
13 March 2013

Sew Retro, Baby - Block 1

Didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped today... Must have worn myself out a little the past two days!  All that tracing and cutting, pressing and trimming....

Sew I did not get the dishes done... But I did take the kids to their Tuesday night weekly bowling in the evening.  And I did get three block layouts done, but only a picture of the first one before dark time.

I hung it up in front of the window for this picture.  Looks like pretty stained glass!  More to come tomorrow....


  1. WOW!!! its cute!
    it does!!! lools like stained glass!

  2. That is adorable! Love the stained glass effect against the window. The design reminds me of India like the sultans house in Aladdin :)

    1. Wow, Mal... I never even realized that until you mentioned it! Cool! Thanks!

  3. Pretty colors! I plan to tackle curves soon. Any tips? I have the starch bottle ready at least :-)


Your kind comments certainly make my day!