
1 March 2013

Happy Blogiversary, Marelize!

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been getting busy quilting the Spring baby quilt.  And finished that Thursday.  Binding is next and then it's picture time!

But I did want to share a chance to head over to +Marelize Ries's blog at Stitch by Stitch where you can help her celebrate the big day!  It's a party - It's her one year blogiversary!

And she's just that kind of gal.  Instead of sending her a gift.... She's offering everyone a chance to win some great stuff!  Fabric, thread, and MORE fabric!  What could be better, eh?

So, go ahead, click on the Stitch by Stitch link and wish her a happy blogiversary!  While you're there, check out her blog.  She's a very talented lady, does beautiful free motion quilting, and her blog is chocked full of interesting and helpful posts.

See you there!  And good luck!


  1. Hi Lorna---
    Oh I DO love your quilts! My little ones each have one done by my mom and they are treasures!!!
    I wanted to tell you, that your "no reply" blogger settings are still not working yet. I couldn't reply to your comment. So hopped over here to tell you just FYI so you wound know.

    1. Thanks sew much, Nancy. I appreciate your efforts and your comments. I am a new follower of yours... Love you kids, admire your photography and appreciate your photo taking tips!


Your kind comments certainly make my day!