ever read and belive me I read all the I take hot tea though.

    1. Well, I would gladly put on some tea, Kathleen! Come on over! Thank you so much for being my friend!

  7. Hey Lorna
    Boy, you can sure look into my soul! Never thought that blogging would become such an enormously important part of my life. Lying to myself and all!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  8. I was expecting to read some gossip when I read the title so this is quite a disappointing, lol. Things like I make a quilt within two hours or I have never used seam ripper :-) I did not start my blog with this "lie" I started it to be able to link up everywhere I want. I'm so glad I did since I feel more connected to the community when my posts and all are in English. So the purpose of setting up a blog was really to be a more out there. I'm fully aware that is time consuming and I try not to follow too many blogs. I try to visit those that leave a comment though.

  9. Right from the word go I wanted others to read my blog, otherwise I'd have made it accessible only to me. However, I didn't realise the interaction that would take place. I didn't ever tell myself I wouldn't spend much time blogging. I knew if I enjoyed it, I'd put in the time. Great post!

  10. I didn't start my blog for quilting at all. I started it to promote and help sell my art. However, when I did my first quilt block in a class, I showed it. Then I made a quilted table runner and showed it. Quilters started reading my blog. (probably because I was reading theirs and leaving comments.) Suddenly I had this online quilting group and friends. I don't usually lie to myself -but when I do, it is about not buying more fabric OR not spending so much time online. sigh!

  11. Well I dont know if it is lying... it is a change of perspective. :)

    I still write my blog for "me" so to speak. I enjoy reading my old posts and having a record of how my skills have improved over time. I also absolutely LOVE that other people find it interesting and stop by to tell me about it. It keeps me motivated and has had me working harder than ever to keep projects coming! Besides, how else would have come across such amazing and supportive artists all over the world? Such great personal connections with so many different experiences and thoughts. Good times, Lorna. Good times.

  12. Lorna, I didn't realize I'd been lying to myself when I started. I THOUGHT I was writing it just for me. Then I came across linkys and figured out how to use them. Big learning curve. Still on it. Will be for a long time.
    Love the connections I've been able to make.

  13. So I *might* be guilty of that "I'm not going to let blogging take away from sewing time" lie... as much as I love time to quilt, though, I do so enjoy hearing about what others are up to and having my own chance to share! Thanks for keeping us honest, Lorna ; )

  14. I'll stay for a cup of tea :) I started my blog to record my quilts but really more to reach out and meet other quilters. I have meet more lovely women and made more friendships than I thought I would though.

  15. Interesting...for me it was a bit different. I set up the blog to connect, I think. As I am working almost full time I never did find the time to join a group. So the blog fills that gap and lets me share my thoughts, connect with other quilters and also learn new things. And bonus, I get to show and tell...a must for any quilter, I think. It's been absolutely great and I always look forward to sitting down at the computer and just looking around to see what other quilters have been up to.

  16. HaHa! I was wondering if anyone else out there was harbouring the same little secrets. I did start blogging as a 'log' for my own purposes but as I got followers, I found I was checking the stats page way more often than a normal person should! Kudos to you for owning up to what we all (I suspect) feel!

  17. Never thought about the blog being just for me but sometimes I feel like it is when only a few folks comment. It takes lots of time to write posts, sew it is exciting to me to read those comments and get feedback. I always answe if there is a way to do so. I love to blog regardless and love those beverages that loosen my lips! Now where is that bottle of Baileys! Cute post my friend.

  18. Love the post and you divulging our bloggers secrets. Yes, it is true.. it is a great way to chronicle our projects and celebrate our finishes.. but it really is the people we meet! I look at this as my online quilting guild since I no longer have the time to belong to a real guild. Thanks for your reflections and speaking the truth! Let me grab my mug and I'll be right over!

  19. You had me with the post title.......your take on this is absolutely right ! Where did you say the coffee is ?

  20. I think the biggest lie I tell myself is that it is fast and easy! Maybe it was in the very beginning...but now I try to write more process posts, take (and edit) more photos, link to more of the things I talk about, and participate in linkys several times a week! I spend so much time on the computer now, ugh. Your post has inspired me to finally get to making an About Me page...once I figure out to do it...

  21. Blogging has become my virtual quilting guild. Everyone motivates me, inspires me. Blogging is my only social networking and I love and value the friendships being made. I'm especially more driven to complete projects, knowing I have friends and followers to share them with. With smiles, Val:)

  22. I do below to a real live quilt guild but I really have more real friends in my virtual world. People who keep coming back and making comments on my blog as I make comments on their blogs. Recently I even got to meet a blogging buddy in person. We had a lovely dinner and conversation. She was an absolute delight.

  23. Wonderful post... I really had no idea how much I would enjoy the social aspect of blogging. What a great community! Learning, sharing and inspiration are a big part of my blog reading/writing.

  24. your totally right on the social component and wandering around on blogs because of the connection we feel with these online friends -- I get concerned if people I feel I know aren't blogging for a while when they had been consistently, wonder if they are all right and wonder what is keeping them away. Thanks for sheading the light of truth on this matter and helping the rest of us know we aren't alone.

  25. Black coffee for me - all day long! Great post, Lorna ... so much resonates with us all! I wouldn't be without my little band of regular followers now, I really wouldn't but I honestly had no idea at the beginning what a sense of community I would feel. I do like to receive comments, I'm not going to lie about that :)

  26. you are right we love having people that understands our passion

  27. Oh my, you must be living in my head. You said it perfectly!

  28. I started my blog so the ladies in the club I was hosting could see sneak peeks of the quilts I was making. It has become so much more ; ) I have learned a lot and met wonderful online friends over the three years

  29. Blogging and following blogs are my quilting bee group since I left my beloved bee group in Florida (sometimes you have to go back home!). Quilting as a business makes for a solitary existence so I need the friendship of other obsessed quilters online! Thanks for being honest about why we need to blog! Women need friends much more than men appear to...gotta have our Vitamin F!!!

  30. Fun reading. I love the way I can stop and start on the computer just like I stop and start with my sewing or reading and I can have coffee and cake twice while I read blogs and no body but me knows. Blogging and sewing are a great match. I really enjoy both. Interacting online is fun.

  31. Your heart really shines through on this post! I think we are all really trying to connect with each other. :) Thanks Lorna!

  32. Such a true post! I do try to remind myself the reason but at the end of the day is so fun getting comments and connecting with others!

  33. Haha, so true! We are fibbers, the whole lot of us:) Some are still in denial. It is for us, but we don't want to admit we want people to follow along and validate what we do and make that connection, friends who understand and get it! So glad to meet so many wonderful people and it has changed my life forever! You included:)

  34. Lorna, sometimes I feel you are actually speaking to me, and you have a lovely voice! I did hope to connect to others, and can gladly say, I have. I am a late night browser and comment as often as I can. I am thrilled to have started conversations and connections with so many other quilters. It is time consuming but so worth it!

  35. weren't supposed to air our dirty laundry so publicly. LOL Great post, and oh so true!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I love the social part of my blog. I always long for comments on my projects and activities, though I feel that I rarely get them.

  38. It seem like you hit the nail on the head with this on for sure. I'm new to all this and I feel overwhelmed already. And it is really getting into my sewing time, I going to have to figure this out. I started blogging to help build an etsy store, but I've already made new friends and want to socialize too. I thank you for for your feed back. Your are very helpful. I don't where you get the time.


Your kind comments certainly make my day!